
Eukaryotic Microbes Project PDF


Added on  2021-04-21

8 Pages1471 Words132 Views
Name:Instructor’s name:Course:Date:Eukaryotic Microbes ProjectEukaryotes are known for their presence of nucleus and numerous membrane-bound organelles like mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus and several chromosomes[ CITATION Ber12 \l 1033 ]. Eukaryotes comprise a large number of organisms that can be classified into six categories namely: Archaeplastida, Excavata, Amoebozoans, Rhizaria, Chromalveolata and Opisthokonta[ CITATION Adl05 \l 1033 ].Trichomonas vaginalisClassification Kingdom: ExcavataGenus: TrichomonasSpecies: Trichomonas vaginalisT.vaginalis possesses five flagella. Four are found at the anterior while the fifth is located within the undulating membrane that gives it a quivering motility. It is pear shaped and has a rigid costa that supports the undulating membrane. It possesses an axostyle that anchors T.vaginalis to the epithelial of the vagina.
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T.vaginalis reproduces through longitudinal binary fusion.Trophozite is the only stage present inits lifecycle. It is transmitted to the host through direct contact, especially through sexual intercourse. T.vaginalis causes trichomoniasis that is characterized by itching and irritation in the genital area, a frothy discharge that has a foul odor and discomfort during sex and urination. Management is by antibiotics like metronidazole and tinidazole[ CITATION Wom17 \l 1033 ]. Trichomoniasis has a mortality rate of 1.5% globally. Entamoeba histolyticaClassificationKingdom: AmoebozoansGenus: EntamoebaSpecies: Entamoeba histolyticaE.histolytica is anaerobic and occurs in three forms. The triphozoite has no distinct shape.The cytoplasm is divided into a clear ectoplasm and a granulated endoplasm. A pseudopodia is used in locomotion. The precyst is smaller in size with a round shape and projecting pseudopodia. The cyst has a diameter of 12-15 μm. A cyst wall protects it from digestion by the gastric juice.
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E.histolytica is passed in stool. One is infected with E.histolytica when he/ she ingest mature cysts. Excystation occurs in the small intestine and trophozoite is released. These migrateto the colon, where multiplication by binary fusion occurs and cysts are produced and passed in the feces[ CITATION CDC15 \l 1033 ].E.histolytica causes ameabiasis. It is characterized by diarrhea, stomach pain and cramping. In severe cases, amebic dysentery occurs. Ameabiasis is treated by antibiotics. E.histolytica is estimated at 50 million people with 100,000 deaths annually.Plasmodium falciparumClassificationKingdom: AlveolataGenus: PlasmodiumSpecies: Plasmodium falciparumThis is a unicellular protozoan parasite. During the ring stage, it is smaller and has numerous rings. Young trophozoites have an amoebic shape with well defined rings and one chromatin bead. The schizont has merozonites that help to rupture of erythrocytes. The asexual P.falciparum are ring shaped while the sexual form’s size is 7-14μm and is banana shaped. During the feeding, the Anopheles mosquito injects the body with sporozoites which infect the liver and mature to schizonts. These rupture and release merozonites that infect the blood. Asexual multiplication occurs in the erythrocytes. Some merozonites differentiate to the sexual gametophytes. The male and female gametophytes are ingested by the Anopheles
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