
Ethics, Sustainability and Social Impact


Added on  2022-12-26

8 Pages2664 Words75 Views
Ethics, Sustainability
and Social Impact
Ethics, Sustainability and Social Impact_1

Table of Contents
TASK A: Ethics in information technology....................................................................................3
1: Should Law Enforceable Agencies be allowed unrestricted access to such complete and
intrusive information on people's lives?.................................................................................3
2. What would be the worst-case scenario you could personally imagine in regard to
unrestricted access to the digital communications of the general population?......................3
3. Should we afford data stored in private email accounts as much protection as letters in a
locked desk drawer, that is, stored where law enforcement agencies would otherwise need a
warrant to access and review the documents?........................................................................4
4. Describe which ethical principles are most relevant to information technology. Support
each of them with an example in relation to IT......................................................................4
P5 what are the argument as to why closing the digital divide is important?........................5
TASK B: Ethical issues in international business............................................................................5
1. With examples, identify which ethical principles are most relevant to international business.
2. Research report 1................................................................................................................6
3. Research report 2................................................................................................................6
Ethics, Sustainability and Social Impact_2

Information Technology is used in storing, transmit and manipulating the data of a
computer. Digital communication is used by the organisation in respect to communicate with the
employees as well as customers. Enterprises have to deal with Ethical values which helps the
company to grow (Tseng, 2017). Ethical values mean the moral values which governs the
behaviour of individuals in their regular activities. This report shall cover the ethics in
information technology and ethical issues in the international business, it arises because of the
differences in opinion of individuals.
TASK A: Ethics in information technology
1: Should Law Enforceable Agencies be allowed unrestricted access to such complete and
intrusive information on people's lives?
The government should not access the information of the public's life. The internet
surveillance has been came in different forms. Access to the information of someone without
permission amounts to breach of their privacy (Ibáñez-Forés and et. al., 2019). Everyone has the
right to secure their own information, they have the right to share information on their choice. In
case to secure nation from threats the government can access to the information of individuals.
To protect the data for the purpose of security the law enforcement agencies can access to the
information without any restrictions. They have authorised some group of organisations to access
the data for the purpose to safeguard the nations peace and security. So unrestricted access is
allowed to the authorised agents only for the purpose to secure nation will be valid but for any
other purpose it will be treated as the breach of right to privacy.
2. What would be the worst-case scenario you could personally imagine in regard to unrestricted
access to the digital communications of the general population?
Digital communication plays an important role in everyone's life. It is the exchange of
data in digital form (Loosemore and Lim, 2017). It helps in quick communication over the world.
If this communication is not secure then that will harm their right to privacy. If there is
unrestricted access to the information to general public, then that will amount to the breach of
right to privacy (Cheer and Lew 2017). That data of communication has no value in evidence
before the court of law or any authority because that the chances of tampering the same is highly
expected. The worst scenario would open the doors for criminals to commit fraudulent activities
Ethics, Sustainability and Social Impact_3

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