
Ethical Dilemma in a Teaching Practice


Added on  2022-12-20

7 Pages1663 Words34 Views
Running head: ETHICAL DILEMMA 0
Ethical Dilemma in a Teaching Practice
Ethical Dilemma in a Teaching Practice_1

Ethical Dilemma in a Teaching Practice
My study includes evaluating the problem of child-teacher privacy on problems that
disturb the activities of child’s and also the execution of policies and guidelines in association
with child virtue within center. The study will also analyze privacy versus the center’s guidelines
and principles dilemma. Communication strategy is also highlighted in this study that will focus
on the problem and include the numerous stakeholders who are involved under the issue.
Ethical dilemma
Ethical dilemma is defined as the process that involves constructing an option among two
different concern. In majority of cases, both the above mentioned options fails to resolve the
circumstances in a moral or ethical way. Ethical dilemmas is considered as the most common
phrase in every workplaces that range from healthcare, teaching and social work. An employee
under following circumstances is estimated to provide an importance to the guideline that is
moral or ethical as compared to another that is unprincipled. Ethics enticements the character,
attitude and behavior of different humans. While, on the other side, dilemma contains an inner
discussion inside oneself among two or additional concepts, the formal and caring surrounding.
The caring surrounding encourages individual devotion although the formal surrounding
emphasizes on enduring and following the guidelines and rules of the considered organization.
Within the center situation such pressures can take place when it is problematic for the educator
to select between caring of the child and reacting to the colleague (Lindqvist et al., 2017). In this
study, the educator must learn to balance among authority and associates of the child.
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Privacy versus center guidelines dilemma
Being an instructor I had faced the issue of ethical dilemma throughout my practice or
exercise that involved selecting among professionalism and confidentiality. The situation raised
when the teacher got to know that one of the child communicated was being abused at his home
and he was mentally disturbed and distorted in center. I being a teacher had to preserve the trust
and belief of the child and make sure that the child was not getting mentally affected. The child
was very small to explain in detail how his family member abused him physically and tortured
him that was affecting his overall health (Lawson et al., 2016). Appropriate decision-making
prototype or model was considered very useful and significant. In this study, I being a teacher
had to look into the matter and understand the mindset of the family member that insisted them
to physically abuse the child and also understand the psychology of the child so that I can
explain the administration of the center in a better way. I was completely free to take a judgment
and document the decision for future explanations. A confidentiality breach is considered as the
best judgment and it would also assist to correct the bad actions (Knapp, Gottlieb &
Handelsman, 2015). Hence, being a teacher, I decided to notify the center manager and also meet
his family members to explain them how it is unethical and inhuman to treat to child like this or
physically abuse the child. The center manager helped the child by taking him through
disciplinary actions and helping him to seek guidance and support from center staff members.
The teacher also helped the child by communicating with their family members and explaining
them what actions might be imposed on them if they do not stop this child abuse.
The numerous stakeholders included in this study were family member of the child, the
child, center manager, and the involved teacher. When I got involved, I felt that it was my
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