
Fostering Early Years Development


Added on  2019-09-26

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Formative AssessmentActivity 1Question 1The routine is important for the children for the following reasons—1. Routine increases the confidence and the independence of the children. When the children are following a routine, they get an idea on what to expect from the daily life. The knowledge on regular activities increases confidence. Being in a routine helps the children to learn from the past experiences as well (Cooklin et al., 2012). As an effect, the children can gain independence with help of their previous experience.2. The routine helps the children to improve their self-control by putting restriction on some activities. The routine helps the children to balance between the enjoyable tasks and the functional tasks.3. The routine reduces stress among the children by providing them with familiar experiences.Reference:Cooklin, A. R., Giallo, R., & Rose, N. (2012). Parental fatigue and parenting practices during early childhood: An Australian community survey.Child: care, health and development,38(5), 654-664.Question 2 The educators need to consider the age, health status, unique needs of family, cultural background, the daily involvement of the child while making the routine.Question 3 The routine should include the functional activities and the healthy habits. The functional activities suchas the brushing the teeth, taking bath, taking meals, physical exercise and studying can be effective to foster the physical and cognitive growth of the children. The enjoyable activities such as playing in the routine are effective for cognitive and social development.Activity 2 Question 1Choosing the accessible materials by the children is important for enhancing the hands-on learning ofthe children across all the developmental areas. Use of the right materials helps the children to getengaged in wide range of play activities (Hamre, 2014). When the children can access the materials, theybecome able to make their own plans and choose own materials as per their interest. The opportunityto planning and choosing own activities enhance the independence among the children. Accessibility of
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the materials that are needed by the children also helps them to feel valued, safe and competent.Accessibility of the resources helps the children for using their imagination and being creative.Reference:Hamre, B. K. (2014). Teachers' daily interactions with children: An essential ingredient in effective earlychildhood programs.Child Development Perspectives,8(4), 223-230.Question 2 The six play materials for promoting active play among the children are as follow—Balance and co-ordination materials such as balance beams and mini bridge BallsAlphabetic or shape bean bagsClimbersSpeed and jump ropesPush-alongs and riders Question 3The activity gym develops the hearing ability and gross motor skills such as moving hands and legs. Theblocks develop fine motor skills such as using fingers and they also help in cognitive development bygiving an idea on the shapes and sizes. The teething rings can develop gripping and gasping skills. Toddlers-- Alphabets, pet and vet set, musical games-- The alphabets can develop cognitive skills amongthe toddlers. The veterinary set helps the children to use their imagination and take part in the rolebased play. The musical games give the children an idea on rhythm and develop the motor skills.3-4 years-- Tricycles, Slides and Push based ride-ons-- All the toys develop gross and fine motor skillsamong the children.5-7 years—Doodle sets, racers, building blocks-- The Doodle sets help the children to draw using theircreativity, and racers help them to develop the motor skills along with the knowledge on speed anddirection. The building blocks help the children to develop the cognitive skills by providing them an ideaon the size and shapes.8-10 years-- Books, suspension games , mini scooters-- Reading the books helps children to develop theircognitive skills. The suspension games help them to get an idea of balance and develop the fine motorskills such as use of the finger. The mini scooter helps the children to develop motor skills and also to getbetter idea on the balance and direction.More 10 years olds—Bounce off games, electronic discovery games, puzzles-- The bounce off games iseffective to develop the fine motor skills and the balancing techniques. The electronic discovery gamesand the puzzles would help the children to develop the problem solving techniques.
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Activity 3The balance skills can be considered as an emerging activity for the toddlers. The balancing skill can be supported in the following ways—Enabling the children to stand on one foot. Standing on one foot helps the children to build strengths and improve the balance. Encouraging the children to ride the ladder is also effective for improving balance. Getting involved into Yoga is also effective to improve the balance.Activity 4Question 1Wellbeing can be described as a combination of the quality of life and prosperity, sound health andsustainable communities. Wellbeing can be defined by the measure of personal assessment of thequality of life of an individual and the experiences (Michalos, 2017). Wellbeing gives a measurement ofhow an individual is doing and how he/ she are being a part of the community (Steptoe et al., 2015).Wellbeing can be measured by different dimensions such as the natural environment, relationship of anindividual with others, personal conception of wellbeing with others, health, activities of individual,financial resources available to an individual, the education, economy, governance and skills developedby an individual.References:Michalos, A. C. (2017). Education, happiness and wellbeing. InConnecting the Quality of Life Theory toHealth, Well-being and Education(pp. 277-299). Springer, Cham.Steptoe, A., Deaton, A., & Stone, A. A. (2015). Subjective wellbeing, health, and ageing.The Lancet,385(9968), 640-648.Question 2Five things to educate children about physical and mental wellbeing—Educating the children about personal hygiene to ensure physical wellbeing Reinforcing the positive behaviour among children so that they behave in the right wayDeveloping skills and competencies among the children so that they can explore new experiences Creating a sense of belonging among the children can be effective to enable them to make social relationships (Michalos, 2017). Development of social relationship, in turn, is useful for ensuring mental wellbeing.The educators can also encourage the children to help others. Helping others strengthen the social relationship and improve the mental wellbeing of an individual.Reference:
