Computer Crime and Facebook
Added on 2019-09-16
13 Pages3730 Words446 Views
FACEBOOKComputer Law andIntellectual PropertyReport Student[Pick the date]
ContentsIntroduction.................................................................................................................................................2About the company.............................................................................................................................2Intellectual property....................................................................................................................................3An analysis of any potential problems or issues in the company........................................................3Reason for choosing ‘Intellectual property’ as the area of law............................................................4Application of the law..........................................................................................................................4Ways to ensure the strength of legal protection and identifying the potential issues and weaknessesof the company....................................................................................................................................5Data Protection...........................................................................................................................................6An analysis of any potential problems or issues in the company........................................................6Reason for choosing ‘data protection’ as the area of law....................................................................7Application of the law..........................................................................................................................7Ways to ensure the strength of legal protection and identifying the potential issues and weaknessesof the company....................................................................................................................................8Computer Crime..........................................................................................................................................8An analysis of any potential problems or issues in the company........................................................8Reason for choosing ‘computer crime’ as the area of law...................................................................9Application of the law..........................................................................................................................9Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................10References:................................................................................................................................................111
Introduction Computer Law is a set of the legal enactments that have been done recently and adopted byseveral countries that aims to govern the way in which the information is disseminated digitally(Michael, 2013). This law also covers the legal areas that affect the design and the use ofcomputers and the computer software. One of the areas of concern in this law is the intellectualproperty. Under the federal and the state law, there is a property right given, which is calledintellectual property (Cornish, 2013). This includes the works, ideas, inventions and discoveriesthat are copyrightable. Intellectual property is basically an intangible form of property like thetrademarks, patents, copyright, and trade secrets (Bently, 2014). Apart from the intellectualproperty, this law is also concerned about data protection, the contracts of IT and the electroniccontracts; and finally the computer crimes like hacking, SPAM etc. The companies have to comply with this law because it is very important in the process ofdevelopment and safety of these companies, its employees and the customers. In line with this,the report aims to advise ‘Facebook’ on how it can ensure its operations to be conducted in alegal manner, with relation to the Computer Law and Intellectual Property. Along with the legalarea related to Intellectual property, the report will also focus on the areas of Data Protection andComputer Crime. The report focuses on giving advice to Facebook on these legal areas alongwith a proper guidance on why it should chose these areas of law. Also, the company will get anadvice on how to ensure strength of legal protection as well as identifying any potential issuesand weaknesses. About the companyFacebook is a company which is involved in online social media and the social networkingservice. It is based in California, US. Since it is a digital company, it can be accessed by anyone2
and from any number of desktops, laptops, tabs, smartphones or any other device which can usethe internet. The customers or the visitors need to register themselves for using the site and theyneed to create their profile. All this is done digitally and by using various software applications.Thus, computer law is applicable for this company for maintenance of the systems and thesecurity. Intellectual property An analysis of any potential problems or issues in the companyFacebook is such a company that gives a platform where professional networks can be createdand the business can be generated via advertising, posts, sharing, tweeting etc. But, the visitors orthe customers have to ‘agree’ to the terms of service of this website and by agreeing to this, thecustomers permit the company to publish online and license the material for their owncommercial benefit. Also, the customers do not get any royalty or compensation in return for that(Dwivedi, 2015). Facebook proclaims its customers that their privacy is important for thecompany. But, in reality, when the terms of service is agreed for any content that has intellectualproperty right with the customers, the customers gives the right to or the authority to “non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use” (Derclaye, 2015).In return for that, the customers do not get any money. Also, Facebook can sell the content that isposted by the customers to any third party. Secondly, the company is very big and provides one of the largest platforms to the people allover the world for fulfilling their personal and professional needs. So, it faces the fear of gettingits privacy violated. For example, anyone can use the name of Facebook for promoting anything;they can also use the logo of the company for posting it in any illegal activity. 3
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