
Mega Events and their Impact: Essay


Added on  2021-02-21

7 Pages1917 Words21 Views
Mega Events and their Impact: Essay_1

Table of Contents
Mega Events and their Impact: Essay_2

Mega events specifically the case of sporting has huge significance in today's world. It is
because of the scale at which they are organised and impact of same on the economic, social and
other factors of the host countries (Tien, Lo and Lin, 2011). Participants from cross the world are
attracted and media cover such events with great enthusiasm and ensures that they deliver all the
minutes of the occasion at global level. This activity has its own significance but the negative
results of same are so evident that they can not be avoided. The following essay will discuss on
how the sustainability of Mega Events is a ‘myth’. For this a comparative study of its failure
and success would be done which will help in understanding the global impact of such mega
The idea of sustainability is beneficial for the economy specially in the tourism and the
event businesses. It is because of the fact that whenever a big programme is held in a particular
county it increases its popularity at global level and contribute much in the economy. Olympic
sports for instance are most famous and people from cross nations participate in same. This event
is organised after every 4 year of time and same level of efforts are taken in each year to make it
more popular and better from the last time. More than 150 countries participate in it and struggle
to win (Ziakas, 2015). Spectators come from different corners of the world to the host countries
and experience the live games and hence contribute to the popularity. Olympic games are not just
the only event but there are also other events like World Cup or Eurovision which creates the
same aura at international level. Because of their popularity the country hosting such an event do
not afford to do any compromise with it as even a small mistake of irresponsible behaviour may
lead to shame for the organiser country at international platform. This has therefore changed the
idea of hosting an event. Earlier it used to be a proud moment for getting selected for arranging
such an event and it was considered that this will be a point where great economic change will
take place. Now , instead of bidding for organising the sports, countries are taking their names
Preparing for such an event is not at all easy. Lots of preparations has to be done which
even takes years by the host to ensure that they have considered all the considerations and the
international safety is maintained. This involves huge cost that sometimes it makes it difficult for
Mega Events and their Impact: Essay_3

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