
Poverty Alleviation Strategies in Sierra Leone


Added on  2020-02-14

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Theories in social work1
Poverty Alleviation Strategies in Sierra Leone_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3AIM AND OBJECTIVES ...............................................................................................................3METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH .............................................................................................4DATA ANALYSIS And RESULTS/FINDINGS ..........................................................................5DISCUSSION................................................................................................................................14RECOMMENDATIONS..............................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16REFERENCE:................................................................................................................................17APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................172
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INTRODUCTION The poverty in the world is not new topic. Here are many people in the world who areliving the under poverty lines and they have to face many types of problems. There are manyfactors which cause the impact of poverty in the states (Ansumana and et.al., 2015). Due to lackof the basic facilities, education and different types of civil wars has created major impact on thepeople and their life. Along with this some other factors such as corruption and lack ofdevelopment facilities are also leads to poverty in many nations. In the present report conductresearch on the negative impact on of poverty on the people life on Sierra Leone. Background of study In the world the lack of many facilities leads to poverty, due to this problem many peopleae facing problems. There are many types of factors which leads to people towards the poverty.Lack of infrastructure facilities, not receiving proper education all this make individuals todeepened on other. Along with this in many nations it is also found that lack of governmentinterest are also leads to many types of problems (Jefferson, 2014). The present research isbased on the negative impact of poverty which faced by people of Sierra Leone. Itc is part of theAfrica state. This state is full of natural resources, people cannot use these opportunities becauseof the civil war which beigun in 1191. The present report make research on the To understandthe negative impact faced by people due to poverty at Sierra Leone. AIM AND OBJECTIVES Aim “To understand the negative impact faced by people due to poverty: A studyon Sierra Leone”ObjectivesTo determined the development that are taking place in Sierra LeoneTo understand the opportunities that prevail in Sierra Leone to local people.To understand the support of non profit organizations to local people.3
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To recommend strategies through which rate of poverty can be reduced. Research Questions: What are the development that are taking place in Sierra Leone ? What are the opportunities that prevail in Sierra Leone to local people ?What are the support of non profit organizations to local people ?From the above given developed aim and objectives, it will be helpful enough to makesure that proper path through which determined outcome can be achieved. For the currentresearch. Further, objectives set are effective enough to determine the type of developments thatare taking place within cited place. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH This section includes different type of tools ans techniques which has been used byresearcher to make research on the poverty and it negatives impact. Following are techniqueswhich has been used by researcher to make research.Research designIn order to make research a descriptive research design has been used by th investigator.This research design helps to them for making in depth research on the poverty in the givenplace. With the helps of this research approach instigator can also make new theories andframeworks (Lynch and et.al., 2013). It is the responsibility of the researcher to make andchoose collect appropriate designs of investigation. Research approachThere are two types of research approach which has been used by research in approachthat is deductive and inductive approach by which the research approach can be done. In thepresent research, scholar use inductive approach has been selected (MacLachlan and et.al., 2017). This approach focuses on the basic information of research and then make collection of theinformation. Data collectionThere are various methods which are available for the researcher to make collection ofdata. Mainly there are two types of methods which can be used by research for collection of data.4
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