
Flooding in Kerala: Impact on Buildings and Resilience Measures


Added on  2023-06-03

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Flooding in Kerala: Impact on Buildings and Resilience Measures_1

1 Abstract
Kerala area is an area prone to flooding every year as from the onset of the heavy
seasonal rains experienced in the area. As a result, many buildings are damaged and property
destroyed. This led to the conduction of the study with a focus on buildings. The study
focused on the impact of flooding on buildings. It focused on the types of buildings built in
Kerala, the building practices adopted in the area, the type of material of building that was
destroyed by floods, types of buildings damaged by floods, root causes of building damage in
Kerala, technology to be adopted to prevent building damages in Kerala, how buildings got
destroyed by floods in Kerala, why they got damaged due to floods in Kerala, and the type of
material that should be used to avoid floods in the area. The aim of the study was to provide
resilience building in Kerala. It provides the actors and reasons that are key to the occurrence
of floods in the area. Bringing into perspective aspects of construction and civil engineering.
Various researchers had undertaken researches in various aspects of flooding but until now
no research has been undertaken with a focus on Jack technology in flood-prone areas for
preventing building damages and providing building resilience to flood-prone areas.
Therefore this research is based on this gap.
The research brings into perspective flood resilience measures. The measures are meant
to reduce the effects of floods even before the floods occur. The resilience measures
encompass steps of understanding and planning which include risk understanding, initial
precautions, and the property survey. Water exclusion strategy for low depth flooding is a
process designed to prevent and limit water from entering buildings. It involves the use of
ground supported concrete slabs of about 100mm thick to prevent the loss of structural
integrity as a result of uplifting pressures as a result of water ingress from the ground.
According to this study, the adoption of a green framework for flood resilient cities which
encompasses the construction of green infrastructure can reduce the impact of floods on
Kerala by minimizing the impervious surface in the compact city, reduce soil sealing so that a
fluvial ecosystem be recovered. Buildings destroyed by the floods included those based on
primitive styles that is basically the circular, square and the rectangular ones. This kind of
houses is basically made of timber, palm, and leaves.
The study also brings into perspective the weak soil structure of the area upon which the
houses destroyed by floods are built. The material used for construction is identified as a
cause of building destruction by floods in the area, buildings in Kerala are made of locally
Flooding in Kerala: Impact on Buildings and Resilience Measures_2

available materials. The most common being granite and bamboo. The root causes for
building destruction are identified to be heavy rains and torrential rains. It also brings into
perspective the types of materials that should be used in order to avoid flooding in the area. It
shows government efforts in ensuring that environment and property developers come
together to build flood-proof houses along the coastal areas.
Flooding in Kerala: Impact on Buildings and Resilience Measures_3

1 Abstract...............................................................................................................................2
2 List of Figures.....................................................................................................................5
3 CHAPTER ONE.................................................................................................................7
3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................7
4 CHAPTER TWO..............................................................................................................10
4.1 Background................................................................................................................10
5 CHAPTER THREE..........................................................................................................12
5.1 Aim of the Research..................................................................................................12
5.2 Research objectives:-.................................................................................................12
5.3 Research Gap.............................................................................................................12
5.4 Research questions....................................................................................................13
6 CHAPTER FOUR.............................................................................................................15
6.1 Literature-case study.................................................................................................15
6.2 Flood Resilience Measures:.......................................................................................15
6.3 Flood Resilience Construction of New Buildings is also another Technique Used..16
6.4 1) What Kind of Building and Building Practices or Structures Are Implemented in
6.4.1 Flood in Kerala...................................................................................................16
6.5 2) What Types of Building Got Damaged Due To Floods In Kerala?......................18
6.6 3) Why They Got Damaged Due To Floods In Kerala?............................................19
6.7 4) What are The Material of Buildings That Damaged Due to Floods in Kerala?....19
6.8 5) How They Got Damaged Due to Floods in Kerala?.............................................19
6.9 6) What are The Root Causes of Building Damages in Kerala?...............................20
6.10 7) What Type of Material Should be used to Avoid Floods in Kerala?....................21
6.11 8) Which Technology can be adopted for Preventing Building Damages in Kerala?
6.11.1 Overview of Jack Technology...........................................................................22
6.11.2 Jack Technology for house lifting......................................................................23
6.11.3 Step by Step process for Lifting house with jack technology............................25
6.11.4 Floating technology............................................................................................28
6.11.5 Amphibious Technology....................................................................................29
6.11.6 Flood Painting technology.................................................................................30
6.11.7 Jack technology..................................................................................................30
6.11.8 Massive underground: Flood Prevention technology........................................31
Flooding in Kerala: Impact on Buildings and Resilience Measures_4

