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Global Events: Impact, Macro Environmental Factors, and Recommendations


Added on  2023/06/18

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This presentation discusses the impact of global events, including positive and negative effects, and evaluates the macro environmental factors that influence the industry. It provides recommendations for improvements and solutions for a specific event, as well as SWOT tools and specific criteria for successful planning. The subject is event management, and the references include studies on event theory, sustainability, and tourism development.

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Global Events

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Table of content
Effect that the positive and negative impacts of the global events
Evaluate the macro environmental factors, their influence on global events industry
Provide recommendations for improvements and solutions for a specific event
SWOT Tools
Specific criteria for the successful planning events for both internal and external
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Global events are the kinds of events organised at the global
level for a limited time period, these kind of events creates a
global reach and attract large number of audience around the
globe and media attention as well.

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Macro environment
The global events includes various types like mega events
organised at the global level impacted by the various
internal and external factors. FIFA world cup 2018 which
was organised in Russia, which is considered to be one of
the mega events.
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Political factors:
One of the essential external directly influence the
mega events like FIFA world cup 2018. These kind of
events are organised at the global level, leading to
attract large audience around the globe.
FIFA world cup 2018, which is organised through
country bidding helps in reducing political tension
among different countries and creating positive impact.
But losing of any team also lead to creating political
tension and negative impact among countries.
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Technological factors:
Mega events also has huge impact on the technological
factor. Use of FIFA world cup uses various technology to
attract large number of audience. The use of technology
makes it easier for the event industry to directly
communicate with the target event attendees or the target
audience around the globe leading to create positive
impact. But many mega events has used the technology
for the wrong use leading to create negative impact.

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Economic factors
The mega events like FIFA world cup, 2018 are organised
at the global level attracting large number of audience and
media attention. The main focus is to recover the cost and
investment at huge level. Organising these kind of events
creates positive impact on the growth and development of
the economy. Increase in the travelling cost, or travelling
restriction for the participants or audience will create
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Environment factors:
The mega events also create huge impact on the
environment. Mega events like FIFA world cup
focusing on economic or balanced sustainability will
help them to create positive impact on the environment.
But not following the sustainability and continue to run
down the environmental capital will directly create
negative impact on the environment.
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Cultural factors
The mega events like FIFA world cup,
2018 has huge impact on the cultural
factors. These kind of events are
organised on the global events having
huge fan following around the globe
with different culture. These mega
events helps in uniting different culture
at single platform, promoting diversity
and creating positive impact. But fans of
different teams with different
background sometimes lead to creating
negative impact all together.

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The macro environmental factors, their
influence on global events industry
There are various external factors present at the
international level facing negative and positive
through mega events like FIFA world cup. The
various factors include the political, technological,
environmental, economic and legal factors. These
kind of changes in these factors leads to
unfavourable environment for the event industry to
organise the mega events.
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Provide recommendations for improvements for
a specific event
It is recommended that before organising, the event
industry needs to analyse all the internal and
external factors present at the global level. This will
help them to avoid any kind of barriers and
overcome difficulties.
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It is also recommended that, before organising an
mega event like FIFA world cup the community
perception regarding the event should taken into
consideration. The community perception will help
organising the event as the perception and preference
of the community.
In addition to this it is also recommended that the
return on investment of the particular event as well as
the cost involved should be analysed.

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SWOT Tools
SWOT Tools

It is one of the essential strategic tool used by
the business organisation in order to analyse
the strength and weakness also the various
opportunities and threat available
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The mega events like FIFA worldcup
has a huge impact on the global
economy through its effective strategic
planning and analysing the perception
of the community.
These kind of events are organised at
the global level and large scale involves
large number of stakeholders and
global audience. Also attracting huge
media attention.

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One of the biggest weaknesses of mega events like
FIFA world cup is that these kind of events are
galvanised at the large scale so the they have
complex structure.
Another weaknesses is that these kind of events
involves huge amount of investment and travelling
cost for participant as well as for audience.
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Determining various regeneration initiatives and
legal laws will lead to the growth and development
of the mega events at the global level.
Organising mega events in the developed country
will help in the successful organising of the events.
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Any kind of political instability in the
country where the event is going to
be organised will create threat for
Also the lack of support from the
government in term of funding and
cost will also create threat.

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Specific criteria for the successful planning
Organising an event successful at the global level
required proper planning, considering both the
internal and external factors. There are number of
internal and external factors that directly influence
the success of the mega events like FIFA world cup.
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From the above presentation, it has been concluded that properly managing and handling
events at the global level helps in attracting large audience around the globe and contributing
to the growth and development of the economy. This presentation involves detailed analysis of
the positive and negative impact of macro environment such as political, environment,
economic and so on, on event industry and the recommendations that needs to be considered
for the enhancement of specific event
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Getz, D. and Page, S.J., 2019. Event studies: Theory, research and policy for planned events.
Prathipati, V.K., CV, N. and Konatham, P., 2019. Inconsistency in the frequency of rainfall
events in the Indian summer monsoon season. International Journal of Climatology, 39(13),
Jones, Z.M., 2020. Cultural Mega-events: Opportunities and Risks for Heritage Cities.
Dedusenko, E.A., 2019. Sporting mega-events as catalysts for sustainability and tourism
development in Russia. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism (JEMT), 10(02
(34)), pp.346-353.
Parent, M.M. and Ruetsch, A., 2020. Managing major sports events: Theory and practice.
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