
Relationship between Fast Food and Obesity Levels


Added on  2023-06-07

13 Pages3198 Words325 Views
Data Science and Big DataDisease and DisordersNutrition and Wellness
Relationship between fast food and obesity levels
Relationship between Fast Food and Obesity Levels_1

Relationship between fast food and obesity levels 1
Table of Contents
Project Objective...................................................................................................................................3
Project Scope.........................................................................................................................................3
Literature Review..................................................................................................................................3
Research Questions...............................................................................................................................5
Research Design and Methodology.......................................................................................................5
Qualitative research..........................................................................................................................5
Quantitative research........................................................................................................................7
Research Limitations.............................................................................................................................8
Time schedule/Research Plan................................................................................................................8
Relationship between Fast Food and Obesity Levels_2

Relationship between fast food and obesity levels 2
Most of the population across the world is suffering from overweight and obesity problems.
Obesity has now become an epidemic in the western countries which is very tough to
control because of the popularity of fast food (Dye, et. al., 2017). Fast food is the junk food
which contains unhealthy ingredients like sugar, fats and lesser minerals and vitamins. This
leads to weight gain and obesity. Fast food is very convenient to consume and is easily
available at nearby food stores which provides an ease to the consumer to intake it
(Anderson, et. al, 2011).
This research is based on the investigation of the relationship between fast food and obesity
levels among the population. The report will be prepared by searching the literature from
the secondary sources of data and research methodology adopted for the research will be
discussed. The action plan will be prepared which will let know the actions taken on the
project and time taken on each step of the research.
Relationship between Fast Food and Obesity Levels_3

Relationship between fast food and obesity levels 3
Project Objective
The main objective of the project is to identify the relationship between consumption of fast
food and rising obesity levels. It also aims at evaluating the impact of fast food on the health
of population. The research will help in achieving the following objectives:
Identification of the fast food consumption levels by population
The interrelationship between the fast food diet and people’s health
Determining the issues with the consumption of fast food
Identification of the appropriate measures to reduce the consumption of fast food
and decreased levels of obesity
Project Scope
The scope of the project is wide as this is a growing concern which is affecting people across
world especially youth and youngsters. Planning will be done first to identify the nature of
fast food industry and impact of it on the obesity levels. The project will focus on the
individuals who are more inclined towards fast food consumption and the reasons behind it.
Literature review will be used to gather this information and limitations will be discussed to
let know the actual scope of the project
Literature Review
Obesity can be understood as the inappropriate balance between the calories intake and
spending. It can also be taken as a disease which increases the body mass index more than
25. This topic has been in the matter of discussion since last two decades. In the year 2005,
there were 1 and 6 billion people who were found overweight and across the world, more
than 4 million adults were suffering from obesity. Obesity is increasing in the kids and youth
for which there is a big reason which is taste and convenience to have food (Alviola, et. al.,
2014). The fast food industry is growing at a rapid pace and many fast food companies are
alluring kids and youth by advertising at a grand level. The best example can be taken of the
fast food giant McDonalds which is often criticised for its unhealthy and unhygienic food
(Currie, et. al., 2010). According to Boxtel et al., (2008), there are 4 patterns of lifecycle of
human which are birth, growth m, development and maturity which are characterised by
Relationship between Fast Food and Obesity Levels_4

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