
Obesity and Health : Essay


Added on  2020-10-04

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Obesity and Health : Essay_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................8
Obesity and Health : Essay_2

INTRODUCTIONObesity means that there is too much fat in the body. It mainly differs from beingoverweight .This refereed to weighing too much. From muscle, bone, fat and or body water theweight may come .The weight of the person is more in comparison with weight which isconsidered as healthy. Overtime obesity takes place when more calories are been eaten. For eachindividual the balance between calories-in and calories-out may vary. The genetic make-up,overreacting, and not physical active are the factors that might affects the weight. The risk ofdiseases are also increases due to obesity that is been faced by the individual. In nay such as UKthe number of people that are been suffering from obesity are increasing at high place.In this report the most significant determinates of health in context to obesity will becritically discussed. This report will clearly outline a range of factors that influences to healthrelevant to essay topic that is obesity.Rationale – The topic that is been selected for this essay is the most significant determinates ofhealth in context to obesity. In the UK, obesity is a significant contemporary health concern .Inwestern Europe the most obsess country is UK. It has been presented by heath at a glance reportthat in population of UK the body mass index is of 30 and above .Since 1990's there have been92% increase in the obesity. It is been predicted by the experts by the year 2020 the one this ofthe population of united kingdom could be obese. In the UK a survey was conducted in which itwas found that among children in the age-group of 2-15 the 17% of children were obese andabout 14% if children were overweight. In the modern world one of the main drivers that cancause harm to humans and children in UK is obesity.Significance – This is essential in order to make population of UK aware about the harmfuleffect's of obesity and also the government who can take initiative in order to minimize thenumber of individuals that are been dealing with this. The government can put some restrictionson the marketing and advertisements of junk food and drinks. Through this essay some effectiveaction will be taken in the UK so that population stay more healthy and fitter and the chances offalling prey to diseases are also less. This essay will also help other researchers as through thisthey will be able to find out the percentage of people who are not healthy in UK and also theharmful effects of obesity will also be find out by them. It will also help the food and drinksindustry in order to manufacture more healthy food items for the population of UK.1
Obesity and Health : Essay_3

Discussion of the most significant determinates of health in context to obesityAccording to UK is most obese country in western Europe, 2017, obesity is a medicalcondition in which addition of body fat is gathered to the extent that might have a negative effecton health. When the body mass index(BMI)is over 30 kg/m2 then a people are generallyconsidered as obese. The likelihood of various diseases are been increased due to obesity. By acombination of extra intake of food obesity is caused most commonly. Due to lack of physicalactivity such as yoga, exercises, laying, aerobics etc it also been caused. The geneticsusceptibility is also one of the cause of obesity. By genes, mental disorder, medications ,endocrine disorder etc also obesity is been caused. The risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke andsome cancers increases due to obesity. In the world obesity of the leading preventable caused ofdeath is obesity. The energy imbalance between calories that is been consumed and caloriesexpended is thee main cause of obesity and overweight. As per Ulijaszek & McLennan,(2016)_, there is an adverse effect on the health due to obesity as thee is an accumulation ofaccess fat in the body. By BMI it is been define and in terms of distribution of fats it can beevaluated further. By making use of waist-hip ratio and total cardiovascular factors of risk can beevaluated. To the percentage of body fat and total fat in the body BMI is related to it closely.With age and sex the healthy weight in a children may varies. Not in an absolute number obesityin children and adolescents is defined. In context of historical normal groups it is been defined.For an instance in a BMI which is greater than 95th percentile it is known as obesity. BMI can bedefined by the weight of the subject which is been divided by the square of the height. By usingthe BMI of a individual can be calculated and it can be find that whether that person is obese ornot. The three main cases of obesity are diet, lifestyle and education. One of main cause is diet.In fast food restaurants young people and children consume more non-carbohydrate, high fatburgers and pizza. The quality of oil in some traditional foods are also more .In the past due toincreasing affluences are eaten more. The second main cause of obesity is lifestyle. Manyemigrants have sedentary jobs as a result of not so expensive labour and on a regular basis theydo not exercise. However as argued by Aldhafiri, McColl & Reilly, (2014), one of major causeof obesity is lack of education and awareness. The attitude of society toward food items resultsto over-consumption. To the children the proper eating habits are not been taught and about thenutritional and balanced diet there is a lack of awareness among people. The individual andcountry is been affected by obesity. On the individual there is the biggest effect of obesity. The2
Obesity and Health : Essay_4

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