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Food and Beverage Operations: Skills, Practices, and Development


Added on  2023/01/12

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This study material explores the important skills, good practices, and ways to develop food and beverage operations. It covers topics such as customer service, organizational skills, cost effectiveness, attention to detail, and the impact of field trips on knowledge. It also provides insights into the key practices for successful operations and how to develop food production and service skills to meet organizational requirements.

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Food and Beverage

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Table of Contents
Food and beverage operations.....................................................................................................3
5 important skills in Food & Beverage Operations observed during the trip..............................3
Impact of trip on knowledge related to food and beverage operations........................................4
Constitute good practices in food and beverage operations.........................................................4
Ways to develop food production and service skills competencies to meet organisational
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Food and beverage operations
Food and beverage operations include several activities to recruiting right and skilled
workforce to deliver products and maintaining service quality (Barrows and Robinson, 2018). In
the context of Marriott, it can be said that food and beverage operations of this hotel help it out in
increasing its image. It is identified that this hotel mainly focuses on family style and buffer
services makes an effective use of its resources and effective operational strategy which allows it
in defining areas of improvement. Skilled workforce is one of the most important resources
which makes its operations effective and help it in taking competitive advantages.
5 important skills in Food & Beverage Operations observed during the trip
At the time of field trip learning log, it is observed that management of food and
beverage services is not an easy task as there is requirement of some important skills. Some
major important skills which I observed include:
Customer service: Customer service skills means an ability to impress and satisfy customers by
providing excellent services to them. At the time of trip, I found that the way of talking and
satisfying all needs of different types of customers required in managing food and beverage
Organizational skills: It is a combination of several skills in which a manager needs to manage
food, labour cost, cleaning schedule, pricing and others. An ability to identify the best way of
performing functions and managing quality is other skill which I observed (Patiar and,
Cost effectiveness: Having an ability to cost saving measure at work help hotel in making
growth. Rather, quality of services, food and beverage manager requires to have ability to be cost
effective and identify in which areas they can cut cost and increase sales.
Attention to detail: During the trip I found that keeping eyes on a lot of elements like food
standards, safety, cost, queries, needs and other elements of customers makes them able to satisfy
customers and managing operations.
Impact of trip on knowledge related to food and beverage operations
During the field trip learning log and visiting Marriott hotel in Birmingham, I got to
know several new things about food and beverage operations. I found that having an effective
customers service skill or an ability to talk in a polite manner play a vital role in satisfying needs
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of any type of customers. I also came to know that different customers have different tastes and
needs and managing all types of customers at one time require time management skill which not
only help in professional as it also helps in personal life. During the trip and visiting hotel, I
learned importance of having all skills which a manager of hotel posses (Gloet and Samson,
Constitute good practices in food and beverage operations
There are several important constitute good practices which can help a hotel in managing
food and beverage operations in an efficient manner.
Focus: Focusing on areas which people can control, develop as well as incremental changes. Do
not focus on the wrong thing and keep learning from both right and wrong thing is main good
Serve better: It means to be the nice person to customers and people and consider that having
habitual consistency is the key of the success is other good practice (Bojar, Bojar and Bojar,
Ways to develop food production and service skills competencies to meet organisational
Developing food production and food service skills is a vital and key of the success.
There are some techniques by which these skills can be improved such as:
Practice: Communication, speed time management are some skills required in food
service sector and one of the best way to develop it is practice. Practice makes a man perfect and
by practising function in a continuous manner help them in developing all skills.
Training: Training and team working increase knowledge and skills of an individual and
they learn different and effective ways of performing functions of food production and food
service (Conway-Klaassen and Maness, 2017).

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Books and journals
Barrows, C. and Robinson, M., 2018. Food and Beverage.
Bojar, E., Bojar, M. and Bojar, W., 2016. Cluster initiatives in Eastern Poland: good practices in
agriculture and food-processing industry. In Food security and industrial clustering in
Northeast Asia (pp. 227-240). Springer, Tokyo.
Conway-Klaassen, J. and Maness, L., 2017. Developing Cultural Competency in Laboratory
Practice. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science. 30(1). pp.43-50.
Gloet, M. and Samson, D., 2019, January. Knowledge Management to Support Supply Chain
Sustainability and Collaboration Practices. In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences.
Patiar, A. and, 2017. Hospitality management students’ expectation and perception of a
virtual field trip web site: An Australian case study using importance–Performance
analysis. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education. 29(1). pp.1-12.
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