Course Texts: Beckett, Samuel. Endgame and Act Without Words (Grove P). Kelly, Joseph, ed. Seagull Book of Poems. (Norton) Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. (Oxford P) Sinclair, Safiya. Cannibal. (U of Nebraska P) first, choose one heart-real-for-you poem from our anthology? Next, why not think through/wonder about that particular poem while paying specific attention to Robert Frost’s (and NourbeSe’s) claim that “poetry is language under pressure”? I would really love to encounter essays that treat the poem as a language creation or a language machine or a language event. How does this creation/machine/event fire and languagelive and languagefunction and languagework? How does this poem—on the level of its language—behave? Finally, simply, how does your chosen poem place language under pressure?