
Project Management Plan and Performance Review


Added on  2020-10-04

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Project Management Plan and Performance Review_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSProject management.........................................................................................................................3What is project management and what does it involve?........................................................3Key stages of Project management.........................................................................................3Advantages of using project management..............................................................................3Initiation of project and project planning phase..............................................................................3Scoping a project....................................................................................................................3Steps and documentation required..........................................................................................3Developing the project plan....................................................................................................4Work breakdown structure.....................................................................................................4Use of Gantt charts for effective planning.............................................................................4Project execution phase....................................................................................................................4Methods of Information gathering and data collection..........................................................4Logical argument....................................................................................................................5Second research......................................................................................................................5Qualitative and quantitative research methods.......................................................................5Field work........................................................................................................................................6Selecting a sample..................................................................................................................6Sampling approaches and techniques.....................................................................................6Ethics, reliability and validity..........................................................................................................7Analysing information and data.......................................................................................................7Data collection tools...............................................................................................................7Analytical techniques.............................................................................................................8Communicating outcomes-...................................................................................................11Convincing arguments-........................................................................................................12Critical evaluation and objective analysis- ..........................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14
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Project managementWhat is project management and what does it involve?Project management is a proper process and plan to initiate and accomplish the allottedproject. It is the set of activities that need to produce or manufacture any product or services(Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017). It includes different strategic planning related to the applicationand specifications of project models and approaches that may be applied to overall plan.Key stages of Project managementIt involves number of specific tasks and steps that need to be carried out during each andevery phase of project. For managing a project, managers or other involved personnel need tocritically evaluate all the procedures that inhibits within its each and every phase. The stepswithin a project management plan involves planning, executing, controlling and closing. Theseall steps need to be implemented and developed strategically for smooth management of project(Fleming and Koppelman, 2016). As per the Project Management Institute there are certainconsiderations that a project management plan need to adhere with. The plan initiates withproject conception and initiation and further goes with defining, planning, launching,performance controlling and ends with project closure. Advantages of using project managementUsing a project management plan for any developmental process will deliver highamount of directional paths to process a plan in a systematic way. It devises an advancedplanning to overcome any type of risks (Walker, 2015). It delivers considerable time toaccumulate all type of resources in terms of capitals, equipment and other technological aids tofacilitate overall plan. Initiation of project and project planning phaseScoping a projectThe scope of project involves specifications related to goals, objective and all otherrelated directions that are being performed or involved within a project development plan. Steps and documentation requiredDeveloping a business caseUndergoing for a feasibility studyDeveloping project charterAppointing project team
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Set up project office or headquarterReview the whole planDocumentation required during the initial phase of the project management are agreementsrelated to partnership, property papers, income statements of the company and business portfolio.Developing the project planFor developing a project plan, various measures need to be taken for developing asustainable framework for the plan. There is a requirement to generate effective and suitable timeframe for each and every process. It also involves proper costing exercises and budget planningfor plan execution.Work breakdown structureWBS for any project is the tree structure that used to divide and segregate whole projectinto small sections to clearly identify differences between priorities and least prioritise tasks. Itcan be extremely helpful in managing large projects and for increasing productivity of team andeffectiveness of the designed plan.Use of Gantt charts for effective planningGantt charts are the visual graphs that inhibits start to end date of project phases. It helps tocritically evaluate the progress of projects and other related information. It will help to providethe clarity to overall plan and specify better time management processes. It reduce confusionsamong the employees and team members to effectively execute the designed plans. It helps tobuild better understanding interdependency of tasks relationships and may use for effectiveallocation of resources as well.
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Task ModeTask NameDurationStartFinishPredecessorsAuto ScheduledResearch proposal 2 daysTue 3/26/19Wed 3/27/19Auto ScheduledAims and objectives 4 daysThu 3/28/19Tue 4/2/191Auto Scheduleddrafting literature review 2 daysThu 3/28/19Fri 3/29/191Auto ScheduledResearch methodologies 7 daysWed 4/3/19Thu 4/11/192Auto ScheduledData collection 8 daysMon 4/1/19Wed 4/10/193Auto ScheduledData analysis 5 daysFri 4/12/19Thu 4/18/194Auto ScheduledData interpretation 2 daysFri 4/12/19Mon 4/15/192,4Auto ScheduledFinding and conclusion 1 dayFri 4/19/19Fri 4/19/196Auto ScheduledRecommendations 1 dayTue 4/16/19Tue 4/16/197
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Auto ScheduledExecute the plan 1 dayMon 4/22/19Mon 4/22/198,9Auto ScheduledSubmission 1 dayTue 4/23/19Tue 4/23/1910Project execution phaseMethods of Information gathering and data collectionData collection is a process of collecting information from all relevant sources which areused for finding answers for research problems so that the upcoming outcome can be evaluated.Data collection method can be divided into two main categories which are: primary andsecondary data collection methods. Secondary data is a type of data that has already beenpublished in articles, newspapers, portals, magazines, journals etc. Secondary data is importantto be gathered in a research paper for the reliability and validity of the research paper. Primarydata is a type of data that is gathered for research paper (Pindzo and Radulovic., 2017). It can bedone by various methods. These methods are bifurcated into two main types of methods i.e.qualitative methods and quantitative methods. Quantitative data collection method normallyinvolves mathematical calculations which is gathered by closed ended questions etc. qualitativedata collection methods are those that do not involve numbers. It can be done by open endedquestions, questionnaire, interviews etc. For this research paper qualitative data collectionmethods i.e. questionnaire will be used.Research AimThe impact of Globalization on business activities of small business enterprises: A casestudy of the Marks and SpencerResearch ObjectiveTo determine kinds of globalization which has used by the Marks and Spencer To analyse significance of the globalization in business enterpriseTo identify implication of globalization on business activities of small business enterprisesuch as Marks and Spencer
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