
Beer Brand Improvement Strategies


Added on  2020-02-12

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Beer Brand Improvement Strategies_1

MARKETING MANAGEMENTMarketing management refers to the initiatives of a given organization focussing on the practical application of the techniques in marketing, marketing orientation as well as the methods within an enterprise and organizations as well as on the management of the marketing activities and resources of a firm (Chan, et al. 2012, pp.557-562). It entails the use of various tools from economics as well as competitive strategy to provide an analysis of the industry context under which the given firm operates. Through the application of concepts such as Porter’s five forces, strategic groups’ analysis of competitors as well as the value chain analysis, marketing management is able to analyse the operations of a firm.In the recent past, the drinks industry has been facing a myriad of challenges. These challenges are caused by among other reasons; the falling consumer demands, increase in the production of competitive products, heightened requirements imposed by retailers as well as consumers and factors that have made access into the market more difficult(Weinstein &Pohlman, 2015, pp.132-133). These challenges have made marketing of the drinks almost impossible. For instance, in the years between 2007 and 2014, the production volume of beer fell by up to 10% in the world’s major beer producing countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, France and Germany. Some of the reasons for the decline in the production volumes include demographic changes, emergence of new beverages providing alternative like categories such as wine, global economic slowdown as well as introduction of tighter trade regulation and taxations by various governments. This prompted the drinks’ industry to come up with measures to enablethe industry regain its dwindling glory. As a result of some of the measures introduced, most brands are slowly regaining momentum. Nonetheless, competition pressure has intensified in the drinks industry making it very tricky for one to survive in this sector of production.
Beer Brand Improvement Strategies_2

MARKETING MANAGEMENTHowever, the fact that economies of scale are of less essence in this sector of the economy has made it a little bit easier for niche providers to compete successfully. Due to the stiff competition in this industry, stakeholders have come up with mitigative measures to help them remain relevant in the market. For instance, the management of various industries have embraced new branding and packaging technics to attract consumers to purchase their products. Moreover, some beer industries have opted to enlarge their market by going beyondpubs and bars to supermarkets as well as into other retail stores such as large chains of discounters as well as convenience stores(Wagner &Eggert, 2016, pp.27-36). Nonetheless, in so doing, the beer industry still faces its fair share of challenges. For instance, at the retail stores, the manufacturer faces pressure in the prices and margins occasioned by the fact that retail stores deliver lower profit margins even whenever they are not giving discounts. Due to the challenges facing the manufacturers of beer, across the world, consumers are increasingly adopting the manufacture of beer which is able to skew either to the high end or to the low end. Recent market trends indicate that for a period of about five years ago, the product volumes have been constantly shifting away from the core large products towards value-based brands of beers(Merwe, et al. 2013, pp.650-657). In such economies, brewers have embraced measures aimed at making their beers value-based to enable them attract many customers as well as to compete favourably in the market.The United Kingdom, consisting of a vibrant population, serves as a major market for the drinks industry. The country produces among other brands; beer cider and ale which like any other drink brand have faced their fair share of challenges and their management have hence embraced measures aimed at enabling them remain relevant in the market. Such measures include among others; branding and packaging.
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MARKETING MANAGEMENTBeer, Cedar and Ale have dominated the drinks market in the United Kingdom for a long time. This market for many years has seen changes in the branding and packaging in order for the brands to cope with changes in the market. For a long time, the beer industry only focused on putting a logo on their brands. However, the beer cider and the ale industries and have embraced new stylistic trends in the branding and packaging as a way to make their products easily penetrate the market. Today, most beer cider and the ale industry have adopted the minimalist 3-colour approach which relies heavily on the negative space as well as on the expressive texts and shapes in thebranding and packaging of their brand. Unlike in the past when the job of branding and packaging beer cider and ale brands where entirely left in the hands of friends who could be talented artists but with lack of any knowhow about branding, packaging, TTB approval and marketing, today this industry has made branding and packaging of their brands a professional affair where trained experts in the field of branding and packaging are used to come up with the best, market appealing as well as competent branding and packaging label(Skaczkowski, et al. 2016, pp.219-234). The changes in the packaging and branding trends of beer cider and ale is determined by the fact that the drinks industry across the world is growing bigger and bigger thereby leading to stiff competition in the brand’s market. This has mandated the use of more professionally-designed brands as well as the use of higher-end graphic design firms who work with their magic on the brewery artwork. Varying preferences among the consumers of these brands has also necessitates a shift in the trends of packaging and branding. For instance, whereas one customer may not like his/her beer cider and ale packaged in the traditional brands another may prefer the ancient look in the brands.
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