
Ethics and Governance Report 2022


Added on  2022-10-11

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Ethics   and   Governance   Report  2022_1

Ethics and Governance
Executive Summary
The reports started with a section of introduction that provides an outline of the whole
report. The report developed finding on the behavior of parties to the case using different ethical
theories in its first part. In conjunction with the relationship of theories and behavior of parties,
the basic understanding of theories been provided. The second part of the report discussed each
step involved in AAA decision-making model and how Mr. Goodrich can seek ethical decision
using this model. The last of the report developed the focus on APE 110 code of ethics, which
provides guidelines, and standards of behavior to members of Certified Professional Accountants
Australia. This part summarized the threats that Arnold may have being a CPA member and the
safeguard available to him. The report ended with a conclusion that consist of the main finding
of the report.
Ethics   and   Governance   Report  2022_2

Ethics and Governance
Part A...............................................................................................................................................3
Theory of Egoism: reflection in Goodrich’s behavior 3
Theory of Utilitarianism: reflection in Goodrich’s behavior 4
Theory of Utilitarianism: reflection in Arnold’s behavior 4
Theory of deontology: reflection in Arnold’s behavior 5
Part B...............................................................................................................................................6
Part C...............................................................................................................................................7
Ethics   and   Governance   Report  2022_3

Ethics and Governance
One may not separate ethics from a business, as it is an essential part of each business.
Decision-makers of business have different ideologies that they use while taking business
decisions. These ideologies are influenced by one or more ethical theories. The report is divided
into three parts namely Part A, B and C. Part will examine the behavior of parties to the case in
the context of different ethical theories. Part B will discuss AAA decision-making model and
will help Mr. Goodrich to take an ethical decision and lastly, part C of the report will make the
focus on fundamental principles, threats, and safeguard relevant to Arnold’s situation. A
conclusion summarizing key point of the report will be presented at the end of the report.
Part A
Theory of Egoism: reflection in Goodrich’s behavior
The theory of ethical egoism is one of the significant theories of ethics, which states that
moral agents are required to do the actions in self-interest (Österberg, 2012). It is concerned with
the manner one should behave. The theory believes that only a person is responsible for his/her
happiness and not the other people and therefore people must think their interest over and above
others. By reviewing the given scenario in the context of this theory this is to state that the
behavior of Mr. Goodrich seems to be affected and influenced by this theory. He did not consider
himself liable for the happiness and future of Amanda and Arnold and only though of about his
position and reputation. During the whole case, he was saving his place. He fired Amanda and
also instructed Arnold to not to share the situation with anyone else as it could bring adverse
impact to his situation in the organization. He threatened Arnold that he will ruin his career if
Ethics   and   Governance   Report  2022_4

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