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Farm Shop Mobile Application Design: Enhancing Customer Experience and Business Growth


Added on  2024/05/31

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This project explores the design and development of a mobile application for a farm shop, aiming to enhance customer experience and expand business reach. The application, designed using Balsamiq, incorporates key features like product browsing, online ordering, discount coupons, restaurant booking, and location tracking. The design process follows a four-phase approach, incorporating user feedback and adhering to Jakob Nielsen's usability heuristics. The application's user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, offering a seamless experience for customers to access farm products and services.

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The farm shop is an association that deals with the farming products. The shop has their
restaurants where they serve food to their customer. Farm shop decided to expand their
business online, so they decided to design a mobile application where they can server their
service to their customer. The application is created using Balsamiq tool. This application
will help the farm shop to expand their business in the competitive environment also, on the
other hand, they can also serve their services and products to their associated customers. The
designing of the application is done in the four different phases. In the first phase, the two
different alternative design are presented through which one final design is chosen that fulfil
the user requirements. In the second phase, the working prototype is constructed with all the
functional and non-functional requirements of the users. In the third phase, the design that is
designed in the third phase is evaluated and tested with some other team through which they
provide their feedback what are the functionalities must be added in the design. In the fourth
and last phase, the final design is created according to the other team feedback that totally
includes all the user requirements.
The main motive of this application is to provide the farming products to the user so that they
can book their products easily and the product can be delivered to their place. All the user's
issue is resolved with the help of different and variable screens that are created by the Farm
Shop. Farm shop design includes different screen but the main functional screen of the Farm
shop are sign up page, login page, location page, product Catalogue, discount coupon page,
shopping cart, restaurant booking etc. The usability features are also added to all the pages
like the home button, log out button, back button, farm shop logo, navigation bar, header,
footer etc (Galitz, 2007).
The designing of the design is done with the help of 10 principles of Jakob Nielsen Heuristic
principle that helps the Farm shop to design their application. The 10 principles include
Visibility of system status, Match between system and the real world, User control and
freedom, Consistency and standards, Error prevention, Recognition rather than recall,
Flexibility and efficiency of use, Aesthetic and minimalist design, Help users recognize,
diagnose, and recover from errors, Help and documentation. The changes the done in the
final design that is created in phase two are according to the User control and freedom,

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Consistency and standards, Error prevention, Recognition rather than recall, Flexibility and
efficiency of use, Aesthetic and minimalist design principles (Popovic, V. 2000).
Reflection of Farm Shop Application
User Interface Design
Home button, logout button, back button, farm shop logo, navigation bar, header, footer etc.
The that I have chosen for the shop is very effective and unique for the customer support
because this application is very easy to understand, and the user can buy their products very
easily. The Farm shop also has a restaurant when they serve food to their guest. The
application also includes a different section for this facility where they can buy the items that
are available in the restaurants also they can book their seats for birthday parties (Horsky,
The Farm shop design this application to increase their market reach and to increase their
marketing values. The screen of the design includes the main usability components on each
screen and the screen are sign up page, login page, location page, product Catalogue, discount
coupon page, shopping cart, restaurant booking etc. The design is unique and different in
many ways as it includes unique background with a very variant colour along with this a very
unique logo is also designed for the application which makes it different from other
application (Nielsen, J. 1994).
User Requirements
The basic requirement that any user wants that they can serve the application very easily
without any doubt. But the basic requirement of Farm Shop user are as follows:
They need register page to register them self on the application to serve their products
and services.
They want to see the discount coupons and discount that are available in the
application are being provided in the application.
User requires seeing the product list according to their category that is fully
implemented in the Farm Shop application.
The user needs a search icon on every screen where they can search the product and
view the individual details of the product.
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If any of the user like any product so they can add that particular product to their cart
and further checkout by making payment online.
They can trace the location of the nearby store, also user needs to see the facility that
is provided by the Farm Shop restaurant so that they can book their table for a party
(McMillan, J. 2013).
Factor that Influences the Design
The factor that influences the design is 10 Principle of Nielsen for useability. This principle
help to design the effective and efficient application for Farm Shop. The points that are
considered according to the principle are as follows:
User control and freedom used to create the screen background, Consistency and standards
are implemented overall screen in the form of header and footer, Error prevention are
provided in the form of logout button on every page, Recognition rather than recall is
implemented in the form of back button, Flexibility and efficiency of use is implemented in
the form of register and login page.
Discussion of Similar Interface
The feature that are implemented in the application are totally different but the idea that is
taken from the similar application is ZopNow that is a grocery application. This application
help to understand the Nielsen 10 principle that evaluates that what are the user requirement
must be implemented in the application to make it effective and efficient. With the help of
Farm Shop, application user can redeem their coupons and get the accurate discount. They
also refer their mate to buy the products from the application. The user can book their table
and buy food items form restaurants (Parr, & Colacicco, 1987).
The Farm shop application is created to provide the products to their customer without
reaching to the store. The different usability components are included on every screen to
make the application user effective and efficient home button, log out button, back button,
farm shop logo, navigation bar, header, footer etc. Several screens are also constructed in the
application to make the user comfortable in the application like sign up page, login page,
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location page, product Catalogue, discount coupon page, shopping cart, restaurant booking
Galitz, W. O. (2007). The essential guide to user interface design: an introduction to GUI
design principles and techniques. John Wiley & Sons.
Horsky, J., Schiff, G. D., Johnston, D., Mercincavage, L., Bell, D., & Middleton, B.
(2012). Interface design principles for usable decision support: a targeted review of best
practices for clinical prescribing interventions. Journal of biomedical informatics, 45(6),
McMillan, J. (2013). Open public sector information: from principles to
practice. Australian Government-Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
Nielsen, J. (1994). Usability inspection methods. In Conference companion on Human
factors in computing systems (pp. 413-414). ACM.
Parr, J. F., & Colacicco, D. (1987). Organic materials as alternative nutrient
sources. Energy in plant nutrition and pest control, 2, 81-99.
Popovic, V. (2000). Expert and novice user differences and implications for product
design and useability. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Annual Meeting (Vol. 44, No. 38, pp. 933-936). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE

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Figure 1: Login Page
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Figure 2: Shopping Cart
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Figure 3: Registration Page

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Figure 4: Dashboard Page
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Figure 5: ZopNow Home Page
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Figure 6: ZopNow Menu Page
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