
Impact of Globalisation on the Expansion and Growth Level of a Hotel: A Research Project on Hilton Hotel


Added on  2023-06-18

22 Pages6306 Words469 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Research Project
Impact of Globalisation on the Expansion and Growth Level of a Hotel: A Research Project on Hilton Hotel_1

The current project is based on the topic of globalisation that tend to be associated and
related with the increasing level of inter-dependency of the world economies that is creating a
higher interaction and movement of culture and population across the border. The main purpose
of current study is to evaluate about the concept of globalisation along with determining its
impact on the expansion and growth level of a hotel. Further, use of quantitative method of
research has been made within current study which supports easy collection and analysis of facts
to meet set objective in improved manner. Along with this, effective recommendation about the
ways to mitigate the challenge of globalisation has been also provided which includes
description about inclusive leadership and regular cultural training.
Table of Contents
Impact of Globalisation on the Expansion and Growth Level of a Hotel: A Research Project on Hilton Hotel_2

Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................1
Topic: Impact of globalisation on the expansion and growth level of a hotel. A research
project on Hilton Hotel...........................................................................................................1
Background of the project......................................................................................................1
Aims and objective.................................................................................................................1
Rational and scope of the project...........................................................................................1
Research questions.................................................................................................................2
Chapter 2: Critical Literature Review..............................................................................................2
To review about the concept of globalisation along with its key advantage and drawbacks. 2
To determine about the possible impact of globalisation on the overall expansion and growth
level of the Hilton Hotel.........................................................................................................3
To investigate about the strategy that can be adopted by the Hilton Hotel to overcome the
negative impacts and challenges lead out by globalisation in order to ensure better growth at
global level.............................................................................................................................4
Chapter 3: Research Methodology...................................................................................................5
Chapter 4: Analysis and Findings....................................................................................................8
Chapter 5: A Critical Appraisal, Recommendations & Suggestions for Further Work.................15
Critical appraisal and discussion..........................................................................................15
Recommendations & Suggestions for Further Work...........................................................16
Chapter 6: Conclusions..................................................................................................................16
Own Performance Reflection on the Research Process.................................................................17
Impact of Globalisation on the Expansion and Growth Level of a Hotel: A Research Project on Hilton Hotel_3

Chapter 1: Introduction
Topic: Impact of globalisation on the expansion and growth level of a hotel. A research project
on Hilton Hotel
Background of the project
The topic of globalisation is associated with the higher foreign trade and flexibility in the
movement of people, goods and technology beyond the boundaries of nation. Thus, this higher
level of interaction at global level is creating both threats as well as opportunity for a business
organisation in form of supporting higher expansion level as well as leading enhanced
competition (Thomas, 2017). The organisation selected for current project is Hilton hotel which
is a flagship brand of hotel and reports having its business operations across the world. Thus,
current study is focused on determining that whether the concept of globalisation has supported
better global expansion for Hilton or leads to new challenges. The main aim and objective of
current research project are listed and provided as below:
Aims and objective
Research Aim
The aim of the current study is, “To evaluate about the concept of globalisation along
with determining its impact on the expansion and growth level of a hotel”. A research work on
Hilton Hotel.
Research objective
To review about the concept of globalisation along with its key advantage and
To determine about the possible impact of globalisation on the overall expansion and
growth level of the Hilton Hotel.
To investigate about the strategy that can be adopted by the Hilton Hotel to overcome
the negative impacts and challenges lead out by globalisation in order to ensure better
growth at global level.
Rational and scope of the project
Selection of current topic based on the impact of globalisation is vital and rationale as it
has been analysed and seen that globalisation is vast concept having a very sowed scope. Thus,
determining the overall impact of globalisation on the expansion and growth of a hospitality
Impact of Globalisation on the Expansion and Growth Level of a Hotel: A Research Project on Hilton Hotel_4

form is significant which supports analysis of both its positive as well as the negative aspects.
Globalisation tend to supports improved movement of people, goods, services and technology
beyond the boundaries of nation thus, provides a wider scope for expansion but issues such as
complexity in communication, language barriers, higher competition are also created. Along with
this, the selection of current research topic is seemed appropriate and suitable as it provides
better underdoing about the impact of globalisation along with leading better awareness about
the strategy that can be adopted by a company to overcome the negative impacts and challenges
lead out by globalisation in order to ensure better growth at global level. Beside this, selection of
current topic is also rationale from view point of researcher as meeting personal interest and
supporting better academic performance by the way of enhancing skill and other abilities. It has
been seen that the carry out of the current investigation meet the personal interest of researcher
and also supports potential contribution in the long term career aspiration by the way of leading a
practical experience of conducting research and gaining knowledge. Further, undertaking of
current investigation would improve the overall communication and other analytical skill of the
richer tiger with leading improved decision making through gaining practical knowledge
therefore it supports better future growth and opportunity for the learners.
Research questions
What is meant by the concept of globalisation along with its key advantage and
What possible impact of the globalisation is seen on the overall expansion and growth
level of the Hilton Hotel?
Which set of strategy can be adopted by the Hilton Hotel to overcome the negative
impacts and challenges lead out by globalisation in order to ensure better growth at global
Chapter 2: Critical Literature Review
This section of research project forms out a systematic analysis and review of the existing
literature work prevailing in form of books, article and journals. Literature review forms out a
vital part of a research as it set out a better base and framework through leading improved
underdoing about the selected topic and objective (Mugeshmani, 2018). Following literature
Impact of Globalisation on the Expansion and Growth Level of a Hotel: A Research Project on Hilton Hotel_5

review is based on topic of impact of globalisation for which a data has been analysed through
use of online article and journal a discussion of which is provided as below:
To review about the concept of globalisation along with its key advantage and drawbacks
With respect to the information provided by the Ramlachan, P., Ramnund-Mansingh, A.
and Mancosa, K.N., 2021, it has been seen and analysed that the concept of globalisation can be
defined as the process by which businesses or other form of the organizations tend to have and
develop a higher and improved level of international influence and even tend to start operating
on an international scale. Further, in a more simplifier manner the concept of globalization tends
to refers to an open flow of information along with the technology movement and also tend to
support and leads out goods among countries and various consumers at global level. Further, it
has been and reviewed that this form of the openness tend to occurs because of the various
positive relationships taken place from the business as well as from the geopolitics, and
technological form of movement which also tend to support the higher travel, culture, as well as
media transformation (Michie, 2019). It has been seen and reviewed that the as the world is
already tending to be so the globalisation is making and getting it much smaller and assessable
for the companies as they need to understand that what globalisation actual means for the future
and betterment of the doing business. Along with this, reviewing the concept of globalisation and
its befits and drawback are become vita for Companies as they are still not able to embrace
globalization which has included the risk of losing a competitive advantage and tend to allows
other businesses to take over new opportunities in the global marketplace (Globalization Benefits
and Challenges, 2021).
With respect to the information provided by the Ali Rabah, N. and Raouti, R., 2021, it
has been observed that globalisation is leading both advantages as well as drawback for business
organisation. It has been reviewed that the main advantages of the globalisation tend to
comprises of the leading access to the new culture as makes it easier than ever to access foreign
culture, including food, movies, music, and art. Further the key advantages of the globalisation
comprise of the fact that it leads to more freedom for an entrepreneur along with supports
business venture to establish and expand their industry trig having flexible trade in foreign
markets along with expansion of the business venture in abroad. But apart from these benefits
many challenges and issues are also created by the globalisation that tend to comprises of
obstacle in managing the overseas payroll and maintaining compliance with changing
Impact of Globalisation on the Expansion and Growth Level of a Hotel: A Research Project on Hilton Hotel_6

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