
The Concept and Importance of Freedom


Added on  2021-05-04

2 Pages732 Words157 Views
Essay on freedom Freedom is an inherent privilege that people have had since birth. Freedom is a concept thatcannot be grasped, heard, sensed, or attained. All this offers a faint insight into liberty. Whatdoes liberty mean exactly?Various groups disagree on the concept of democracy, its definitions and thoughts. Some speakof democracy in the democratic sense, some speak of social freedom, some speak of personalliberty. But it is valid in any situation that everybody needs to be free.Freedom means respect and not just free living. In their own respect, both cultures interpretequality. Different cultures see liberty in their own light, which makes people in differentcultures feel free.To enjoy our liberties does not mean that we ignore other people's rights and behave the rightway we feel. When we live out our independence, we must take into account people's rights andemotions.Similarly, by voicing one's view, a free citizen should not have to worry that respect andemotions are not damaged. Societies that promote freedom of expression, of feeling, ofconviction, of speech, of preference, etc.Freedom is not the product of democracy. Freedom is all about enjoying the wonder of natureand the surrounding world. A individual who is nervous and concerned is not attractive to mind,so the scenic beauty of a beautiful moonlight or the fun song of the birds singing at sunset cannotbe appreciated. Therefore, liberty is the mind's all state. This means that the mind is not afraid orcompelled to live safely. It doesn't mean freedom to be socially recognised, admired andprotected. We are absurd in our aspirations and desires to be anyone and do not proposeindependence. Prayer or education does not liberate us. It is not a symbol of an individual's right to follow anideal person or an indication of master. Freedom is the lack of all social, political and religiouspressures under which we work.Freedom is definitely not described in any single way. Although others think of it as a chance tobehave openly and personify ideas, some believe that the chance to do what you want to do isirrespective of the effect on the other citizens.Getting out of jail means liberation for an inmate. But from a social point of view, independenceis certainly something a person should do when respecting country's social norms and rules. No
The Concept and Importance of Freedom_1

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