
Essentials of Healthcare: Case Study of Mr. Keith Manor


Added on  2023-06-04

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Essentials of Healthcare: Case Study of Mr. Keith Manor_1

Health is the best most important thing in every human being life, and therefore all means
that can help us maintain a good health should be implemented. Health practitioners have got the
responsibility to ensure that they provide health acre of higher quality to the patient and everyone
who needs health. To achieve this aim, therefore, well planned activities of living should be
structured and put into place. Australia is known to have the most prominent health care
practices in the world. However it has not at the climax point where it can be said to stop at this
point. So many this are yet to be implemented in health sector to improve the standards of health
and achieve the set goals in this field of health. This paper will broadly discuss three activities of
living that are essential for one to live a healthy life and prevent unnecessary illnesses. These
activities involve maintaining a safe environment to evade infections, schedules of eating and
drinking that is a healthy nutrition maintenance in human being that can help us live a health-
based life and also maintenance of personal cleansing or hygiene (Mehrholz et al, 2018). Also, a
comprehensive nursing care plan will be outlined based on the case study of Mr Keith Manor as
part of this assignment involving assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating the identified
health issues in this paper.
Activities of living, (AOL)
Activities of a human daily living entails the basic practices that assists in caring for
one’s self and body form getting the infections and diseases that makes one to fall sick. This
actions of maintaining a healthy life involves one’s dietary, personal hygiene and care, toileting,
dressing as well as mobility (Holland, Wozniak & Fromm, 2018). In this paper, we are much
interest on how one can independently practice the basic activities of living. Reasonably, activity
Essentials of Healthcare: Case Study of Mr. Keith Manor_2

of living dependence is equated with poorer quality of living, intensified costs of health care,
increased rates of deaths and frequent hospital visits and admissions. The ability to practice the
required AOL’s depends on three domains that is affective domain which includes the sensory
abilities, cognitive domain which entails the ability to reason and plan and psychomotor skills
that is balancing and dexterity. According to this case study, we shall discuss three of the most
vital living activities to maintain health as follows:
Maintaining a safe environment. All aspects pertaining health are determined by the
environment that an individual is living in dirty environments automatically indicates
probabilities of diseases and infections arising because many of illness are cleanness based. With
environmental matters like pollution, climate changes, water contamination, and food
contamination it better to innovate ways that can help in keeping environment safe for living
(Joshi et al, 2018). Mr Keith is suffering from stomach-based problems which indicates that it
may be due to consumption of contaminated substance. Water conservation at resident’s areas is
one of the most effective way of living in a healthy environment. It is sometimes very difficult to
access fresh and clean water because most of the industries dumps their industrial waste to the
water supplies. Another method is clearing the bushes that are the living environment of the
individual so that the disease-causing microorganism cannot find shelter to breed and cause
infections (Zhang, Dunn, Morrow & Greenleaf, 2018). Also, the toilets need to be cleaned at
least twice a day to with proper detergents as well as washing of hands after visiting toilets.
Draining of stagnant water to destroy breeding areas of organisms that causes disease.
Decreasing usage of chemical that pollutes environments as well as proper disposal of waste.
Eating and drinking. Health eating refers to feeding on different kinds of foods that
Essentials of Healthcare: Case Study of Mr. Keith Manor_3

gives the required nutrient to the body in order an individual can maintain good health, get
energy to work as well as feel good. Examples of nutrients essential for the body are vitamins,
proteins, minerals, fat, and carbohydrates (Morgan, Drury, Thomas & Harding, 2018). Eating a
balanced diet helps our body to fight diseases and remain strong. Keith is suffering from
dehydration because of watery diarrhea that drains a lot of water in the body. A balanced diet is
vital for our organs to function efficiently and also tissues of how body need adequate and all
kind of nutrient.
The body becomes venerable to all kind of infection and diseases in case it lacks good
nutrition. Research shows that immunity of the body is maintained by one’s dietary (Griffiths et
al, 2018). In addition, fertility of our bodies depends on nutrition and exercises that we do. The
best eating schedule should have the heavy eating in the morning, less junk food at lunch time
comprising of several fruits as well as vegetables, while at supper time it is advisable to eat raw
foods like carrots, vegetables and fruits to keep the digestion active. Furthermore, a person is
supposed to eat three hours before going to bed because enzymes do not work well on food when
one is asleep, and a lot acid can be released in the stomach in this case which destroys the
stomach wall. Studies shows that it is healthy to replace all kinds of drinks with water because
water helps our body to eliminate waste products and toxics which can end up causing harm if
not removed in the body Myszkowska-Ryciak & Harton, 2018). Scientist prescribe at least eight
glasses of water for the women per day while men should take thirteen glasses per day. Morning
and day time is the best period of taking water and taking of too much while going to bed is
prohibited because it is not healthy. A person is supposed to take water before eating but not
immediately after eating.
Essentials of Healthcare: Case Study of Mr. Keith Manor_4

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