
Impact of Governmental Policy and Police Response to Terrorism


Added on  2023-01-11

22 Pages7180 Words84 Views
Leadership ManagementHealthcare and ResearchPolitical Science
Impact of governmental policy, societal trends and Police response to Terrorism
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Impact of Governmental Policy and Police Response to Terrorism_1

The aim of this essay is to analyse the governmental policies and also the police response in
the particular context of the societal issue of terrorism and counter-terrorism measures. In this
regard, it needs to be said that terrorism had emerged as one of the major wicked problems
that the different nations of the world are facing presently. Thus, UK and other nations are
taking the help of different kinds of measures like enhancing the effectiveness or the
efficiency of their police forces, improvement of law enforcement, community engagement
of police forces and others for the resolution of the problems under discussion here.
Terrorism and its effective resolution had become one of the most important issues for the
police departments of the different nations of the world like UK and others. However, for the
effective resolution of the concerned problems, the police forces and also the national
government of UK would have to address the factors which propel the individuals to resort to
terrorism and other kinds of violent youth crimes. This can be done through the usage of the
methods of community engagement, effective collaboration between the police forces,
military, intelligence departments and others, educating the people, spreading awareness
among the youths and other sections of people and others.
Impact of Governmental Policy and Police Response to Terrorism_2

As opined by Chalk (2017), terrorism is one of the most important wicked problems
that the presently world is facing which is greatly threatening the safety as well as security of
the world. McInnes and Kennedy-Pipe (2017) are of the viewpoint that the ever-increasing
number of terrorist activities like the 9/11 attack and others not only pose a threat to the
different nations by way of destruction of valuable property but also life of many people as
well. More importantly, it is seen that the problem of terrorism have not only stunted the
normal growth or the development of the nations like France, UK and others but also had
become an internal policing issue for these nations as well (Bonelli 2017). This over the years
had adversely affects the process of nation-building. As per Crimemuseum.org (2019), there
are various kinds of terrorism which in the present times have gained a significant amount of
prominence, namely, nationalist terrorism, religious terrorism, domestic terrorism, anarchist
terrorism, left-wing terrorism, right-wing terrorism, special interest terrorism and others. On
the other hand, Cordner (2016) is of the viewpoint that over the years, three major categories
of terrorist or violent activities which over the years had gained prominence are suicide
terrorism, terrorist organisations and the terrorist suicide.
In the face of the ever-increasing number of terrorist activities it is seen that the
different nations are trying to fortify their defence systems like the military, police forces,
intelligence departments and others for dealing with the diverse terrorists and terrorist
activities in an effective manner. Maskaly and Donner (2015) are of the viewpoint that the
security as well as the stability of the different nations are directly related to the strength or
the effectiveness of the defence system that they are using for the security of their nation.
More importantly, UK and other nations of the world are focusing on the improvement of
their police forces for dealing in an effective manner with the problem of terrorism (Cooper
2015). However, it had been seen that over the years the traditional system that the police
Impact of Governmental Policy and Police Response to Terrorism_3

forces have followed for the mitigation of the threat posed by the terrorists and violent
activities have failed to deliver adequate results and this is perhaps one of the major reasons
why new emerging themes are being embraced by the national governments of different
nations not only for the improvement of their defence system but also for the resolution of the
issue under discussion here (Blakemore 2016). The effective usage of the community
engagement, improvement police tactics, representation of people from different sections of
society within the police forces and the resolution of wider social issues is likely to help the
national governments of the diverse nations to mitigate the threat posed by terrorism. This
essay will discuss the impact of governmental policy, societal trends and the role of police
forces in addressing the problem of terrorism.
Terrorism and Youth Violence
According to Menzies (2017), the wicked problem of terrorism can be defined as the
unlawful as well as unjustified usage of intimidation and violence particularly against the
common people or the civilians for the attainment of different kinds of objectives or goals. As
opined by Gibbs (2018), the goals or the objectives which the terrorists or the terrorist
organisations try to attain through the usage of violence or for that matter the different kinds
of terrorist activities can encompass the attainment of some political aspirations, religious
objectives, putting pressure on the national government for the attainment of personal
agendas, revenge and others. Andrade (2016) has noted that violence, fear, destruction and
others are the important tools through which the different terrorist organisations try to attain
of their objectives or goals. Furthermore, these tools are also being used by them for the
disruption of the routine life of the civilians of the diverse nations of the world.
Kalkman and de Waard (2017) are of the viewpoint that another important trend
which is being seen within the process of terrorism is the fact that polarisation had crept into
the concerned framework and the different terrorists are increasingly resorting to the usage of
Impact of Governmental Policy and Police Response to Terrorism_4

it for the attainment of their objectives or goals. As per Schneider (2017), the different
terrorist activities that the world had faced over the years involved methodological and
thorough planning and were not just random acts. For example, as the below given figure
indicates the total number of deaths due to various planned terrorist activities crossed more
than 45,000 within the year 2016 itself-
Figure 1: Number of deaths due to planned terrorist activities in UK over the years
Source: (Crimemuseum.org 2019)
More importantly, it had been seen that although the increase in the number of deaths
the varieties or the kinds of crimes committed by the different terrorist organisations in UK
had also increased in an exponential manner. As a matter of fact, it is seen that the terrorist
activities in UK are no longer related to just bomb blasts and others but even extents to gun
violence, religious violence, crimes related to private citizens and properties and others which
becomes apparent from the below given figure-
Impact of Governmental Policy and Police Response to Terrorism_5

Figure 2: Different kinds of terrorist activities seen within UK presently
Source: (Crimemuseum.org 2019)
As the above figure indicates, a substantial percentage of terrorist activities which are
being presently committed in UK are related to the aspect of religion. Among them, it is seen
that the majority of the terrorist activities are being committed by the Muslims related to the
Islamic faith and this in turn had given rise to the evil of Islamophobia (Schneider 2017). The
resultant effect of this is that the polarisation which had taken place within the framework of
terrorism had enhanced the magnitude of the terrorist activities organised by them. As a
matter of fact, this adversely affects the lives of the common people and the national security
of the different nations of the world as well.
Root causes of terrorism
There are various root causes of the problem of terrorist which in turn propel the
individuals to turn towards the framework of terrorism and thereby indulge in violent
activities. As per Maskaly and Donner (2015), one of the most common factors in this regard
is the inherent weakness of the nations. Bjørgo (2016) supports this viewpoint by stating that
the modern-day nations are required to maintain an effective defence system which will help
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