
Ethics Case Study Assignment


Added on  2020-10-22

11 Pages3682 Words468 Views
Political Science
Ethics Case Study Assignment_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSQuestion 1. Identification of principles of ethics in regard to the case study.............................3Question 2. Use of effective communication and interpersonal skills........................................6Question 3. Examining through reflective account with respect to case study on practice,individual learning and development..........................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
Ethics Case Study Assignment_2

Question 1. Identification of principles of ethics in regard to the case studyEthics are moral values that are based on social norms and focuses on giving guidance toindividuals and their way of interactions with other humans within the societal framework.Herein, the principles of ethics includes systematic conceptual matrix that classify between rightand wrong behavioural actions of humans (Plemmons and Barker, 2017). The basic ethical principles are an individual's judgements that supports in providingjustification regarding evaluation of human actions and ethical prescriptions that shape theirbackground and overall evaluation of character. In the given case study, two people with severelearning disabilities face unfair restrictions in context to their wedding from their local adultsocial care services.Following are given some principles of ethics which have affected this case study:Respect: Every person must be treated with respect despite of their capabilities. There are basicethical principles which guide every human being needs to be treated with respect and dignity(Ben-Jacob, Jones and Thabane, 2018). Person with disabilities should not be discriminated ortreated differently and need to be respected. In this case study, Sarah and Daniel were not treatedequally because they were both disabled. Along with, respect of disabled person gets affected in this case due to lack of awarenessby the social workers. Local adult social care services hurt their respect by stopping them fromgetting married for around a year. They are responsible for their actions which are in accordanceto their set of values and preferences. However, it might not be suitable for everyone and thus,considerations must be used to understand others' needs and preferences. Dignity: It refers to the rights of person for getting valued and get respected and getting treatedethically for their own sake. Local adult social care services hurt the dignity of disabled couple inthis case by not providing support for their marriage. It was their core principles to providedignified care and support to every person. Dignity comes under the principle of ethics andmorals which includes all factors and aspects of daily lives of people that includes self-worth,privacy, autonomy and most importantly respect. Sarah and Daniel wanted to get married and social care team stopped them and madethem feel worthless. This disrespectful behaviour and attitude affected the dignity of disabledpeople and their families. Social care system also provided them with capacity assessment thathurt their privacy, dignity and respect. This capacity assessment was conducted to determine
Ethics Case Study Assignment_3

their sexual relationship and ability to lead lives like a normal couple. However, this not onlybroke their privacy and hurt their feelings by making them feel neglected and worthless as well. Freedom: It is defined as the state of an individual in relation to the right to speak, act or think.Freedom plays essential role in adopting practices that aim to make people understand about theimplementation to bring transparency and sturdiness. In regard to the case study, the local socialcare team stopped Sarah and Daniel to get married and brought turmoil in their lives by forcingthem not to get married and putting objectionable queries. This is ethically immoral and is direct violation of their freedom which not only impactedthe couple but also affected their families. The authorities must have given proper assessmentbefore conducting the capacity assessment. It was clear that neither Sarah nor her motherapproved of it, yet Sarah appeared in it since her desire to get married was stronger than thehumiliation she faced. Rights: These are socio-legal principles of ethical standards that restore the positional power ofindividuals to set the standards in order to live their lives in correct state. In regard to the casestudy, Sarah failed the capacity assessment carried out by the adult social care team, but theoutcomes reflected upon her knowledge and understanding in terms of marriage andrelationships. Such interferences in regard to the right to marriage of person with disabilities isheartbreaking for both persons and their families as well. Along-with, it is also against their basicethical rights (Kumar, 2017). Moreover, wider society and professional people like social caresystems made quick and wrong judgements for disabled person regarding what they can do andcan not do. People with disabilities have to fight such prejudice assumptions because of their learningdisability and incapacities for marriage or to have sexual relationships. ADA laws prohibit thediscrimination of people due to their disabilities (Kelchner, 2017). This law provides equalopportunities for every disabled person to have employment, accommodations, transportation,services of state, government or local and allow telecommunications. The Conventions on theRights of Person with Disabilities (CRPD) provide a comprehensive approach that made peoplerealize about various rights of people with disabilities (Introduction to disability and humanrights, 2019). This CRPD outline the rights of disabled person and also aim at changingperceptions regarding disability. Along with this, this approach focuses on seeking ways by
Ethics Case Study Assignment_4

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