
Environmental Impacts of Gold Mining in Ghana


Added on  2020-02-05

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Environmental ImpactAssessments are vital forfuture gold mining projects inSierra Leone and Ghana
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................................4Emergence or rise of environmental impact assessment....................................................................................4What is the purpose of the EIA process?............................................................................................................5Benefits of the EIA process................................................................................................................................5Stages of the EIA process...................................................................................................................................6Corporate Social responsibility and Environmental Impact assessment............................................................7Corporate Social responsibility and Environmental Impact assessment............................................................9CHAPTER 2 ......................................................................................................................................................9Impact on global climate.....................................................................................................................................9Impact on wildlife.............................................................................................................................................10Impact of ecological processes.........................................................................................................................11Social impacts...................................................................................................................................................12Public safety......................................................................................................................................................13CHAPTER 3...........................................................................................................................................................14Potential environmental impact of future gold mining projects.......................................................................14Role of EIA in meeting these challenges..........................................................................................................16The Aarhus convention.....................................................................................................................................21Application of the precautionary principle Art 6(3) of the Aarhus Convention in the design andimplementation of EIAs....................................................................................................................................23CONCLUSION......................................................................................................................................................23......................................................................................................................................................................25REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................................................25
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INTRODUCTIONGold mining is the process which is conducted in the Ghana and Sierra Leone.Various types of technologies and methods are used by these countries for gold mining whichhaving impact on the environment of the country. Further, it is the complicated process whichrequire efforts lots of people and their willingness. Gold is the most expensive metal becauseit harder to find. Emergence or rise of environmental impact assessmentThe activities are lead to change and emerged in the environment along with thechanges in natural inborn function of the environmental system. These changes also affectshuman beings in Sierra Leone and Ghana both and may also change their uses inenvironment. These may have negative and positive impact in environmentalconditions ,which may impact or effect it 1.The environmental impact assessment has been increasing these days as it has beenbecoming the reason for conflict, as land uses conflicts from local scales to global scales.These gold mining surfaces is the main source of such conflict,but this creates impact onlocal livelihood which are often being unclear. Our objectives here was to asses land cover tochange because of gold mining surface in western Ghana, which is world's leading goldmining area, and to know about changes how will these changes affect the usage of land. Italso shows technical aspects of the environment, which can be data gathering or anyrecommendations. It is in context with all the technical activity. These assessment are takeninto consideration as a rapid technique by looking at the current scenario of the environmentans determining their impact on such activities on the parameters of environment. It is relatedto new decision making and planing of such assessments. It help to measure and predict theenvironment and use to help to state the design and planning of the project. Its a creationsystem in which socio-economic projects are developed for safe and substanability of theenvironment. At initial stage it helps in carrying out analysing of cost benefit projects. Thesociety these days have a fast and a wide spreader and a large impact on the naturalenvironment. They require legal control to change the community control on the individual1Vanclay F, Esteves AM, editors. New directions in social impact assessment:conceptual and methodological advances. Edward Elgar Publishing; 2011.
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basis. The political environment and priorities has changed. These changes done bycivilizations was large and brought very slow so that they can get time to assess them. Theirimpact on environment tents to be limited in impact. The society has accepted the change inorganisation and environment2. What is the purpose of the EIA process?The process of environmental impact assessment is a knowledge base and variousstages involved method which ensures that the environmental circumstances which areincluded in decision related projects that may affect the environment. Its a process whichhelps to identify the environment which effects proposed activities and how those activitieswhich impacts can be eased. EIA itself is a technical process which identifies, analyses theimpact on the social,culture as well as physical environment. It also gives importance andserves in all decision making process in procedural role by promotive public andtransparency involvement. This process has no guarantee that it will rejected or modified ifprocess says that there is a serious impact on environment. These process also ensures usabout the informed decisions ,but its not necessary its tells about beneficial decision ofenvironment. It makes sure that all the issue regarding environment are raised when there isdiscussion about projects and plan when all the concerns about the project is addressedthrough implementing it. To be more beneficial it is important to that an environmentalassessment is done to identify major impact in the project cycle so recommendations can bedesigned and cost analysis can be done without any major delays and can increase the cost ofdesign. As the effective implementation starts,the EIA must star leading o a mechanismwhere monitoring is take into consideration to realise environmental management. Animportant yield from this process should be negotiated of for such effective management3.Benefits of the EIA processThe benefits this process can be straight like as improved design or project oflocation or it can be indirect like environmental impact assessment work done in better2Oyarzún J, Oyarzún R. Sustainable development threats, inter‐sector conflicts andenvironmental policy requirements in the arid, mining rich, northern Chile territory.Sustainable Development. 2011 Jul 1;19(4):263-74.3Hilson G. Farming, small-scale mining and rural livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa: acritical overview. The Extractive Industries and Society. 2016 Apr 30;3(2):547-63.
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quality or raising environmental awareness which are involved personnel in project. Therewill also be flow on effect in future work. In general environmental impact assessmentinclude benefits as :the planning and design of a proposal should be in better environment. EIA must carry out ananalysis which has an alternative in the design and location of that project. She may help inselection of improved technology, that low downs the project which are waste output or at anenvironmental location 4. To minimise risk a well-designed project is being considered and itwill impact on people and environment and it can ignore compensation for damage and costsof healthful treatment5. There is compliance ensured along with environmental standard dueto which there reduction in disruption communities and less damage to environment. It alsoreduces the livelihood of fines loss of trust creditability and penalties. They also save theiroperating cost and capital. EIA also reduces the undue costs of unexpected impacts. Hencechanges must be done in the project as they are most expensive. It reduces the cost and timefor the approvals of developing application. If all these are taken into consideration properlybefore submitting the approved project then it is possible that detail may not occur. Theseprocess is achieved through an open and transparent way, with the additional opportunitiesinvolving people who are directly interested in the proposal in such a way that they suit theirneeds. It influences the development and decision making and develops the term andconditions. There is a modified proposes which reduce the environmental assessment impact.It also predict such adverse impact. It informs about the potential which has beed affected byindividual and communication 6.Stages of the EIA process.These are the stages :4Kuma JS, Ewusi E. Water resources issues in Tarkwa municipality, southwest Ghana.Ghana Mining Journal. 2010;11(1).5Van Bockstael S. The persistence of informality: Perspectives on the future ofartisanal mining in Liberia. Futures. 2014 Oct 31;62:10-20.6Azcue JM, editor. Environmental impacts of mining activities: emphasis on mitigationand remedial measures. Springer Science & Business Media; 2012 Dec 6.
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