7 CHAPTER FIVE..............................................................................................................33
7.1 Methodology..............................................................................................................33
7.1.1 PRISMA Method...............................................................................................33
7.1.2 Qualitative Analysis...........................................................................................34
7.1.3 Thematic Analysis..............................................................................................35
8 CHAPTER SIX.................................................................................................................36
8.1 Case Studies...............................................................................................................36
8.1.1 CASE STUDY-1................................................................................................36
8.1.2 CASE STUDY 2 – SOUTH CAROLINA FLOODS IN USA, 2015:...............38
8.1.3 CASE STUDY- 3...............................................................................................39
8.1.4 CASE STUDY -4...............................................................................................40
8.1.5 CASE STUDY-5................................................................................................41
8.1.6 CASE STUDY -6...............................................................................................42
8.1.7 CASE STUDY -7...............................................................................................43
8.1.8 CASE STUDY -8...............................................................................................44
8.1.9 CASE STUDY -9...............................................................................................45
8.1.10 CASE STUDY -10.............................................................................................46
8.1.11 Japan flood in 2018............................................................................................47
9 Comparison of case studies...............................................................................................47
10 CHAPTER SEVEN.......................................................................................................49
10.1 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) –......................49
11 Future Directions...........................................................................................................52
12 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................53
13 References.....................................................................................................................55
Flooding in Kerala: Impact on Buildings and Resilience Measures_5

2 List of Figures
Figure 1 Impact of floods.........................................................................................................15
Figure 2 combined resilience and resilience measures............................................................16
Figure 3 Jack Technology at work...........................................................................................23
Figure 4 Applications of Jack Technology..............................................................................24
Figure 5 Excavating round the foundation...............................................................................27
Figure 6 Qualitative analysis Data components.......................................................................36
Figure 7 The Kerala floods......................................................................................................39
Figure 8 Flooding Impacts visible from space.........................................................................40
Figure 9 Flood water in the streats...........................................................................................41
Figure 10 House destroyed by flood water..............................................................................42
Figure 11 Floods in wetland areas...........................................................................................43
Figure 12 Destroyed residential property.................................................................................44
Figure 13 Flooding in the cities...............................................................................................45
Figure 14 Flooding in coastal cities.........................................................................................46
Figure 15 Flood resilient constructions....................................................................................47
Figure 16 Flooding alert...........................................................................................................48
Figure 17 Federal agency management standards...................................................................51
Figure 18 The FEMA requirements.........................................................................................51
Flooding in Kerala: Impact on Buildings and Resilience Measures_6

