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Business Continuity & Healthcare Systems


Added on  2020/06/05

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This assignment delves into the crucial topic of business continuity within the healthcare sector. It examines established frameworks, best practices, and emerging trends in managing risks and ensuring operational resilience amidst disruptions. Students will analyze real-world case studies and research articles to understand the complexities of implementing effective business continuity plans in a multisite, 24/7 healthcare environment.

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Table of Contents
Identify communication needs...............................................................................................1
Key list of personnel...............................................................................................................1
Document critical business equipment...................................................................................2
Initiation of Business continuity Plan.....................................................................................5
Business threats......................................................................................................................5
Risk analysis...........................................................................................................................6
Business continuity team........................................................................................................7
Design of business continuity plan.........................................................................................8
Defining the need of business continuity process..................................................................8
Testing of BCP:......................................................................................................................9
Review of BCP:....................................................................................................................10
Analysis and integration of organisation's impact assessment.............................................10
Implementation of BCP audits.............................................................................................10
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Business continuity planning refers to the process through which organisation identifies
risk and develop strategies for handling them. This is considered as essential step of the
companies for maintaining stability and overcome catastrophic effects. For developing this plan,
conceptual summary of the process is formulated by the firm and on the basis of that mitigation
methods are adopted (Bithas, Sakas and Kutsikos, 2017). The present essay is based on the BCP
development process for Elite Pty. Ltd. They are providing micro finance services to the people
of Australia. It supports in determining different types of risks such as cyber attacks, digital virus
or terrorism, system failure and natural disaster. This planning method plays significant role in
overcoming these issues. The present essay is consisting various elements for developing
detailed plan, like determining communication need, key personnel, business equipment, etc. It
supports in meeting the objective of the continuity plan.
Identify communication needs
In order to develop effective business continuity plan, communication channel should be
maintained properly. With the help of smooth communication network, organisations are able to
provide responsibilities services. Along with this helps the individual in interacting with each
other and identifying solutions. Elite Pty. Ltd. is considering this analysing as an essential
element for developing strategies and maintaining growth of firm. In this process the
organisation is involving various characters and providing them specific responsibilities. Some
of the key contacts of Elite Pty. Ltd. are like staff, customers, suppliers, alternative suppliers,
insurance companies, contractor, maintenance companies, etc (Ceptureanu, 2015). All the
elements are provided with specific responsibilities. In order to resolve problems organisation is
involving them. The need of effective communication is, based on assigning responsibilities to
respective individual. With the support of these people, company is able to mitigate issues, such
as in case of natural risk, firm is communicating with natural disaster they are communicating
with the insurance companies or alternative suppliers. With their help firm is able to overcome
their overcome risk of resources shortage and also able to recover from disasters.
Key list of personnel
The key personnel of Elite Pty. Ltd. is playing significant role, with the help of few
management persons organisation, for determining role and responsibilities of other staff
members. It helps in increasing effectiveness of their organisational structure and supports in
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handling challenges efficiently. Some of the key personnels of Elite Pty. Ltd. are like operation
manager, quality and control manager, accountant, supervisor, marketing, purchasing, supply
manager and professional team (Day, 2015). With the help of these group of people, the
organisation is able to assess all the risk and handle them. In this process operation manager of
the company is monitoring various operations and maintaining records. On the basis of
comparison they are determining issues that can arise in future. To overcome those problems
they are preparing backups plans and preventing system from any kind of halts. Similarly, office
manager observes processing all the documentation work of the company and implementing
strategies for overcoming the risk of data breach. Along with this considering various safety
measures for maintaining and avoiding chances of data hacking and cyber attack. With the help
of key personal they are able to effectively supervise every department. On the basis of that
analysis, able to implement strategies. It supports in maintaining stability into the organisation.
Document critical business equipment
In order to implement effective recovery plans, various equipments are required. On the
basis of those management activities, company is able to overcome risk. For this process
following are the documentation of requirement:
Requirements for recovery process
Staff Number In order to determine financial risk and for
implementing strategies, organisation must have
sufficient number of employees. It helps in
developing strategies and supports in handing
the identified risk.
Skills and knowledge For applying methods to overcome the
problems, staff should hold skills and able to
develop solutions. In this direction, Elite Pty.
Ltd. organises various activities for providing
training and enhance their capabilities (Fasolis,
Vassalos and Kokkinaki, 2013).
Alternative sources Employees leasing can be considered as
effective alternative source. With the help of

