Room Booking System
Added on 2019-09-20
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Faculty of Engineering & TechnologyDepartment of Computer ScienceCoursework Title: Room Booking SystemModule Name: Introduction to Computer ProgrammingModule Code: 4100COMPLevel: 4Credit Rating: 20Weighting: 60%Maximum Mark Available: 100Lecturer: Dr. Denis ReillyContact:If you have any issues with this coursework you may contact your lecturer (the academic who delivers your lectures), if there are any outstanding issues you may contact the module co-ordinator whose contact details are:eMail: 731Hand-Out Date: 21st Nov 2016Hand-In Date: 16th Dec 2016Hand-In Method:BlackBoardFeedBack Date: 27th Jan 2017FeedBack Method: eMailProgramme(s): CS, CSc, SE, MC, CF, CSeIntroduction:This coursework is to be attempted individually.You are required to apply basic problem solving skills in the design of a computing solution. Once a suitable design has been produced, you will employ the programming skills taught throughout the module to develop robust programming code that utilizes appropriate data structures and storage. The coursework is supported by tutorial sessions up to the submission date.
Learning Outcome(s) Being Assessed:1.<not assessed in this coursework>2.<not assessed in this coursework>3.Evaluate alternatives and make sound judgements regarding programming solutions.4.Investigate integrated development environments & application programming interfaces.5.Demonstrate basic knowledge of the object oriented programming paradigm.Details of Task:A new room booking system is required to help managers reserve a room based on the following requirements : Single, Double or Suite.Room Price.With or Without Balcony.With or Without Lounge.When a suitable match is found, the guests (identified by their eMail) should be able to reserve the room. Room reservations may also be cancelled. The room data should be modelled in a fileM:\data\rooms.txt which will contain the room data and any reservations, though initially every room should be unreserved. Upon application launch, the data should be loaded into appropriate data structures and upon application exit, the data should be saved back to the files.NOTE : The rooms.txt file (i.e. Appendix A) is provided on BlackBoard in the Assignments section.You should download the file to a new folder called data on your M: drive.It contains seventeen sample rooms. The format of each room’s data is as follows :roomNum roomType roomPrice hasBalcony hasLoungeYou are thusly required to produce a design including an analysis of the specification, UML (Unified Modelling Language) class diagrams. You should provide justifications for the design decisions you make.You are then required to produce a console application (using Java) that is driven by a repeating main menu (i.e. Appendix B) with appropriate instructions and guidance throughout. Menu options should include reserving a room, cancelling a room and viewing room reservations.
Additional credit may be gained by implementing extra functionality :Performing Validation (i.e. fallacious input should be rejected).Before rejecting a reservation (i.e. no rooms match the guest’s room requirements) the application offers the “next best match”(i.e. we can match 2 of your 4 room requirements).What you should hand in:A word processed report (not exceeding 5 pages) containing your design materials.The properly formatted & commented code in a ZIP file. Specifically, a single Eclipse (Neon) project directory complete with all Java (.java) source code.You should also submit any files required for your programming code’s data storage (i.e. the contents of your M:\data\ directory).Marking Scheme/Assessment Criteria:AssessmentAssessment Criteria% weighting forpart1Design102Solution’s FunctionalityRoom Reserving, Cancelling & ViewingData Structures & StorageUse of MethodsUse of Objects30201010703Best Practice104Commenting10Guidelines:A best practice solution should employ robust OO programming code. In the event that youstruggle with OO, you should still produce a design, but based around procedural programming in which you decompose the complete task into sub tasks. Your programmingcode should then be based on this design, which might use static methods in Java. As a lastresort, functionality could reside the “main” method / function only. Note that while a best
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