3.1 Introduction
This study focuses on flooding on Kerala area and the aspects and mechanisms that can
be put in place to reduce the damage on buildings in the area as a result of flooding. It brings
into perspective the types of buildings that are dominant in the area and the building practices
that are adopted in the area. Kerala states in India that occasionally experiences heavy
seasonal rain that results in flooding. The study focuses on flooding in the area and its impact
on buildings in the area. Over the years buildings in the area have been destroyed by flooding
during instances of heavy downpour in the area. On 18th may 2018 the Guardian reported
that damage caused to infrastructure as a result of floods in the area was almost hitting 3
billion US dollars. The most affected areas being the remote areas.
Floods can be defined as the submersion of an area into large masses of water (Task
Committee on Flood Safety Policies and Practices, 2014). In the Kerala area, floods occur
beginning from the onset of the Heavy seasonal rains which begin at the start of the month of
May and stretches out through to the month of August. For over a long time, the floods that
occurred during this season that is the May-August season were more severe than those
experienced during the previous occurrences. Flooding in the area is characterized by heavy
rainfall, low pressure, large discharges from dams, and landslides. As reported by the
Guardian, 500 people have lost their lives as a result of the flooding with about 680,000
people living in camps as their homes have been destroyed or are inhabitable due to the
floods. The number of missing people was yet to be accounted for during as per during this
time. The damage to roads and bridges was devastating. To be exact about 134 bridges were
destroyed by the floods hence making the remote areas inaccessible. These are the areas that
needed more assistance due to the fact that they were the ones that were hit most by the
flooding. But as a result to of the destruction in infrastructure getting help to this areas was
quite difficult and in some instances quite impossible.
Seasonal heavy rainfall is a common occurrence in the Kerala area. The area is situated
along the south-west monsoon which is considered to be the source of about 70% of India’s
annual rainfall stretching through a four-month period. However, during this season the rains
extended by two and half times in intensity than they normally do. Earlier this year the
World Bank reported that cities in southern Asia were more likely to be hit by floods due to
the fact that rainfall patterns were changing and at the same time temperatures increasing.
During the previous year, slightly over 1000 people were killed as a result of flooding and
Flooding in Kerala: Impact on Buildings and Resilience Measures_7

slightly over 41 million people were drastically affected by the floods in the Bihar state
specifically. The main reason behind floods in India includes riverbank erosion, inadequate
capacity to contain high flows within riverbanks and silting of riverbeds (India. Planning
Commission, 2008). Other factors include landslides, obstruction of flows and poor natural
drainage in the flood-prone area. According to the Central Water Commission (CEC), the
annual average area due to floods is about 7.563 million ha. Between 1953 -2000, floods have
impacted about 33 million persons With a steady rise in population, it is only apparent that
the number of people affected due to floods is now much beyond the above-given numbers.
Besides the Kerala case, the study also brings into perspective other ten cases. This
cases just like the Kerala case are all related to aspects of flooding. The second case brings
into perspective the South Carolina floods in the USA. The floods were experienced in the
year 2015. This case study brings into perspective the informed warning signs by the
Advanced Warning Signs Operations Course and the efforts that the communities can put in
place to ensure that restoration and protection of natural features in the floodplain can be
achieved in order to reduce the region’s susceptibility to flooding. Case study three brings
into perspective the concept of urban design as an approach to flood resilience. It brings into
perspective the aspect of a flood resident landscape design that helps to determine the ability
the legume design has the ability to incorporate fully the aspects of essential factors of
flooding in the urban transformation. It concentrates on methods that are geared towards
management of climatic impacts. Case study four describes floods as being the most
devastating natural disaster affecting the people of Malaysia. Just like the Kerala case, this
case study seems to bring into perspective the damage that floods cause to buildings. Case
study five which brings into context North-Eastern Bangladesh provides information on flash
flood resilience in wetland communities. The case brings into perspective the fact that the
poor are the most affected by the flash floods in the area. It also indicates that this
individuals, are more adaptive and resilient as compared to those in the middle level income
bracket. Case study six which is based on Kaduna in Nigeria brings into perspective the
effects of flooding on residential property. It brings into perspective physical damage and
aspects of water and environmental contamination. Case study seven brings into perspective
the Jakarta Capital region. It focuses on a resilient and sustainable city adaptation model for
flood disaster. It brings into perspective how cities require an increased capacity of handling
hazards such as floods. It advocates for the provision of resilient architecture to actualize
sustainability. Case study eight provides strategies for resilient flood risk management along
Flooding in Kerala: Impact on Buildings and Resilience Measures_8

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