TABLE OF CONTENTS ESSAY.............................................................................................................................................3 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................4
ESSAY There are different functional departments in Tesco such as operations, marketing, finance, etc which are working in close collaboration with each other for organisational success. When different function work together in a company it can result in various benefits to the organisation and it is really important. Working together is important Tesco,s administration as it brings various departmentstogether by grouping related and similar jobs under a single specialisation and the allows in setting a collaboration among the different functions that results in harmony in work and unification of efforts (Genç and Di Benedetto, 2015). It also governs working of different departments by properly defining the activities and authority relationship in an organisational structure. Also , it helps in creating a mechanism Tesco's management in order to direct and control different activities in an organisation. When different functional department work together it results in effective communication which brings effective coordination in various departments. One of the major importance of different departments working together is that it can results in optimisation of resources in Tesco like human resource as it avoids confusion and delay in work which can improve operational activities in an organisation (Kotlarsky, van den Hooff and Houtman, 2015). When different functional departments company work together one of the major benefit it can bring to organisation is that it can result in growth and expansion of Tesco then there is a proper collaboration between finance and marketing, marketing and HR, sales and marketing, operationsand production department.Working together can help company to face challenges and gain competitive advantage.
REFERENCES Books & Journals Genç, E. and Di Benedetto, C. A., 2015. Cross-functional integration in the sustainable new productdevelopmentprocess:Theroleoftheenvironmentalspecialist.Industrial Marketing Management.50.pp.150-161. Kotlarsky, J., van den Hooff, B. and Houtman, L., 2015. Are we on the same page? Knowledge boundariesandtransactivememorysystemdevelopmentincross-functional teams.Communication research.42(3). pp.319-344.