
Ethical Dilemma in Manufacturing


Added on  2019-09-30

2 Pages705 Words37 Views
Ethics EssayYou are a senior manager in a manufacturing company, NuClothing International Pty. Ltd., whichmakes garments for the high end fashion retailers in Australia. Like many companies, the companyyou work for has found that it is cheaper to move the manufacturing operation overseas. It wishes toexpand its operations hopes to find markets overseas for its products. NuClothing has recentlyopened its factory in Fiji. You have been heavily involved in the move to Vanuatu and have spentsome time there ensuring that the factory is properly manned and running smoothly. During yourstay you have come to really appreciate the wonderful Fijian people and their culture.You are reading the Fiji Times Online over your morning cup of coffee and read the following article:Child labour worryAN estimated 3500 people aged between six and 17 dropped out of schoolbetween April 2010 and March 2011, says Minister for Employment andProductivity Jioje Konrote.He said the majority of these dropouts — 49.7 per cent — were aged 10 to 14.Addressing a child labour training program organised by the InternationalLabour Organization for six regional countries, he said an employment andunemployment survey of 2010 to 2011 highlighted the growing number ofschool dropouts in the country. "The main reasons for leaving school were notinterested, cannot afford, disability or illness, family did not support them, tohelp out at home, to work as unpaid family worker and other reasons," MrKonrote said. "Many of these out-of-school children with little qualifications endup in child labour, forced into activities that are harmful to their health, physical,mental and moral wellbeing."ILO office for Pacific Island Countries specialist on strategies for decent work,Satoshi Sasaki, said the ILO's World Report on Child Labour, Paving Decent Workfor the Young, highlighted the need for accelerated global action targeting childlabour. (Repeka Nasiko, Wednesday, July 29, 2015)At the officeAs you walk into the office, you meet a member of the Board of Directors, John Nakarawa and joinhim in the lift. John was born in Fiji and mentions the same article. You voice your concern regardingthe employment of children, who then cannot go to school. John states that it is all very well forpeople to say that children should stay at school, but he can also understand why some families findit necessary to find employment for their children so that they can feed and clothe everyone. He
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