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Michalos, A. C. (2017). Education, happiness and wellbeing. InConnecting the Quality of Life Theory to Health, Well-being and Education(pp. 277-299). Springer, Cham. Question 3The safety awareness is necessary for the well-being of children due to the following reasons—The safety awareness helps the children to identify the hazards. As an impact, the children stay away from the hazards. It improves their physical safety. The safety awareness helps the children to know the risky behaviours and the consequences (Lawrence et al., 2015). So, they do not get involved into the risky activities and the physical wellbeing improves. The safety awareness also facilitates the children to know the healthy habits and the potential health issues. It also improves the physical wellbeing of the children. The safety awareness provides the children with a sense of security. It improves the emotional wellbeing of the children.Reference:Lawrence, D., Johnson, S., Hafekost, J., Boterhoven de Haan, K., Sawyer, M., Ainley, J., & Zubrick, S. R. (2015). The mental health of children and adolescents: report on the second Australian child and adolescent survey of mental health and wellbeing.Activity 5 Question 1 The five skills and abilities that help children to control own behaviour is –1.Self –regulation-- The self-regulation helps the children to control own emotions and behave in appropriate manner (Elovainio et al., 2015).2.Self-reflection—The ability to reflect on a situation or on an incident can help the children identify the right and wrong aspects.3.Decision-making ability-- The decision making ability is effective to make the child able to evaluate the options available in a situation and make the logical choices.4. Empathy for others-- The children should learn to show empathy to others.5.The children should be able to create a sense of belongingness with others. The sense ofbelongingness helps children to strengthen their social relationship with others and it helps them to improve own behaviour.References:Elovainio, M., Heponiemi, T., Jokela, M., Hakulinen, C., Presseau, J., Aalto, A. M., & Kivimäki, M. (2015). Stressful work environment and wellbeing: What comes first?.Journal of occupational health psychology,20(3), 289.
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Question 2The sense of morality is different among the toddlers and the preschoolers. The Toddlers realize thedifference between right and wrong. The toddlers also focus on not getting involved into wrongactivities for avoiding the punishment (Jambon & Smetana, 2017). On the contrary, the preschoolersstart realizing the family values. The preschoolers also start developing the realization that theiractivities have consequences. The knowledge on consequences shapes the sense of morality among thechildren (Jambon & Smetana, 2017). The preschooler children also start feeling connected with theirparents and the morality is influenced by the connection with parents as well.Reference:Jambon, M., & Smetana, J. G. (2017). Parenting, morality and social development: new views on oldquestions. InNew Perspectives on Moral Development(pp. 131-150). Routledge. Question 3 The educators can teach the children about responsibility in the following manner—Setting limits to the activities and access to resources is an effective way to make the children responsible (Van Manen,2016). When the time to do a task and resources are limited to a child, he/ she learns to behave responsibly to get use the time and resources in the right way. Making the children accountable for an action is another effective technique to promote responsible behavior among them. Setting the expectations for a child helps her to show responsible behaviour .Reference:Van Manen, M. (2016).The tact of teaching: The meaning of pedagogical thoughtfulness. Routledge.Question 4Use of the natural consequences to teach the child discipline is effective as the natural consequenceenables the child to get an actual insight of what would happen if he/ she do not behave in the expectedmanner (Walder et al., 2017). Therefore, the child can be taught in a more effective way using thenatural consequences. However, allowing the child to experience the actual consequences of their workcan be harmful for them. This is one disadvantage of the natural consequence based responsibilityteaching system. Moreover, the child may take time to realize the adverse aspects of the naturalconsequences and make the necessary behavioral changes. This is another disadvantage of the naturalconsequence based teaching.Reference:Walder, L. O., Cohen, S. I., Breiter, D. E., Daston, P. G., Hirsch, I. S., & Leibowitz, J. M. (2017). Teachingbehavioral principles to parents of disturbed children. InBehavior Therapy with Children(pp. 382-387).Routledge.
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Activity 6 Question 1 The opportunities that can be created with help of one-to-one interaction with the children are as follow— The educators can gauge the development and progress of children in more effective way (Shireet al., 2018). The children receive constant attention of the educators. Therefore, developing a connection with the educators becomes easier for them.The children feel less stress in one-to- one communication. So, the children can share their feelings and emotions easily during such communication.The strengths and weaknesses of the children are identified in more effective way. The one-to-one communication reduces the time constraints for both the educator and the children. So, the learning becomes more effective.References:Shire, S. Y., Shih, W., & Kasari, C. (2018). Brief report: Caregiver strategy implementation—Advancing spoken communication in children who are minimally verbal.Journal of autism and developmental disorders,48(4), 1228-1234. Question 2 The three techniques that can foster one to one interaction among the children are— Questioning the child Discussing with the child on an incidentPlaying with the child and getting involved into one-to-one communication Activity 7 Question 1 The following traits can b demonstrated to the children in the below mentioned way—Kindness-- The children can be encouraged to greet others or volunteer the cleaning works at their rooms to show kindness.Protectiveness-- The children should be encouraged to be observant to demonstrate protectiveness. For example, the children can be encouraged to inform others if they find the floor is wet or any sharp object is present on it to avoid injury among others.Reliability-- The reliability among the children can be promoted by giving them some responsibility. For example, the children can be made responsible for organizing their toys every day after the play time.Honesty-- Encouraging the children to tell the truth every time can be an effective way to demonstrate honesty among them.
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