
Expert System | Intelligent Systems for Analytics | Report


Added on  2022-09-13

8 Pages2121 Words10 Views
Visual ArtsArtificial Intelligence
Running head: EXPERT SYSTEM
Name of the Assignment: Intelligent Systems for Analytics
Name of the Paper: Expert System
Names of the authors of the Paper: Mehmet R. Tolun and Kasim Oztoprak
Name of the Student:
Student ID.:
Name of the University:
Author note:
Expert System | Intelligent Systems for Analytics | Report_1

Table of Contents
N a m e S t u d e n t I D P a g e 1 | 8
Expert System | Intelligent Systems for Analytics | Report_2

The intelligent systems are internet connected systems of computers having the capacity
of gathering data and perform analysis over the data without a need of human assistance. It is one
of the major components of the artificial intelligence which makes use of this functionality to
operate [2]. The Expert system is one of the earliest research fields in the Artificial Intelligence
Technology. As the information technology has advanced considerably, the Expert system is
often considered to be AI.
In this report we will discuss about the paper that has been written by Mehmet R. Tolun
and Kasim Oztoprak which addresses the expert systems [3]. Firstly we will discuss about the
facts that has been covered in the paper by the author and the then we will identify different
issues regarding the technology that has been addressed in the paper. We will determine the
research methodology that has been used by the researcher to undertake the research.
As discussed by the author, the Expert System has two chief components and they are the
Knowledge Base and the Inference Engine. All the knowledge regarding the domain of the
expert is stored in the Knowledge Base. Starting from the simplest fact about the system to the
most complicated structure of the system is stored in this base [4]. The knowledge base also
consists of the rules and regulations regarding the expert’s skills regarding the domain which is
taken into consideration. Inference engine is phase of the technology which can be acquired with
the help of the knowledge base. There are numerous phases in the inference engine phase which
depends upon the IF - THEN rule of the Knowledge Base in the Expert System. The inference
engine is developed in the expert system after the enlargement of the knowledge base in the
The inference engine has certain notable features as well, and they are the forward
chaining and the back ward chaining. The forwards chaining is the process of moving from the
known facts of the system towards the application of the inference rules and regulation in order
to extract more data and keeps on moving towards the accomplishment of the goal or the target.
The backward chaining in the other hand is the way in which the engine starts from the goal and
N a m e S t u d e n t I D P a g e 2 | 8
Expert System | Intelligent Systems for Analytics | Report_3

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