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them Elite Pty. Ltd. is able to get required
number of employees for solving their problems.
Along with this they are able to develop
strategies with their skills.
Data and System Backup and recovery For creating backup and data recovery, company
is provided with various systems like cloud
platform, data ware house and data centres.
Through these services information is protected
from different kind of illegal activities such as
data breach, cyber attack and hacking. Along
with this Elite Pty. Ltd. is able to access
information from any place.
Staff and equipment
In order to maintain performance of employees,
requirement of staff should be also considered
by the company (Gupta and Gupta, 2014). It
helps in motivating them and boosts up their
confidence. At the same time requirements of
different equipment such as repairing,
maintenance, updating, etc. should be done. It
supports effective performance of the
instruments and devices.
Premises Potential relocation Under the recovery process, organisation
requires new sites and locations for shifting their
plant. Through this step they are able to
overcome risks related to the natural disaster and
maintain effectiveness of their services.
Communication Methods of contacting
Communication is considered as process
through which individual is able to exchange
their expression with others. In order to
communicate with staff of the Elite Pty. Ltd.,
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informal communication method are considered.
It increases the speed and efficiency of the
process. In this process requirement of are like
devices like mobile, computer and laptops for
exchanging messages within Elite Pty. Ltd.
Suppliers: In order to communicate with suppliers various
medium are available through which the firm is
exchanging thoughts, such as telephonic
conversation, emails and messaging.
Customers: For communicating with clients, Elite Pty. Ltd.
has provided various toll free numbers, in case if
connection is failed customers can refer online
links and present their thoughts.
Equipment Replacement process In order to implement effective recovery
process, replacement is considered as effective
step (Kappelman and, 2016.). With the
help of this process, employees are able to
overcome system failure and increases
effectiveness of the services. It helps in
maintaining stability in work by removing
conditions like system failure.
Alternative sources In some condition alternative sources can be
also implemented by the organisation, Elite Pty.
Ltd. is also considering various financing
sources such as bank borrowing, organisational
structure and adopting new schemes related to
credit and debit process (Wild, 2015).
Identify critical documents:
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On the basis of above mentioned requirements documentation, it is analysed that staff,
data and system, communication and equipment are the critical requirement of the business
continuity planning. With the help of these elements employees of Elite Pty. Ltd. are able to
effectively handle various challenges related to financial activities, natural disaster, system
failure and so on (Lee, Vargo and Seville, 2013). Implementation of BCP activities into the
organisation helps in maintaining stability. Staff is considered essential for implementing
recovery process, with the helps of effective work force firm is able to develop new and advance
strategies for handling risks. Through implementing productive data recovery system and
techniques, risk of data loss and breach can be handled. Along with this helps in overcoming
changes of cyber attack and hacking (Liebowitz and Frank, 2016). In this process role of
communication process is also significant. It helps in establishing healthy information exchange
process, with the help of this Elite Pty. Ltd. Along with this they are able to get review from
suppliers and customers. Through this step they are able to determine quality related problems
and on the basis on that able to take necessary steps.
Initiation of Business continuity Plan
Elite Pty ltd is a company situated in South Africa which provides micro finance and
credit services. It is also involved in providing various other services which includes, credit
verification, debt collection services, basic financial training etc (Company Overview of Elite
Group (Pty) Ltd, 2017).
Business continuity plan helps in creating a strategy with the help of threats and risks that
a company can face so that it can save personnels and assets. It also ensures that the normal
functioning of the organisation is not deviated (Bajgoric, 2014). Based on the workings of the
entities, following objectives of the Business Continuity plan can be prepared:
To protect the business from cyber attacks, digital virus or terrorism
Technical infrastructure failure leading to database loss or online banking failure
Natural disaster in the area of function which includes, earthquake, hurricanes etc.
Business threats
There are various business threats that are involved in the functioning of Elite. Since, the
company belongs to finance sector there can be various threats which can interrupt the business
operation. Some threats which can come across in the functioning of Elite are as follows:

