
Ethics and Professional Conduct in Court Administration and Law Firms


Added on  2023-06-15

8 Pages2202 Words159 Views
Ethics and Professional Conduct
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Ethics and Professional Conduct in Court Administration and Law Firms_1

Part 1
Court administration
The district court in New South Wales is an intermediate code. The court is provided jurisdiction
in both criminal and civil matters. With respect to its criminal jurisdiction the district court deals
with issues regarding indictable matters which signify serious criminal offences. These offences
are generally heard by a judge and a jury, however on certain occasions the matter can also be
heard by a lone judge. However, this court does not deal with offences like murder and treason
which are only dealt by the Supreme Court. The criminal court also has the power of hearing
appeals arising out of the local Court. The case which was heard by me is the case of R v Deha
Kelekci [2018] NSWDC 227. I reached the court which is situated at “DOWING CENTER”,
Liverpool Street, Sydney on the 4th level at 9: 30 AM on 23 August 2018. While entering the
court I was subjected to strong Security Check. As I was aware about my Court etiquettes, I had
switched off my mobile phone as soon as I entered the court building. During the Security Check
I was informed that I am not able to click any photographs inside the court building and that is
why I clicked my photograph outside the building. When I went to the court room I saw that the
judge is yet to arrive. There were four clerks who were present around the judge’s table to assist
the judge. I also saw strict security provided by the police, which I feel was more because this is
the criminal court. When the judge entered the court room everybody along with the Jury stood
up. As the judge settled down, everyone else in the room also settled down and the lawyer started
to prepare for the case. The name of the lawyers was Counsel A Williams (Offender) and
Solicitors S Jaeger (Crown). The role of the lawyers in the court is to present the case before
the judge. The judge has the duty of presenting the law and facts of the case in a simple manner
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before the Jury so that they can make the correct decision. When the jury is not present the judge
alone makes decisions in relation to the case.
Interaction between lawyers and lawyers
As professionals, lawyers often have to face off against each other in the court room. Although
they are acquainted to each other they have to professionally represent there respective clients.
Therefore it is very important for the lawyers to maintain a professional relationship with each
other especially when they are within the court room. While pleading for a case there may be
heated arguments between the lawyers, however it is essential for them to ensure that they
maintain the court decorum and be in their professional limits while communicating in the court
room. As lawyers they are aware about the need to act ethically within the courts room. When I
visited the courtroom I saw lawyers for both the parties were present and were sitting together on
the same bench. They had been busy with their paperwork and were explaining to the paralegal
the matter which is to be presented before the judge. There was not much interaction between the
lawyers before the judge enter the courtroom. I only saw them greeting each other with a
handshake and after that not talking much. However after the judge had entered the courtroom
the intensity of the lawyers totally changed like footballers on field. Their focus was totally on
presenting their clients case before the judge and ensuring that the judge is convinced by their
submission. They were treating each other in the same manner as opponent in any sports does. I
observed that the lawyers while arguing their respective cases did not leave any opportunity to
challenge the submission made by the other party. After the hearing had been concluded for the
day both lawyers had a small interaction with their respective clients and shook hands with the
lawyer of the other party. There were no hard feelings which were prima facie taken out of the
courtroom by the lawyers.
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