
Importance of Ethics in Personal and Professional Life


Added on  2023-06-09

12 Pages4467 Words167 Views
Business Ethics
Reflective Essay
Student Name
Importance of Ethics in Personal and Professional Life_1

Task-1 (1.1)
As an overview of the total module which includes business ethics, decision making related to
the ethics, perspective, moral ethics, and formation of strong characters (Garavan & McGuire,
2010). It has covered almost all the possible aspect related to the professional ethics like theories
related to ethics, combination of communication with ethics, need of ethics if there is presence of
corporate social responsibility, importance of ethics in the life of leaders, destructive behavior.
The whole structure of the course was well designed with the fix mindset up of covering all the
possible aspect of ethics.
In this course I learned many things and also it has given me some of my quires related to
the ethics like earlier I was very confused that why people are taking about ethics even they have
corporate social responsibility in their company in running position (Bishop, 2013). But this
course has cleared my confusion that it is not only about doing good for the society but it also
about the morals which we are carrying with us in our life because today is the time of growth
and development in which person changes its company while looking the growth path of his/her
career and the change also brings change in the value given to SCR activities (Pullen & Rhodes,
2015). It is only the ethics which will remain associated with the person for his whole life not
only during its professional life. Then I came in the learning phase of theories related to ethics
such as Utilitarianism which simply focus on doing utmost good for large number of people
along with the ethical decision making just like other decisions. Second theory was on work of
Kant which made his focus on do not care for the outcome if we have done our work with right
nature or with in the boundaries of ethics. Then, Rawl`s theory which focus on balance freedom
and equality among all. As we all are living in democratic culture so we should motivate people
for these benefits in equal share for all members (Stansbury, 2009).
Then I learnt about business ethics and different components mentioned as part of its
learning exercise. The first component was facing the shadow side of personality was important
and mentioned that the shadow of the person is more likely to surface in a stressful condition. It
also includes identifying personal values which are actually desirable goals which varies
according to its importance (Svensson & Wood, 2011). Hard work is given importance along
with the respect to be shown of the co-workers. It also included self-assessment with the help of
Schwartz`s value system. The second component of business ethics was finding or discovering
Importance of Ethics in Personal and Professional Life_2

vocation, it was important to understand what really excites an individual in order to understand
the direction of the life (Gray, 2009). It also touched the theory of developing character in which
focus is on developing strong virtuous character because in today time availability of much time
is less to focus on making logical decisions. It also covered the spiritual transformation and its
stages. It says that person first enters in emerging stage, then evolution stage and then recaptures
stage, then dark night and then dawn. As per my concern my personal values are discipline,
caring, passion and remain focused towards my goal (Pullen & Rhodes, 2014). In my character
ethics play very important role because it becomes very difficult for to participant in any event or
work which my ethics and personal values do not support and also my strong decision making
capability play strong foundation for developing my character.
As world is changing very fast so now or after wards everyone has to enter in to
professional world. Hence, before entering in to this world one should have knowledge about the
place of ethics in this business world. It is just like game before entering in to game the person is
first made aware of the rules of the game (Bruhn, 2009). From this course I learnt how to
exercise ethical influence in professional business surroundings. I learnt that the power in
business organization is classified into five categories such as coercive, referent, legitimate,
reward and expert power, and it is advised to pick the power which helps in achieving the said
goals of the organization (Lucas., Van wee & Maat, 2016). In this course I also learnt about the
power politics which is being played from years and how it impacts on the work level of the
person. Power politics basically acts as a barrier between the relationships of the workforce
which instead of supporting each other starts finding chances to decline the level of the other
member which finally impacts the overall productivity of the whole organization. In some cases
politics is considered good in terms of it should be healthy which means that it should not
provide benefit to only one person or a group instead of that it should be beneficial for the
overall organization.
Usually an individual during its life time covers two life one is personal and other
is professional. It becomes very important to balance both these life sections. As per my concern
I believe that only ethical principle can balance both these section. I have always kept ethics as
my principle which continuously supplies me strength and attitude towards life. I believe that
every individual which has taken birth in this world deserves same respect and equality for any
Importance of Ethics in Personal and Professional Life_3

aspect. I believe that humanity is one of the biggest gift that god has given to every individual
and it is that thing which makes us different from rest of all species (Sekerka ., Bagozzi &
Charnigo, 2009). I also believe that this world is an eco-system in which whatever things we do
gets reflected in the whole world and one of the important ethical principle for me is think better.
In this believe if we take this world as a sign of beauty and always in a try to spread love and
care for the other, same kind of action will be reflected from the side of the world. This world is
all about give and take. This kind of action will definitely generate act of kindness within the
human beings and finally I believe that fairness should be there in this world so that no one gets
miss treated which ultimately helps in overall development of the entire mankind (Richardson,
The overall learning from this course is that as a business professional the top
most priority should be given to the ethics if one has to work in an organization because
organization is a basically a community in which people come together form group or team for
the completion of the organization goal and in this operation there is a high chance of transfer of
values, believes and culture among these individuals and in this case if the individual give
ultimate importance to ethics in the organization the rest of all individuals will follow up the
same line for the rest of their professional life as well as personal life (Ofori, 2009).
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