
(Solution) Food Security - PDF


Added on  2021-01-08

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Personal Effectiveness Paperon food security
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TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1My focus .....................................................................................................................................1Feedback .....................................................................................................................................2Learning agenda for getting ideal self ........................................................................................4New behaviour practices .............................................................................................................5Support system.............................................................................................................................6CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................7REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................8
(Solution) Food Security - PDF_2

INTRODUCTIONFood security is known as the ability to have access to nutritious and sufficient quantityof food to all individuals. The population of Nigeria is the largest in Africa and thus the foodsecurity remains a long challenge for the African and the local government. The lack ofeducation and awareness about balanced and nutritious food, poor living condition and decline inthe Nigerian agricultural sector are few of the key reasons which leads to food insecurity. InNigeria food security is not only observed in the form of food scarcity but is also common interms of nutritional imbalance (Omotesho and et.al., 2016). As a result obesity has become oneof the crucial health concern for the government and healthcare professionals. This personaleffectiveness paper will provide the evaluation of achieving food security goals related to obesitywhich is the major concern resulting from imbalance diet. My focus The major goal for this paper is to highlight the role and attributes of the imbalance andnutritional diet. The agriculture of Nigeria has been suffering from decline and thus there are many social groups which are suffering from the insufficient nutritions. However, the problem hasanother side as well. In many developed areas of Nigeria people have easy access to food butthey tend to prefer the instant or junk food instead of healthy diet (Dover and Lambert, 2016). Asa result, obesity has been increasing among people especially among young children. For thefamilies and healthcare organisations it has become challenging that this invisible food securitycrisis must be addressed to improve the public health goals of Nigeria. I have analysed and worked with The Obesity Society of Nigeria (TOSN) which ismaking great efforts regarding above discussed hidden food security. I have witnessed manypeople in my surrounding communities that people assume that if they are having food at lowprices then they are secure in terms of food availability. The quality of food or the nutritionalintake of the food has never been matter of concern for most of the people. While interactingwith the obese people I realised that obesity is not restricted to only middle class communitieswho access junk food due to lower prices (Dhurandhar, 2016). Instead, even upper class or richpeople also give their preference to unhealthy junk food. In my research I also focused that what makes these unhealthy food as the prime choiceof the customers. I found that in Nigeria food vendors are not liable to give nutritional detials ofthe product. Thus, many people unknowingly assume that simply because they are eating they1
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are having complete food security. Contrary to this TOSN states that it is very essential thatpeople must understand what they are eating, how many calories they must consume and howthey can make their calorie management plan (Papas and et.al., 2016). This is one my long term goal to develop an awareness program so that I can makepeople informed that how they can ensure food security for their complete health care. Whileanalysing the concept of nutritional balance it is also observed that junk food or unhealthy foodis not only dominating because of price factor but also due to its easy availability, taste andaccessibility. For instance the young children who are very particular about the food taste doesnot find much variety or the options of delicious food which is rich in nutrition. For majority ofthe communities in Nigeria taste and nutrition are diversified aspects which can never meet. I believe that obesity and nutritional food insecurity can be reduced to great extent ifpeople will have healthy food choices in low cost and good taste. It has been observed thatcurrently Nigerian government does not have any strict regulations regarding quality ornutritional aspect of processed food (Kaur, Lamb and Ogden, 2015). Thus, enhanced monitoringon this aspect must be increased. In my opinion government must impose tax on processed foodswhich contains large amount of sugar of fat. TOSN also believes that regulating the processedfood can be the first attempt to control the food consumption habits of people (Osabohien,Osabuohien and Urhie, 2018.). The organisation has been encouraging campaigns to educatechildren and adults regarding obesity and how they can assure the availability of the healthy foodchoices to all people and age groups. Feedback Feedback is considered as one of the most important element in evaluating and bringpersonal effectiveness in the action. In order to review the different aspects of focus goals Icollected feedbacks from my peers, working teams of TOSN, communities and educators. Sincethe schools and home are the initial institutes where child spend their most of the time andnegligence to nutritional level takes place (Nguyen and et.al., 2017). The food insecurity in termsof nutritional imbalance can be identified at its best through these practices. When I interacted with the team members of TOSN they informed that despite obesity ismajor cause for the chronic diseases like diabetes but people never pay attention to balance diet.In one of my visit with TOSN to a rural area of Nigeria I came to know that calorie intakeconcepts are not only related to personal choices or the awareness level. Instead, the socio-2
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