
Ethical & Legal Issues in Healthcare PDF


Added on  2020-10-22

8 Pages3398 Words463 Views
Disease and DisordersHealthcare and ResearchPhilosophyPolitical Science
Ethical & Legal Issues in Healthcare PDF_1

Topic - When if ever is it permissible to prevent people from smoking tobacco?Smoking is being considered as one of the vital factor to study, because number ofsmokers is decreasing but than also in many ways, it is rapidly putting negative impact uponyouth, increasing. If it is talked about permitting smoking tobacco, than this can never be doneand the main reason behind this is that, it affects human body the most from any other drug. Onthe other hand, based on the human rights, a person can only ask an individual to stop smokingbut, he/she cannot force the individual (Mantey and et. al, 2016). Thus, Apart from this, there aresome other reasons as well of not permitting smoking cigarettes (tobacco) as it can harm othersas well which could be considered as passive smoking. Basically permitting smoking in public orany other area would not do anything but harm people around the person who smokes and it mayalso affect environment as well (hole in ozone layer). Individual is going to use different ethicalrelated theories like utilitarianism and mills harm principle,which would help in developingdeeper knowledge linked with the topic i.e. when if ever is it permissible to prevent people fromsmoking tobacco? Away with this, report is also going to put focus on initiatives which has beentaken by government to ask people to stop smoking considering different human rights law,rights of people.Individual must have control over his mind and body so that individual can preventhimself from going in wrong direction. Apart from this, person must ensure that they can preventthemselves from habits of consuming tobacco as it can have worst impact on their bodies andmind. When individual consumes it then they are not in their senses and this can lead to anynumber of incidents, even individual can loose their lives. Eventually it has negative impact ontheir surroundings, smog coming from tobacco can harm person sitting beside them and willpollute environment. Individual must have strong decision power to consider that what is rightand what is wrong for him. Individual must be selective in terms of his company or with hisfriend circle to prevent himself from illegal things. After consuming tobacco individual cancreate nuisance and will spoil his image. When family members starts pointing at individual thenthey may not be able to handle stress and may take any wrong step, as a person after consumingthese things have lost their senses. Drug addiction is worst scenario and due to this not onlyindividual but people surrounding him has to go through different situations. It is not easy to stayaway from this addiction but it is not impossible if individual have intention, strong will power,1
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understanding and control over their mind then it can be achieved. From above it is justified thatit is possible to prevent individual from smoking tobacco (Hollnagel, 2018).In recent times, ethical and legal aspects linked with smoking have been playing a crucialrole in healthcare industry. Confidentiality of patients (smokers) suffering from lung cancer orany other chronic disease, prevention of communicable diseases and etc. are some of ethicalissues that took place in health and social care sector. Along with this, a few legal issues thatcould be faced in healthcare sector like safe medication practice (for smokers), unnecessarychanges among policies like and etc. In order to reduce number of smokers in all over the world,there are ample number of initiatives taken by government and many famous NGO's forprevention. Modern world consists of various anti-tobacco legislations and policies that has beendeveloped by World Health Organisation (WHO) and kept it in a different section named asFramework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) which is a part of WHO thatdevelops policies and uses different procedures to control the number of smokers that are presentin all over the world (Burton and et. al., 2015). This subsection of WHO has made various plans,campaigns and policies to reduce number of smokers in all around the globe. However, thiscontemporary issue is still rising where diseases related to lungs and pollution is rapidlyincreasing and are leading to increasing ethical concerns in health care. According to Fairchild,Bayer and Colgrove, (2014), one should require to focus on main stream i.e. health of a personand do not smoke due to increasing severe illness among smokers and non-smokers.Along withthis, there are a number of ethical issues also took place that are linked with preventing peoplefrom smoking where most anti-tobacco policies and legislation sanctioned by WHO FrameworkConvention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) that basically aimed to stop smoking prevalence.In past few years, it is being found that rise of tobacco ‘endgame’ proposals that aim to endsmoking altogether is helping people that smokes. In 1964, there has been a dramatic shift in the public’s knowledge and attitudes aboutsmoking but still the number of smokers is huge. The key reason behind the smoking trend isavailability of cigarettes at low prices. Another step which was taken by government of manycountries to reducing smoking was increase in raised tax rates on cigarettes which actuallyhelped in reducing number of smokers. Apart from this, there were number of steps that WHOFCTC initiated where range of policies were developed for controlling smoking at public places.2
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