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Preparing for Success at University: Self Development and Responsibility


Added on  2022/12/27

PowerPoint Presentation
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This presentation focuses on preparing for success at university by developing self-development and responsibility. It discusses the key skills required to be an effective student and emphasizes the importance of communication, presentation, referencing, and computer skills. The presentation also highlights the significance of teamwork and provides tips for effective collaboration. Overall, it emphasizes the role of self-development and responsibility in achieving academic success.

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Preparing for Success at
University: Self Development
and Responsibility

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Table of Content
How to be an effective student
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Student is termed to a person who is studying at university or other
educational institution. One of the key to become an effective student is
learning ways for study smarter rather than harder. The presentation is
prepared on the subject about how to be an effective student.
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How to be an effective student
A student is an individual who is devoted to learn and seeks knowledge from
professionals at university or other higher educational institution. A good
student have positive attitude, hard working abilities and higher grades.

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Student who uses various learning materials including journals, books, academic
articles, blogs, etc at university level for gaining or improving their knowledge
are termed as effective student. In academic and professional life, skill
development assist student in finding new mechanisms to think and solve issues,
take responsibilities of things they do despite of blaming others and work in
collaboration with others in group.
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Some of the skills that reflects on the ways to become an effective student are as
Communication skill: To become an effective student, they are required to continue
focus towards the ability to share or transmit information with others properly.
Presentation skill: Presentations are considered as most widely opted at university and
vary in context of whether or not they are assessed.
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Other skills that reflects on the ways to become an effective student are under:
Computer skill: It refers to the ability to carry out fundamental tasks or activities
on a computer.
Referencing skill: Referencing is a way in which a student acknowledge sources of
information which they use in their reports, assignment addition to dissertation.

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Team work is delineated to collaborative effort of people in a group for achieving
completing common task in best efficient manner.
In the pandemic situation of Covid-19, all the practices or activities for preparing
content as well as the presentation are completed by a student through digital media
techniques including creation of groups on WhatsApp, Zoom and Microsoft teams to
communicate information addition to preparing presentation.
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Some of the ways in which effective student carry out activities effectively with others
to deliver a group project are as follows:
Getting into right mindset: At a time when a student work independently, they set
their schedule in typical manner for tackling projects in the ways which suits their
Agree to agree: From all groups, it is expected to devise outcomes in the manner all
members are on same page while reaching to common goals.
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Playing to individual strengths: In team work, each member brings various
competences and skills.
Recognising contributions of others: In a team work, there is no “I” as all people
make equal and positive efforts to achieve success.
Owing up own mistakes: When an individual feel like something is not going as per
set aspects then they must be honest and share things with others.

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For an effective student, self-development as well as responsibilities are key
mediums of success at University. Success is recognised within a student through
their results or grades which they are achieving at university. At same time,
student achieves success in competition of the allotted work including
presentation or group assignment on time.
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From the presentation, it is concluded that a student is termed to an individual who
is studying at educational institution. To become an effective student, it is essential
for a person to have skills set of communication, presentation, reference, computer
and many more. Self development and responsibilities goes hand in hand in case
with a student.
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Aruguete, M. S., 2017. Recognizing challenges and predicting success in first-
generation university students. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and
Research. 18(2).
Darling-Hammond, L. and Oakes, J., 2021. Preparing teachers for deeper
learning. Harvard Education Press.
Winstone, N. and Carless, D., 2019. Designing effective feedback processes in
higher education: A learning-focused approach. Routledge.

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