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MGT212 Course Title: Organizational Management

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organizational behaviour (MGT 212)


Added on  2021-11-16

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She made things clear in the class, and if considerably after t h a t w e f e l t p e r p l e x e d a b o u t a n yt h i n g , s h e k i n d e l y a s s i t o m o r e t e d u s f u r t h e r . Officers of the company r i b

MGT212 Course Title: Organizational Management


organizational behaviour (MGT 212)

   Added on 2021-11-16

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Grameenphone 1

Name ID
Mohammad Labib
Hafsa Nargis 1931169030
Fahima Rahman 1931090030
Arisha Faisal 1931944630
Nowsheen Afroz

Course Title: Organizational Management
Course Code: MGT212
Section: 26
Group: 6
North South University
Prepared For:
Ms. Shabnin Rahman Shorna
Initial: SRS2
Prepared by:
Date of submission: 25 September, 2020
MGT212 Course Title: Organizational Management_1
Grameenphone 2
Bef o r e w e di s cu ss ab ou t o u r p ap er , w e w ou ld fi rstl y l ik e to
ack no wl ed ge o u r gr at eful n es s to w ards a f ew in div id u als w h o h av e b een a
p art o f t his task sin ce its o ri gin . T h e co mp osi tio n o f this un d ert ak in g h as
b een o n e o f th e cr it i cal s chol asti c d i ff i cul ti es w e hav e c on f ro nt e d an d
w it ho ut t h e h el p, per si st ence, an d di r ecti on o f th e in div idu als i n q u est io n,
t his er r an d w oul d n ot hav e b een f i nis h ed . It is t o th em w e ow e ou r mo st
p r o fo un d a pp r e ci atio n .

W e w a nt to t h an k o u r cou r s e ins t ru cto r M s. S h ab nin R ah m an S ho rn a
f o r h er u nmi st ak abl e and p o int b y p oi nt r ul es abo ut how t h e t erm p ap er
o u ght to b e. Sh e mad e th in gs cl ear in th e cl ass , an d i f co ns id er ab l y af t er
t h at w e f elt p erp l ex ed abo ut an yt h i n g, s h e k in dl y as s isted u s fu rt h er . W e
f eel v er y gr at ef u l to her co nt rib ut io n.

Li k ew i s e, w e wo ul d li k e t o sh ow ou r h eart iest gr ati tu d e to t he
co mmi tm en t and co ns t ant as si st an ce o f M r . S yed M asu d M ahmo od , t he
gl o b al L&D p art ner ( Gl ob al Lear n in g an d D ev elo pmen t, P eo pl e an d
O r gan izati on ) at Gr am een ph on e Lt d , w h o assi st ed us i n t h e ass or tm en t o f
as s ess m ent m ater ial an d f u rth erm o r e in i ts h and lin g. Th e t ask is d ev ot ed t o
each o n e of t ho se in di vi du al s, w ho h el p ed u s wh il e un d er t ak in g thi s task .
MGT212 Course Title: Organizational Management_2
Grameenphone 3

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 3
1. Mission Statement ................................................................................................................... 4
2 . Executive Summary ................................................................................................................ 4
3. Officers of the company and Organogram ............................................................................. 5
4. Situation Analysis ................................................................................................................... 6
5. SWOT Analysis .................................................................................................................... 15
6. Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 18
7. Management Issues ........................................................................................................... 23
8. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 25

MGT212 Course Title: Organizational Management_3
Grameenphone 4
1. Mission Statement
T h e mis si on o f G r am eenp ho ne i s t o to h elp th eir cu st om ers get t h e
f u ll b en efi t of b eing co nn ect ed. T h ei r s u ccess i s m easu r ed b y h o w
p ass io nat el y t h ei r cu st om ers p ro mo te th e m . ( G r am een ph on e, n. d. )

2 . Executive Summary
T hi s i s t h e fi nal t erm p ap er on G r am een p ho ne Lt d . G ram een ph on e Lt d.
i s a l ead in g p ro vi der o f t elecomm un i cati on s s er vi ces of Ban gl ad es h an d i s
t h e l ar gest m o bil e t el ecomm un i catio ns o p er ato r i n Ban glad esh in t er ms o f
r ev enu e, co v er age an d su bs cri b er b a se . T h e comp an y o p er at es a di git al
m ob il e t el eco mm un i cati on s n et wo r k b as ed on t h e G SM s t an dar d in bo th
r u r al an d u rb an area s o f Ban gl ad esh .
G r am eenp h on e ’s pur p os e is to con n ect yo u t o wh at m att er s mo st and
e m po w e r s o ci et y b y pr ov id in g t he p ow er o f di git al com mu n i c at io n, e n abl in g
e v e r yo n e t o imp r ov e t h ei r l iv e s, b uild in g so ci e ti es an d s e c u rin g a b et t er
f u tu r e f or all .
G r am eenp h on e ’s vis io n is to emp ow er s o ci et y an d mi ss ion is to h elp
cu st om ers . Th ei r v al u es ar e to b e in sp iri n g, mak e it eas y, be r es p ect fu l, and
k e ep p rom is es .
MGT212 Course Title: Organizational Management_4
Grameenphone 5
3. Officers of the company and Organogram

Board of
Yasir Azman
Chief Executive Officer
Sajjad Hasib
Chief Marketing Officer
KovacevicChief Technology Officer
Syed Tanvir
HusainChief Human Resource Officer
Solaiman Alam
Chief Digital & Strategy Officer
Jens Becker
Chief Financial Officer
Ole Bjorn
SjulstadChief Corporate Affairs Officers
Kazi Mahboob
HassanChief Business Officer
S M Imdadul
HoqueCompany Secretary
MGT212 Course Title: Organizational Management_5
Grameenphone 6

Hierarchy or Bands as referred to in Grameenphone:

T op -l ev el man ag emen t t ea m: CE O & CX O s
B and A )

S eni o r ma na g ement t ea m: Di r ect or s & D epu t y D i r ecto rs
B and B)

Mid - senio r man agemen t t ea m: GM s & D G Ms
B and C )

Mid -l ev el ma na g emen t t ea m: Sp eci al ist s ( or M an agers )
B and D )

En t ry- l ev el man agemen t t ea m: Ex ecut iv es , s eni o r ex ecuti v es , et c.
B and E)

4. Situation Analysis
Internal Factors:
G ram een ph on e h as i ns til led st r on g cu lt ur al v al ues w hi ch in fl u en ce
t h e empl o yees ’ b ehav io r an d act io ns ef f ectiv el y. T h eir ke y v al u es are
i nt en s el y h eld an d w i del y s h ar ed. T h ey h av e st ro n g co nnecti on b etw een
t h ei r s h ar ed v alu es an d b eh av io rs . T he y m o tiv at e and enco u r age t h ei r
em plo yees in a num b er o f wa ys :
T ransp a ren cy w i thi n th e O rgan iza tio n: Si n ce t he l as t few
year s , G r am eenp hon e h as b ro u ght abou t tr ans p ar en cy w i th in
MGT212 Course Title: Organizational Management_6

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