
Teamwork in Nursing


Added on  2023-01-05

6 Pages1859 Words51 Views
Teamwork in Nursing_1

Table of Contents
Teamwork in Nursing_2

Nursing is the collaborative and the autonomous care of the all ages individuals, family,
communities, groups. It includes the prevention of illness and the care of ill persons and
promotion of health and disabled and dying people. It is said to be an integral part of system of
health care. The nurse is a person who completed a basic program which generalized education.
Generally, nurse is the professional which are having the ability and education for caring for
their patients. They are the one who are responsible for total caring and by using their basis
knowledge for the caring of the patients. As per the given context, teamwork is the key factor in
any field to make the stronger relationship and productive dimension in the field of the Nursing.
The teamwork states the coordination within any two groups or individual. Which formulate a
benefits while doing any task. The concept of teamwork in the field of nursing is very important.
In this, nursing is a profession which provides physical care, help, prevention of illness. Nursing
are the health care professionals who focuses on the individual care and also their families to
help in recovering from their bad health and help in increasing the quality of life with the optimal
health (Kim and et. al., 2016).
As per the chosen topic, the nursing and the teamwork is always correlated for the betterment of
the physical yield because from the childhood, it is being seeing that teamwork is very necessary
in the health care department. The relationship between the nurse and doctor are necessary. The
team work of nurse and doctor have the major role in the patients treatment. Where the patients
treatment plays the role as the teamwork for the diagnosis of the disease and symptoms. For
example- A patient in a case of surgery, where doctor is only available during the surgery where
the nursing workers are always available from the treatment to the medication. Where the
nursing staff is there in the caring the patient in all the activities in each and every step from the
start to the discharge of the patients. After the diagnosis the patient comes in contact with the
nursing staff where nursing staff shows the teamwork with the patient. In this step the nursing
staff care about the patient after the surgery where they are associated to care for them and help
them out in the delivering the proper medicine and caring in attaining the better health where
their role in to checking their food and proper diet, to check whether the patient is taking his or
her medicine on time or not, they also take care whether they need to use the basis facilities
which is using the toilet etc (Hafsteinsdóttir and et. al., 2017) Then after, the nursing shows the
teamwork with the pharmacist, here the nursing staff is responsible for getting the medicines
Teamwork in Nursing_3

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