
(Solved) Essay About Utopian


Added on  2020-12-30

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TABLE OF CONTENTINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Background of topic....................................................................................................................1Aim of essay................................................................................................................................1MAIN ARGUMENT.......................................................................................................................1CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................6REFERENCE..................................................................................................................................8
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INTRODUCTIONBackground of topicUtopia is an imaginary community or society which is having positive, desirable andnearly perfect citizens with having all type of quality and is perfectly an ideal place for anyhuman to live in (Tang, 2011). People who are supposed or imagined to live in this area ofUtopia are referred to as Utopian who ideally symbolise principle of social justice, legal andeconomically essential. According to Lyman Tower Sargent who is regarded to as one of themost influential writers in this field of Utopian studies describe that there is racist, left wing,right wing, gay, lesbian, democratic, ecologist, feminist, capitalist, free love, ecologist and manymore within the world of utopia. Aim of essayThis essay is based on a science fiction movie which clearly depicts the theory ofsocialism like that of Weber, Durkheim, Giddens and Marx with the context of utopia. Avatar isa movie which was released in 2009. The movie is based on small imaginary planet of Pandorawhere human like creatures are living and communicating through their minds.MAIN ARGUMENTPandora is an imaginary planet which was featured in one of the famous Americanscience fiction movie released in 2009 named Avatar written and directed by James Cameron.This is regarded to as one of the most impressive science fiction movie released till date which isset in 22nd century the time when humans of planet Earth are colonising Pandora which is ahabitable moon filled with gas in Alpha Centauri, which is the star system in search of mineralunobtanium that is very rare and costly to obtain (Most Famous Utopias in Sci-Fi Movies, 2018).This colonisation of human in Pandora threatens the already existing local tribe named Na’viwhich is human-like species and indigenous of that planet. In the movie, there was a geneticallyengineered body of local people named Na’vi so that humans could easily interact with themwith use of mind (Scott, 2015). Genetically engineered is called to as manipulating organismgenetics of human with the use of biotechnology. This helps in changing and transferring genesacross species in order to produce improve and novel organism. It was also related that Pandora is one of the most famous utopian science fiction moviesthat featured giant blue cat people which made it unique as it is a great place to live in withhealthy society and beautiful planetscape. With the help of this movie, it was very much clear1
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how utopia would look like and the qualities of life people living there or habitat would have.The atmosphere of Pandora is that mixture of oxygen, xenon, hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen,carbon dioxide and methane. Carbon dioxide which has the highest concentration to about 18%makes the environment of Pandora extremely poisonous for humans (Pandora, 2018). This couldcause unconsciousness within 20 seconds and could even cause death in 4 minutes. But due to aspecialised breathing mask, humans can be safe on this planet. There is also a high concentrationof hydrogen sulphide about 1% that could also cause immediate collapse and loss of breathing.Relating to the theory of Marxist philosophy is mainly approached and influenced byKarl Marx who is regarded to as a philosopher and sociologist in the area of society andcommunity living. One of the major quality of this Marxism philosophy is that of politicalpractice and its commitment which is the main goal of society and justices as well. Marxism isthe practice or method which is related to socioeconomic analysis that is based on relation ofclass and social concepts that is using materialist interpretation of the historical development andtaking social transformation (The “Double Mirror” in James Cameron’s “Avatar” –Philosophy, Ecology, Ideology and Ontology on Pandora, 2018). This Marxist philosophy ismainly based on the historical development of human society and species over time which ishaving tendencies to change and modify according to time and technological advancements. As per this philosophy or theory will be mostly based on socioeconomic analysis that ishaving or viewing all class relations or conflicts between them with use of materialistinterpretation (Elsaesser, 2011). This work was originated in the 19th century by Germanphilosopher Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx after whose name the theory is originated. Historicalmaterialism is the one which is used within Marxism view that helps in criticism and analysingall development within capitalism or the role of society in their struggle. There is a majordifference between the class and society that of material interest for which they are opposingeach other on larger terms. Like for example the class of society who are the labour workers willbe producing and manufacturing products and goods for which they are been paid. But theseproducts and services are mostly availed by higher class people of society who are also theowner of means of production. Avatar was released in 2009 in 3-D which had to face many challenges throughout the worldespecially from a political viewpoint. Just after it’s released globally it was removed fromtheatres in China in January 2010 despite its popularity in the country. This decision was taken2
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