
Environmental Health - PDF


Added on  2021-05-31

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Running head: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1Environmental healthStudent’s nameProfessor’s nameInstitution AffiliationDate
Environmental Health - PDF_1

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2Environmental health risksIntroductionLack of the appropriate houses within the cities can be linked to a wide range of thehealth remedies. For instance, Asthma, mental diseases, and respiratory diseases. Solving thehousing problems within the cities provides the public health officers with an opportunity inaddressing social health determinant necessities. For a very long time, public wellbeing has beenimpacted by the weak housing conditions. Since the 19th century, public health practitioners havebeen targeting the inadequate sanitation and the overcrowding with the aim of reducinginfectious pathogens. This has significantly helped in minimising the injuries that occur due tohuman error. Suitable housing is one of the fundamental rights in Australia (Kumar 2015). Thepublic health professionals are employing some strategic plans for improving the housingconditions within the cities. One of these strategies is the housing assessment and interceding forbetter health. The study assessment will be done in the Melbourne one of the capital cities inAustralia. The primary objective of this paper is to assess the role played by the environmentalofficers working in the town of Melbourne. The assessment overwhelms the identification of thehealth hazards linked to overcrowding and the poor living conditions and their impact on thehealth of people within the city. Lastly the strategic plan in containing these health hazards(Harvey, 2017).Air pollutionThe first health hazards associated with the overcrowding within the Melbourne city isthe air pollution. The health hazards have been one of the central areas of attention in thedeveloping and the developed countries, especially within the major cities. The availability of theair contaminants like fumes, dust, gas and the mist results in injuries for both the human being
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ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 3and the other animals. For a very long time, the issue of the quality air in Australia has been a bigproblem. The tremendous growth of industries has initiated all these. These industries producethe smoke that settles in the atmosphere for a couple of days. Fortunately, the air condition of theMelbourne city has not been rectified. There are still many instances of deaths whose cause is thedust particles inhaled during the breathing processes (Zannin, Diniz & Barbosa,2002).There are very many activities within the Town which results in air pollution. Theseactivities range from the air sprays to the driving vehicles. The critical pollutants of the air arethe following. Chlorofluorocarbons, particulate components, volatile components from theorganic materials and the Sulphur dioxide. The volatile components are usually from thevehicle's exhaust gas made of partially combusted fuels. The chlorofluorocarbons are the productof the solvents and aerosols. The adverse effects of these components the destruction of theozone layer (Cunniff, 1977). The other element that pollutes the air is the Sulphur dioxideproduced as the result of burning the fossils. Air pollution is also experienced from the gasesproduced by the exhaust of vehicles. The exhaust gases are of carbon dioxide that can be veryharmful to the respiratory system if inhaled from the atmosphere. The release of carbon dioxideat a high rate is facilitated by the presence of the number of vehicles within the city. All thesepollutants exact a tremendous negative health impact on the people living in the city. Noise pollutionNoise can be defined as the unpleasant resonate that can be disturbing to the peoplearound or the listeners. It can also be termed as the unwanted sound that interferes with thehealing process. In overcrowded cities like Melbourne, noise exposure cannot be avoided. Thenoisy environment is typically linked to engine combustion or the noise that emerge from themechanisms or the animals. Sound can be the annoyance with the varying rates (Goines &
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ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 4Hagler 2007). The variation could be from objectionable to unbearable. The health hazard lowersindividuals’ performance due to various interferences from the sound. Unlike the other types ofthe pollutions like chemicals, noise pollution does not remain for a longer time within theenvironment. Though it impacts is greatly felt by the fact that the noise is much annoyance. Thenoise effect cumulate I form of the permanent and temporal loss of hearing. Therefore, noisepollution is one of the essential aspects that impact individual's efficiency and wellbeing. Anindividual exposed to noise is in great danger of suffering hearing loss. According to (Yilmaz &Ozer 2005), many people that work and live next to industries are exposed to much noisethrough the risk persist to the individuals exposed to noise for many years. The sound comestypically from the machines and vehicles that operate around the residential areas within the city.Concerning the rate of music produced, it has proven that cars produce more noise (Schnelle &Brown 2016).Noise is the result of the preventable hearing loss. The hearing loss is induced by theexposure of an individual to impulse noise. The primary attribute of this pathological issuedeveloped as a result of the failure of the auditory sensory cells. Within the cochlea. It'schallenging for these hair cells to regenerate hence the sound control is the only option. Loss ofhearing leads to an inability to communicate with the other individuals (Devinny, Deshus, &Webster 2017). The condition also affects the cognitive of the individual performance anddecreasing the various tasks. The hearing loss induced by the noise pollution is a significantpublic issue. According to the research conducted recently, a substantial population of theindividuals affected by the health hazard is the low socioeconomic group living within theindustries. These are the individuals lacks the capability of securing safe residential within the
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