
Adidas Global Marketing Strategy Analysis


Added on  2020-04-15

6 Pages894 Words57 Views
Running head: GLOBAL MARKETINGGlobal Marketing
Adidas Global Marketing Strategy Analysis_1

GLOBAL MARKETING1TO: Senior Marketing ManagerFROM: Marketing ExecutiveDATE: November 26, 2017RE: Global MarketingAdidas is a German multinational corporation and they are in the manufacturing of sportsaccessories and clothes. Taylor Made-Adidas company, Rockport, golf company (includingAshworth), and Reebok sportswear company are involved in the group Adidas. Target marketA target market involves those organizations or consumers who will regularly avail the productsand services of the company. Because demand of the consumer and offering of the company aresame so it makes obvious for company to give maximum attention to these consumers. Demographic and psychographic are the two segments that grab the attention of Adidas.Therefore Adidas design its brand in 3 styles depend upon the segmentation. Dividing the marketinto different groups according to the demographic variables like age and sex is known asDemographic segmentation. Adidas design their products according to the age and gendersegmentation for kids, male and female.Marketing MixProduct- Adidas product strategy in marketing mix involve complete product line acrossnumerous sports and types. Sports-wear and sports bags are also sold by Adidas to its customers. Price- Adidas is known for its promotions, styles, and designs of their products and due to thatthey use competitive pricing as well as skipping prices strategy. Competitive pricing strategy isused by Adidas so that they can give pricing competition to their competitors and they useskimming price strategy for its newly introduced products with unique design in the market(Bhasin, 2017).
Adidas Global Marketing Strategy Analysis_2

GLOBAL MARKETING2Place- Adidas Company prefers selling their products through their own retail outlets. In theretail outlets of Adidas, the products are delivered directly from their manufacturing sites. Withthis, the products of Adidas are also sold by different showrooms and distributor of Adidasdeliver products to these showrooms. Promotion- Adidas take help of media to promote its products. Promotional strategy in marketingmix 360 branding strategy of promotion is used by Adidas that shelters all features ofcommunication and media. Source[https://www.slideshare.net/102brandstrategy/adidas-brand-extensionabhinav-goyalpgp30416]Promotional mixPersonal selling- Personal selling is the one to one communication between seller and buyer.Customers drop their contact details at the Adidas promotional activity, with the help of thatdetail Adidas telemarketers call that customers to sell the product.Direct marketing- Soccer players, runners and other athletes are the target group of Adidas.Adidas conducts its direct marketing through emails or mail.
Adidas Global Marketing Strategy Analysis_3

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