
Food Service Management: Approaches, Principles, Strategies, and Analytical Tools


Added on  2023-06-13

12 Pages3522 Words484 Views
Food Service
Food Service Management: Approaches, Principles, Strategies, and Analytical Tools_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Different food Supply Chain Approaches..............................................................................1
Principles of effective procurement and sourcing procedures ..............................................2
Food Supply Chain Approaches and Procurement Strategies ...............................................4
Analytical tools to support effective management strategies.................................................6
Management practices that support business operation in The Fat Duck..............................7
Ethical approaches in The Fat Duck and its impression on entire business success .............8
Strategies to enhance effective business operation................................................................8
Ethical Practices in The Fat Duck and its impact over the organisational objectives. ..........8
Food Service Management: Approaches, Principles, Strategies, and Analytical Tools_2

Food facilities involve business, organisations and institutions that are accountable for
making food from external sources. The procedure of food facilities that mainly involve buying
raw materials, checking inventory, food preparation and many other activities. Food service
management is termed as procedure of serving different types of food and beverages to potential
customers in scientific and effective manner (Hennchen, 2019). These services also help in
improving profitability and productivity by training employees about serving and preparing food,
sourcing various suppliers as well as supervising inventory. The following report contains
different methods of food supply chain, principles of procurement as well as sourcing procedure,
tools to assist effective management methods along with ethical approaches to increase success
and accomplish organisational objectives. The restaurant which is chosen to complete this report
is The Fat Duck which is a dine restaurant in Bray, Berkshire, England and was established in
the year 1995 by celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal.
Different food Supply Chain Approaches
The various food supply chain approaches could become wider if members are involving
and can become clipped if any manufacturer trade products or services directly to consumers.
Efficiency of supply chain is evaluating by determining performance of a company that is
included in chain. The different supply chain approaches of food supply chain are explained
Framers are considered as one of the approach of food supply chain and are potential
source for following food safety. They utilise synthetic and natural chemicals in order to save
crops and avoid damage of food from disease as well as animals (Kim, Kim and Park, 2020). The
Fat Duck gather its raw material from farmers so that the restaurant could serve quality food to
its customers. During this procedure different nature of commodities could impact quality of
harvested items. In the present time demands of organic food items has been increased by
customers as they are concern towards their health. Because of COVID-19, people focus on
preferring organic food items that are being produced through natural farming methods. The Fat
Food Service Management: Approaches, Principles, Strategies, and Analytical Tools_3

Duck offers organic chicken item to customers which helps restaurant in minimizing food
poisoning risk along with cutting the fat.
This is the second method which is accountable for preserving and processing food so
that those products could be served to consumers which are edible and safe. Some examples of
food processing activities include smoking, drying, refrigeration, fermentation, additives and
heating. For making chicken, the Fat Duck follows proper procedure so that quality food could
be served to customers.
Logistics and transportation:
Food supply chain approach which mainly focus over minimising gap between
consumers and producers. This stage is considered as essential level which gives final
opportunity to determine as well as eliminate stock that has been contaminated. For ensuring
quality of food there are various problems that restaurants faced which include humidity,
atmosphere, temperature and handling conditions (Finsterwalder and Kuppelwieser, 2020). The
Fat Duck store its food and beverages items in refrigerator through maintaining humidity as well
as temperature of food products.
A final approach of food supply chain where the respective restaurant offers quality food
and beverages to customers. It is the accountability of The Fat Duck to serve food items that are
safe as customers are more concerned towards their health. The selected restaurant also focusses
on giving high quality food products for customer so that it could develop strong relationship
with them along with attracting large base of consumers towards company.
Principles of effective procurement and sourcing procedures
Procurement is defined as an approach which is related to buying of food and beverages
as well as includes solicitation, preparation along with payment process. There are few principles
of procurement which includes value for money, accountability, effectiveness, fair dealing,
competitive supply, informed decisions and others (Chriqui, Schermbeck and Leider, 2018).
There are various kinds of procurement such as indirect, direct, products and facilities
procurement. Procurement management is defined as procedure of taking responsibility
regarding supervising all the procedures included in acquiring materials, products and facilities
Food Service Management: Approaches, Principles, Strategies, and Analytical Tools_4

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