
Global Family Business - Doc


Added on  2020-10-22

11 Pages3481 Words283 Views
Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementLanguages and CultureEnvironmental SciencePolitical Science
Global Family Business - Doc_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK...................................................................................................1Model 1.......................................................................................................................................1Model 2.......................................................................................................................................2Model 3.......................................................................................................................................3ANALYSIS......................................................................................................................................6Model 1.......................................................................................................................................6Model 2.......................................................................................................................................7DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................................7RECOMMENDATION ..................................................................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Global Family Business - Doc_2

INTRODUCTIONAmazon is a technological company which includes various services & products in itsportfolio an this are related to e-commerce, artificial intelligence and cloud computing. It is thelargest online trading company which provide online services and it has its headquarter inSeattle, Washington, U.S. This repost explains business environment and its affects on Amazon.Further, this repost includes include implementation of Corporate social responsibility incompany. Furthermore, this report includes an analysis of business environment factors, itsimpact and gap in practices used by company. Moreover, this report analyse growth model andits impact. Further, this report discussed what is achieved by company. At last, this reportelaborate ideas & recommendation offered to business.THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKModel 1GlobalEnvironmentGlobal environment consist of various external factors which affects operations of abusiness and this factors cannot be control by companies. If Amazon want to operate its businessthan it has to keep in mind all the environmental factors because Amazon offers its products &services across the globe. Company has to adapt all the environmental factors of the differentcountries such as culture, ethics, norms, population and demand & expectation of customers ofdifferent countries(Crowther and Seifi, 2018). Adaption- Amazon is offering its services in more than 100 countries & for achievingsuccess of its operations in all the counties company has to follow all the environmentalfactors of different countries such as political factors, economic factors, environmentalfactors, technological factors and social factors. For Example- company is operating inUnited Kingdom, China, India and Canada than company has to adapt or make differentdecision making policy, rules, guidelines & techniques for each of the countriesaccording to their environmental factors.Culture- For establishing business in the global market Amazon has to provide itsservices & products according to the requirement of culture of each country. ForExample- Individuals of U. S. follow western culture and they prefer to follow culture ofmany counties. Whereas, individuals of India follow traditional culture & ethos. Thus,Amazon has to develop its services according to the requirements of culture of different1
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country to sustain in the global market and this leads company towards achieving successof its business.Distance- Amazon served its products & services across the world it operates in 5continents and in more than 100 counties worldwide. Thus, distance covered by companyis large and which helps the company in achieving long-tern success in the globalenvironment. Further, if firm expands its business in more areas where it does not existbefore and offers its services according to the requirement of that area than it can enhanceits profitability and market share(Unit, 2015).Diversity- Diversity is expansion of offerings of products & services of Amazon. Foroperating business in the global market company has to increase range of its products &services. If company offer many types of services than customers get attracted as theyhave more options to chose form. Thus, it increases customer base and helps the companyin sustain in global market and meeting its objectives.Local Norms- Rules & Regulations of each country are different. Thus, Amazon has tomake decisions and establish different norms of working for each country. Which in turnhelps company in smooth functioning of its business in all counties across the globe.Cultural Cues- Communication techniques and language differs from country to country.Thus, for doping operations in each country company has to develop training andrecruitment programme for each country and develop its website according to thelinguistic culture of each country. These helps company in dealing with its customers andit also helps in building relationship among customers & company.Model 2Corporate Governance ModelCorporate Governance model helps Amazon in operating its business as it is operating invarious countries across the world. This model provides various rules, guidelines and processesthrough which company can operated & controlled. This guidelines is beneficial forshareholders, managers, customers, suppliers and community of Amazon because it protectsinterest of all its stake holders. Their are various models of Corporate Governance such asAnglo-US Model, Japanese Model, German Model and Social control model. Amazon uses allthis models because it operates in many countries. This all models are discussed below- 2
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