
Ethics, Pandemic and the Dutyb to Treat Discussion 2022


Added on  2022-09-21

6 Pages1404 Words32 Views
The extent to which healthcare providers are obliged to place themselves at risk during the
provision of care to patients in a pandemic
Ethics, Pandemic and the Dutyb to Treat Discussion 2022_1

The extent to which healthcare providers are obliged to place themselves at risk during the
provision of care to patients in a pandemic
This discussion focuses on the extent to which healthcare providers have to place
themselves at risk during a pandemic to ensure healthcare provision. An epidemic is regarded as
a disease outbreak that has spread over a large geographical region, for instance, worldwide or
between continents. The paper is, therefore, going to critically review the duties of care bestowed
upon the medical practitioners in exercising their duties during such times. After that, the paper
will give a conclusion based on the knowledge gained from the article.
The ethical basis of the duty to prove health care is based on various longstanding ethical
principles. First of all, it is the principle of beneficence that defines and recognizes the special
moral obligation on the part of health care providers to ensure the welfare of patients at the same
time advancing their well-being (Papadimos, 2018).HCP are governed by various rules that
compel them to provide care in the eventuality of an epidemic, which for this case, maybe an
infectious disease. Health care workers must provide care since their professionalism to handle
such situations higher as compared to that of the general public. For these reasons, the health
care workers place themselves s at grayer risk to exercise their professional obligation.
By choosing this professionalism in which they are devoted, health care workers have
assumed all the health risk to handle different situations, including a disease outbreak. They have
made a very big sacrifice in their life to serve humanity. They should be considered as important
people who work tirelessly to save the life of many people crosses the globe. During an
epidemic, healthcare workers should always be on the front line to offer medical assistance to the
Ethics, Pandemic and the Dutyb to Treat Discussion 2022_2

general public. They often execute these duties even with the consent that they can contract these
diseases while in the line of their duties (Lobelo & Quevedo, 2016). It is encouraged that every
health worker in every nation should be ready to help by whatever means the people who have
already contracted the disease. It is considered a matter of death and life and therefore, every
health worker is expected to provide the best services as he/she can to save as many lives as
possible. Nevertheless, these health personnel should be highly supported to make sure that they
provide the maximum services capable of. They should be provided with all equipment required
in attending the already sick people. The ministry of health in every country across the globe
should be in the first position to protect their health workers because they are as well human
being and they care for their life as well.
A social contract legalizes healthcare workers' professionalism, and hence all members
should be available at all times of an emergency. In many countries, for example, Canada health
care workers are compelled by social contract between them and society (Shultz, 2016). Through
these social contracts, the health care workers are being forced to execute their duties at any
given point, especially during an infectious disease outbreak. Through such agreements, the
health care providers are granted the responsibility to offer self-regulation in the event of a
pandemic. The most important thing in the provision of the best services through the ministry of
health to already contracted victims. This is a significant step to save as many lives as possible.
Moreover, the health workers should be provided with all necessary information and a better
research environment that would enable them to carry out further research regarding the disease.
It requires the collaboration for the nations to make sure that they curb this pandemic.
Healthcare works are compelled by conventional morality to take care of patients during an
epidemic. In the virtual of shared humanity, the health care workers have a moral duty to take
Ethics, Pandemic and the Dutyb to Treat Discussion 2022_3

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