
Impact of Global Events on Macro Environment: SWOT Analysis of Olympic Event 2012


Added on  2023-06-18

24 Pages1150 Words180 Views
Impact of Global Events on Macro Environment: SWOT Analysis of Olympic Event 2012_1

Positive and negative impact of global events on macro environment
SWOT analysis of a global event
Table of content
Impact of Global Events on Macro Environment: SWOT Analysis of Olympic Event 2012_2

Global events are arranged and performed at worldwide level. Moreover, this is
managed as well as hold by event specialists. Mainly, these events are conducted for
limited duration that have a international reach, investment of vital people and have
direct influences on population as well as developed environment. In addition to this,
these forms of events essentially concentrate on arranging exhibitions and conferences
by conducting with renowned organiser so that vital information of several events can
be share at larger level. Presently there is discussion on a major event that is Olympic
event 2012 that is a event takes place in a time period of every four years and belongs to
sport industry.
Impact of Global Events on Macro Environment: SWOT Analysis of Olympic Event 2012_3

Macro environmental comprise of various components that has impact on exercises of
business that is managing in occasion area. Organization must dissect and assess
these elements to lead undertaking of worldwide occasion successfully. This will
have impact over dynamic just as conduct of association. There are different
variables of large scale climate that will have both positive just as adverse
consequence on occasion association and its exercises.
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Impact of Global Events on Macro Environment: SWOT Analysis of Olympic Event 2012_4

For deciding the effect of these elements of worldwide occasion industry PESTEL
investigation is led. This will uphold occasion association to take right and exact
choice for upgrade exercises. PESTEL examination for worldwide occasion industry
and conduct of association is notice underneath:
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Impact of Global Events on Macro Environment: SWOT Analysis of Olympic Event 2012_5

Political factor
Economical factor
Social factor
Technological factor
Environmental Factor
Legal factor
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Impact of Global Events on Macro Environment: SWOT Analysis of Olympic Event 2012_6

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