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The major threat to finance company can be leaking of data which can lead to
misinterpretation of information which can cause losses to company and its customers.
Moreover, the unfortunate cyber attacks can impact smooth functioning of organisation
because it will create hindrance and barriers (Rebmann and, 2013).
Digital virus and terrorism activities can mislead data in which the firm will be
responsible and the company have to pay the claims which are near to impossible and can
impact both the reputation, stability and business continuity plan.
Failure of online data leads to burden on management and sometimes can lead to
outsourcing of confidential information of shareholders which can threaten the stability
of Elite.
Moreover, Terrorism activities can impact the overall functioning of the company for
which Elite will have to change the organisational structure which can consume time and
further will delay in all the business operation and can cause losses (Cook, 2015).
Natural Disaster like, electrical faults, hurricanes, earthquakes can threaten the stability of
Elite because it can cause loss of data, loss of infrastructure and records because
recovering data and records after natural calamities is near to impossible and therefore it
will vanish the companies overall investment.
Risk analysis
In order to avoid the impacts and looses which can impact the business continuity plan,
Elite should perform risk analysis which can assist the organisation in identifying the risk and
treats. The risk analysis plan is 5 step process which is as follows:
Identifying the hazards: First step of risk analysis is, recognising the problem which can
lead to risk and interrupt the organisational continuity plan. The Elite need to identify the
loopholes which can lead to loss of data due to natural calamities, cyber attacks, digital
virus, terrorism activities and online transaction. It can be determined through various
techniques like regular analysis of internal and external factors of the company.
Deciding what can harm the business continuity plan: Once the Elite analysed the risk
bow the firm can recognize what factor can impact the business plans like, cyber crimes
and virus can leak the confidential information, natural calamities can cause loss of
infrastructure and records (Rejeb and, 2012). Further, the hindrance the online
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banking transaction can lead to loss of customer monetary funds for which the consumers
can claim Elite.
Analysing the risk and its measures: Elite need to evaluate that what impact the risk
can cause to business continuity plan. After recognizing the possible effects of threats and
risk, the entity needs to evaluate the measure in order to control the after effects of risk
which can arise in finance sector. This is done to either remove the risk or to establish
safety measures in order to maintain the stability of organisational continuity plan.
Recording the findings: This is the step in which the firm need to mention all the
findings which are leading to risk and can assist Elite is removing all the hindrances. It is
identifying hazards before it harms the continuity plans of business. The firm can use
some measures of protection like, security policy, programmes, training and awareness,
physical security and network security (Kolowitz and, 2012).
Monitoring and reviewing the procedures and implementing changes: In this step
Elite will have to monitor the formulation and implementation of measure which are set
to overcome the impacts of risk and treats like, cyber crime, terrorism etc.
Business continuity team
Teams Department Number of
Technical Recovery Information
6 These individuals will
focus on recovering
the data and securing
Support Recovery Finance 3 This department will
enable smooth flow of
funds among all the
departments of the
Customer centric Customer relationship
5 These individuals will
manager the queries of
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Risk Recovery Risk Management 4 This department will
identify the measure
which can assist Elite
in recovering from the
impacts caused due to
calamities in order to
maintain the stability
of business continuity
Research Analyst Research and
4 These individuals will
focus on discovering
the issue which cause
threats to enterprise.
Design of business continuity plan
It is important for Elite to establish a business continuity plan so that the threats can be
mitigated and the normal functioning of the company is not affected. There are various factors
that are required to be considered by the entity (Aronoff and Ward, 2016). Some of them are
discussed below:
Step 1: Addressing the issue
Step 2: Finding solution for the problem
Step 3: Assessing the objectives of the plan
Step 4: Evaluating the needs to implement the plan
Step 5: Take preventive and proactive actions
Defining the need of business continuity process
Step 1: Addressing the issue
It is important to address the issues that the company can face in near future. For this
step, it is important to take all the aspects of the business into consideration. Moreover, a team of
personnels can also be hired in order to complete this important step of business continuity plan
so that it can be conducted in effective manner.
Step 2: Finding solutions for the problem

