
Ethics: Ethical Dilemma Report 2022


Added on  2022-09-27

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Running head: ETHICS
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Ethics: Ethical Dilemma Report 2022_1

Ethical dilemma
Ethical dilemma or paradox refers to decisions making issue involving two different
moral imperative, neither of which strives to resolve the situation as obedience to either
would mean transgressing another (Fisher, 2008). Every ethical dilemma involves two
alternatives; obeying one would result in the avoidance of the other, thereby compromising a
certain ethical principle (Levin, Furlong & O'Neil, 2014).
In the given case, Blair working as a data analyst in a casino logged into his
colleague’s computer system in her absence in order to retrieve certain missing data that he
needed in the professional capacity. Accessing another employee's computer system is
strictly prohibited by every modern company by way of its information technology
regulations stating that data protection and data security is one of the topmost priorities of the
company that is expected from the employees (Levin, Furlong & O'Neil, 2014). In this
regard, Blair would be held guilty of violating the data protection and information technology
regulations as per the company rules.
While retrieving the missing data from Sam’s computer system, Blair found out that
Sam indulged into gambling bets over the last few days with the local sports bookmaker.
Here it is to be noted that the employees of the casino was forbidden from indulging into any
kinds of gambling bets. Even being aware of this restriction, Sam indulged into gambling
bets. In this matter Blair is supposed to report such an incident of the violation of company
rules, however he is unable to do so for he would be questioned regarding the source of his
information. Accessing Sam's computer by Blair in her absence would make Blair guilty of
violation of information technology regulation of the company even though if he provides the
information of Sam’s gambling bets to the company.
Ethics: Ethical Dilemma Report 2022_2

This is the ethical dilemma that Blair is facing at the moment for he can neither report
the fact that Sam has violated company rules by placing bets on gambling nor can he admit
the fact that he accessed Sam’s computer, for it would attract him penalty.
Utilitarianism is one of the most the significant moral theories that judge the morality
of an action of an individual, whether right or wrong (Mulgan, 2014). Utilitarianism depends
on the notion that the purpose of morality is how to make the quality of life better by
enhancing the 'greatest happiness of the greater number’ around the world. It strives to
increase the volume of good things like happiness and pleasure in the world thereby
decreasing the volume of bad things like and unhappiness and pain (Mill, 2016). Jeremy
Bentham being one of the most important theorists of utilitarianism makes an impact on
philosophical, social, economic and political policies in the society (Mulgan, 2014).
Therefore applying the theory of utilitarianism in this case, it could be deduced that an
action should be taken which would bring a satisfactory result to the greatest number or
stakeholder in this matter. Blair, Sam and the company are the three stakeholders in this
matter and therefore it should be emphasized on the point that the ultimate decision should
strive to bring happiness or satisfaction to the majority number of stakeholders. Therefore it
could be recommended by following the utilitarian ethics that Blair should keep away from
disclosing the fact that he accessed Sam's computer in her absence for it may get him
expelled from the company. On the other hand, Blair is suggested not to point out Sam’s
unethical conduct of placing a bet over gambling for such information could get her expelled
from the company as well. Therefore it would be wise for her to avoid disclosing, the entire
episode to anyone in order to secure a greater happiness for the greater number of stakeholder
in this matter.
Ethics: Ethical Dilemma Report 2022_3

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