
Project Research Workbook for English for Academic Purposes, Research and Study Skills


Added on  2023-06-18

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Project Research Workbook
Course Code and Title: FIBS3002 English for Academic Purposes,
Research and Study Skills
Project Research Workbook Formative: TBC
Project Research Workbook Deadline: TBC
Project: Essay Research Workbook
As part of the English for Academic Purposes, Research and Study Skills course you are required to write an
essay on the Topic of Climate Change; you are also expected to evidence the stages of your essay research
and writing progress in the Essay Research Workbook.
To assess your ability to structure your essay in order to develop an argument with clarity and your
ability to capture your thinking in effective sentences
To show that you have conducted research to develop your thinking
To write in an academic tone and clearly reference the material you have used to develop and support
your ideas
As part of the project, you are required to submit the Canvas. Your workbook will be reviewed by your
lecturer and you will receive feedback. There will be an opportunity for you to have a tutorial to discuss your
draft research workbook development.
It is then your responsibility to work on your draft research workbook and address any suggestions and
comments given before handing in the final version –
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Your workbook must be word processed, in Ariel font 12pt minimum with double line spacing. This format is
important as it makes it much easier for us to read. Word count: There is no minimum or maximum word
count for this part of the project.
Final hand in:
a digital copy of your essay emailed to: bonnie.parks@lcca.org.uk
a digital copy of your essay submitted to Turnitin via Canvas
Unit: EAP, Research and Study Skills
LO1 to demonstrate skill and confidence in understanding, analysing and utilising information from a variety of
written texts likely to occur in academic contexts.
LO2 to demonstrate skill and confidence in writing in academic contexts with emphasis on the essay to at least
the standard required at their course level.
LO3 to use varied and accurate grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation of English as used in an academic
setting to at least the standard required by their degree programme.
LO4 to demonstrate independent research skills to access, use and cite knowledge.
Task one:
Indicate the title of your essay. Conduct a search for relevant sources and list them below using the Harvard
Referencing System. You should aim to use approximately ten sources in your final essay. Document your
intended essay reading materials below:
Essay Title: To what extent is Climate Change a result of human activities?
Citethisforme.com (Harvard style)
Source 1 BBC, (2021) What is Climate Change? A really simple guide. (online) Available at:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24021772. [Accessed on
Source 2 Cook, J., Nuccitelli, D., Green, S., Richardson, M., Winkler, B., Painting, R., Way,
R., Jacobs, P. and Skuce, A. (2013). Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic
global warming in the scientific literature. Environ. Res. Lett., 8(2), p.024024.
Source 3 Gov.uk, (2021) Climate Change explained. (online) Available at:
https://www.gov.uk/guidance/climate-change-explained. [Accessed on
Source 4 Bain, P.G. and Bongiorno, R., 2020. It's not too late to do the right thing:
Moral motivations for climate change action. Wiley Interdisciplinary
Reviews: Climate Change, 11(1), p.e615.
Source 5 Guntukula, R., 2020. Assessing the impact of climate change on Indian
agriculture: evidence from major crop yields. Journal of Public
Affairs, 20(1), p.e2040.
Source 6 LecinaDiaz, J. and et.al., 2021. Characterizing forest vulnerability and
risk to climatechange hazards. Frontiers in Ecology and the
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Environment, 19(2), pp.126-133.
Source 7 Paprocki, K., 2020. The climate change of your desires: Climate migration
and imaginaries of urban and rural climate futures. Environment
and Planning D: Society and Space, 38(2), pp.248-266.
Source 8 Vilà, M. and et.al., 2021. Understanding the combined impacts of weeds
and climate change on crops. Environmental Research Letters,
16(3), p.034043.
Source 9 Causes of climate change. 2021. [Online]. Available through:<
Source 10 Global Warming 101. 2021. [Online]. Available through:<
Task 2:
Submit an Essay Plan Timeline outlining the tasks involved and the estimated time range for the completion
of each stage. Mark the actual completion date for each task as you it is finished.
Task Timeline
Time Task Date
Preliminary groundwork; things you need to know; word/page count division;
Do task timeline; analyse question
Preliminary research – locate sources, read and make notes
Essay Plan - outlining main points and evidence from reading materials
including an introduction, main body and conclusion
Revise Essay plan/edit
Research and Revise main points – including for and against arguments
Write draft 1
TBC Formative Submission - submit draft 1 for marking and feedback
Revise draft 1/edit
Further research and write draft 2
TBC Summative Submission - submit final essay for marking and final grade
Task 3:
Make notes on at least three sources and record them below. Try to use varied note taking techniques and
ensure that notes are summaries in your own words and not direct copies from original sources.
i. Cornell Notes:
Topic: Climate Change Date:
Essay Title: To what extent is Climate Change a result of human activities?
In-text citation: (BBC, 2021)
Reference list: BBC, (2021) What is Climate Change? A really simple guide. (online) Available at:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24021772. [Accessed on 08.05.2021].
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