
Week 1- Adult learning style Questionnaire handout


Added on  2022-11-30

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Week 1- Adult learning style Questionnaire handout_1

Week 1- Adult learning style Questionnaire handout
SECTION 1 (Doing & Watching)
Circle (or highlight) either "Doing" or "Watching" next to the statements below, depending
upon the part of the statement you most closely relate to.
1. Doing - I often produce off-the-cuff ideas that at first might seem silly or half-baked.
Watching - I am thorough and methodical.
2. Doing - I am normally the one who initiates conversations. Watching - I enjoy watching
3. Doing - I am flexible and open minded. Watching - I am careful and cautious.
4. Doing - I like to try new and different things without too much preparation. Watching - I
investigate a new topic or process in depth before trying it.
5. Doing - I am happy to have a go at new things. Watching - I draw up lists up possible
courses of actions when starting a new project.
6. Doing - I like to get involved and to participate. Watching - I like to read and observe.
7. Doing - I am loud and outgoing. Watching - I am quiet and somewhat shy.
8. Doing - I make quick and bold decisions. Watching - I make cautious and logical
9. Doing - I speak fast, while thinking. Watching - I speak slowly, after thinking.
SECTION 2 (Thinking & Feeling)
Circle (or highlight) either "Thinking" or "Feeling" next to the statement below, depending
upon the part of the statement you most closely relate to.
1. Thinking - I ask probing questions when learning a new subject. Feeling - I am good at
picking up hints and techniques from other people.
2. Thinking - I am rational and logical. Feeling - I am practical and down to earth.
3. Thinking - I plan events down to the last detail. Feeling - I like realistic, but flexible
4. Thinking - I like to know the right answers before trying something new. Feeling - I try
things out by practicing to see if they work.
5. Thinking - I analyze reports to find the basic assumptions and inconsistencies. Feeling -
I rely upon others to give me the basic gist of reports.
6. Thinking - I prefer working alone. Feeling - I enjoy working with others.
7. Thinking - Others would describe me as serious, reserved, and formal. Feeling - Others
would describe me as verbal, expressive, and informal.
8. Thinking - I use facts to make decisions. Feeling - I use feelings to make decisions.
9. Thinking - I am difficult to get to know. Feeling - I am easy to get to know.
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Week 1- Exercise Time Management
Skills Development
Exercise 2
How do I spend my time?
How much time do you have to dedicate to your studies?
There are 168 hours in one week. Calculate the amount of time you spend on the following
Activity Calculation Subtotal
Number of hours spent sleeping 8 X7= 56
Number of hours spent grooming ( bathing, washing, dressing) 1 X7= 7
Number of hours spent eating (preparation, eating, snacking) 2 X7= 14
Total travel time (weekdays) 2 X5= 10
Total travel time (Weekends) 2 X2= 4
Estimate the number of hours in lectures, workshops, seminars 6 X5= 30
Number of hours on leisure activities 1 X7= 7
Number of hours on other activities – collecting children from 3 X7= 21
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school/clubs, household chores, paid/voluntary work etc
Subtotal = 149
Plus 7 extra hours +7
Grand Total =
Now deduct the total committed hours from 168 to give you a
rough idea of how many hours you have to commit to your studies:
Grand Total hours ......... minus 168 = __12______ hours to spend
Week 6: Essay writing
An introduction is to show your reader what you are doing, why you are doing it and how you
are doing it. It should attract readers’ attention.
In general, the following three parts of information should be included in an introduction
However they are in the wrong order:
Task 1 Now rewrite the following three points in the correct order:
Main topic, purpose, rationale, or your point of view.
Most general or broad background information. It needs to be brief and clear enough for
your reader to understand your area
Outline/structure of your essay or report. Which clearly demonstrates how you are going
to organise the rest of your essay.
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1 Outline/structure of your essay or report. Which clearly demonstrates how you are going to
organise the rest of your essay.
2 Main topic, purpose, rationale, or your point of view.
3 Most general or broad background information. It needs to be brief and clear enough for your
reader to understand your area
Task 2 Answer the following questions:
A) What percentage of the total length of your essay should your introduction be?
B) Can you include references in an introduction?
Task 3
The following sentences comprise an introduction. However, they are in the wrong order.
Your task is to read the sentences and to place a number in the sentence number box from 1 -3
with 1 being the first sentence that you think should appear in an introduction, 2 the sentence
that you think should appear next and 3 being the last sentence.
Sentences Sentence
This essay will consider the advantages and disadvantages of each
method. Based on findings a conclusion will be presented detailing
how future growth in this area might occur.
Over the last ten years there has been a significant growth in the area
of Learning Development within universities (Zhang, 2012).
Specifically, more university now provide additional opportunities for
students to enhance their academic skills through online materials,
workshops and/or 1:1 appointment provision (Dobson, 2011).
It is however, unclear which of these teaching methods is most
beneficial in terms of enhancing the student experience and improving
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A conclusion is to show your reader that you have achieved your aim at the end of your writing.
In general, the following three parts of information should be included in a conclusion However,
they are in the wrong order:
Task 1 Now rewrite the following three points in the correct order:
Explain the overall significance of the conclusion
Recall the topic / purpose of your writing
Synthesise the main points that you made in the main body of your text
1 Recall the topic / purpose of your writing
2 Synthesise the main points that you made in the main body of your text
3 Explain the overall significance of the conclusion
Task 2 Answer the following questions:
A) What percentage of the total length of your essay should your conclusion be?:
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