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After assessing the problem, it is important to note that Elite find possible
solutions for the issues so that further mitigation plan can be prepared based on it. It will help in
understanding the issues in better manner. Based on the issues objectives of the plan are made.
Severity level is assessed to find the level of the problem and its impact on the other factors of
the entity.
Step 3: Assessing the objectives of the plan
Based on the analysis done in the company in first two steps, the main objectives of
Business Continuity Plan of Elite are:
To protect the business from cyber attacks, digital virus or terrorism
Technical infrastructure failure leading to database loss or online banking failure
Natural disaster in the area of function which includes, earthquake, hurricanes etc.
These are the main problems that are faced by a company involved in financial activities.
Elite may face problems in addressing these issues if an effective mitigation plan is not
developed by the company.
Step 4: Evaluating the needs to implement the plan
There are various requirements in order to implement mitigation plan for the objectives.
Some of them are mentioned below:
Availability of Personnels: It is required to have a core team that deals in assessing the risks that
can arise in the company. It will help in making mitigation plan in advance (Lee, Vargo and
Seville, 2013).
Availability of technology: Availability of the technology which will be required to mitigate the
risk so that immediate actions can be taken by the personnels.
Availability of reliable antivirus: It will help in dealing with the virus attack that can take place
in the organisation. It will help in preventing virus attack as well (Hatton and, 2016).
Updated to the technology:It is important that Elite stay updated to the technology that are
available in the market. It will help in getting updated software so that internal data can stay
Data backup:Backing up of data time to time so that any external attack can not result in loss of
Step 5: Step 5: Take preventive and proactive actions
And then take corrective actions based on the step 4.
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Testing of BCP:
For testing effectiveness of BCP various methods are available such as checklist, walk-
through, simulation and wrap-up. Through implementing these analysing methodology,
organisations are able to determine effectiveness of their business continuity plan. Under the
process of checklist, Elite Pty. Ltd. is developing set of high level of functions are included into
the process (Shaw, 2017). It is developed by the professional team of the company. With the help
of this testing method company is able to quick references about the planning strategies. Along
with this simulation is also one of the most effective testing tool. It helps in analysing the
restoring and recovery process considered by the company.
Review of BCP:
The review process of BCP is based on the feedback of customer’s and comparison from
past records of companies. It helps in determining their requirements, on the basis of that
management of Elite Pty. Ltd. is applying changes (Sittig, Gonzalez and Singh, 2014).
Analysis and integration of organisation's impact assessment.
In order to handle organisational risk, there are various factors are identified that creates
direct impact such as staff, system and technologies and recovery equipments (Watters, 2014).
They are making direct impact on the recovery process of company. However, communication
process is interdependent.
Implementation of BCP audits
Audit will be made after every 3 months so that necessary changes can be made in BCP.
It will also help in upgrading the technology time to time and take corrective actions based on it.
It will be conducted by the researcher and IT department and make changes in the BCP
accordingly (Sadgrove, 2016).
Based on the above report, it can be concluded that, BCP is an important process that is
required to be adopted by every organisation. Elite is involved in micro financing activities for
which BCP has been prepared. All the important aspects such as, team management, requirement
of resources and audit of the plan have been taken into account.
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Books and Journals
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Bajgoric, N., 2014. Business continuity management: a systemic framework for
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Ceptureanu, E. G., 2015. Research regarding change management tools on EU SMEs. Business
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Cook, J., 2015. A six-stage business continuity and disaster recovery planning cycle. SAM
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Day, T., 2015. Academic Continuity: Staying True to Teaching Values and Objectives in the
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organizations’ resilience. Natural hazards review. 14(1). pp.29-41.

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Lee, A. V., Vargo, J. and Seville, E., 2013. Developing a tool to measure and compare
organizations’ resilience. Natural hazards review.14(1). pp.29-41.
Liebowitz, J. and Frank, M. eds., 2016. Knowledge management and e-learning. CRC press.
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Sadgrove, K., 2016. The complete guide to business risk management. Routledge.
Shaw, S., 2017. Involving law enforcement and emergency management officials in
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