
Analysis of Social Work Organizations and Services


Added on  2020-07-22

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Analysis of Social Work Organizations and Services_1

Social care services are constituent parts of UK and these are regulated, funded whichprovide broadly common policy umbrella to all. Social work is considered as profession whichare centred around the people from children through to older people. Working as a social workerare supporting people and improve their life also (Daly, 2011). The term social welfare referswell-being of groups of people and individual for delivering better quality of social services,whereas social work is more specifically which is related with professional practices fordelivering better facilities. There are two types of research method i.e. primary and secondary. For this present easysecondary data is used to collect various information where information is collected throughbooks, journals and help to social worker to know point of views of people regarding them. In mid-1970s it marked as watershed in both history of British Welfare state. Social carein UK is provision which shows social work, personal care, protection to children and elderpeople at risk. The main legal definition flows from National Health Services and CommunityCare Act 1990 in order to covering responsibilities. While these provisions are having followingaims such as to protect individuals from abuse, to prevent deterioration or to promote socialinclusion. In 1950s it represents period where individual casework is highly prized with in socialwork. But there is one key problem which has formulate actual practices of people who areemployed as social workers particularly include those individuals who are working withinstatutory settings (Devries and et. al., 2013). The development of social work believes in this thatstrength of clients and their capabilities are needed to be augmented in fulfilling their lives. Inancient times, there were not so much people who are working as social. But, there is animprovement in prevention of children health as well as many facilities were provided by them.In 20th century, responsibility of social protection was gradually transferred which are far fromthe workhouses. So local council had introduced many rules and regulations to ran many publicservices and provide better medical services to poor. During 18th and 19th centuries Britain experienced all changes in aspects of life which alsoresult in industrial revolution. There were huge changes in technologies and which had broughtinnovations in growth of agricultural, industrial production, expansion in economic. Manythemes were developed by mid of 18th century which is increasing foreign trade and creatinggreater demand for manufacturing of goods. Urbanisation means where there is increase in1
Analysis of Social Work Organizations and Services_2

proportion of living people in urban areas if it is compared with rural. During 18th and 19thcentury many MEDS were built and it is migrating people from rural areas to urban. Two famous person were made investigation on social survey i.e. Booth and Rowntree.Booth work for an important number of reason. He used scientific method and put people intorecognizable social classes. He also works for a poverty people. He had provided many facilitiesto those people who cannot afford to live properly also. His findings were also supported byanother social investigator who called as Seebohm Rowntree. He was the member of wealthyYork and inspired approximately 21,000 people who are living below the line. He definedpoverty as both primary or secondary. In primary, there is lacked in family resources to buy eventhe basic necessities. In secondary, families are having enough money to waste their resources indrinks or gambling. Liberal reforms are very important because they are showing change in governmentpolicy from a largely laissez approach into more collectivist. The government is also acceptinglarge changes in their roles and responsibilities so that they can help those section of societypeople which could not help themselves. There are many problems which are still needed totackle so that government can get relief from poverty line people. The government is offeringpension scheme to old age people, health or unemployment insurance. They are supporting topoor people while providing basic facilities. In modern era, these facilities are provided throughonline so that they can target all persons who are below the poverty line. Social work are roots to attempts society needs and deal with large number of problemwho are facing poverty and inequality. Their idea is linked with the charity work but they havealso understood terms in broader sense. Even before, rising of modern European states, churchwas providing social services. Social legislation in 1945-51, there was the creation of labour andwelfare state. There are many legislations which are framed by government such as Welfare statein Britain, creation of labour law which protect the rights of individual while providing thembetter quality of services (Featherstone, Morris and White, 2013). The welfare state in Britain,according to report of 1942, they proposed a National insurance system which were based onthree assumptions i.e. family allowance, national health service and full employment. As per thisreport this had become the major weapon. So in 1945, Labour Government was elected andintroduced three main key acts; National Insurance Act, 1946, National health services act 1946and national assistance act, 1948 which has abolished poor law while creation of establishment2
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