
Group Clinical Situation


Added on  2022-12-22

18 Pages4953 Words1 Views
Disease and DisordersHealthcare and Research
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Group Clinical Situation_1

The assignment would be mainly focusing on the refection of a practice experience that
was discussed in the group clinical supervision session as an important part of the Group clinical
supervision 1 module. It is important to not to breach any form of confidentiality while
undertaking this assignment and also in order to abide by the Nursing and Midwifery council
code of conduct, the names of all the persons as well as the place of the occurrence of the
experience would be kept confidential (Machilies et al. 2017). The aim of the assignment would
be mainly to exhibit the ability of effectively learning from practical experiences through the
procedure of reflection as well as through sharing and exploring the experiences within the
clinical supervision group.
Reflective practices can be described as the procedure of studying of one’s own
experiences for improving the way health professionals work. It is found to be extremely helpful
for those individuals who want to engage themselves in the lifelong learning throughout their
lives. Naughton (2018) is of the opinion that the act of reflection is one of the best ways of
increasing confidence and to become a more proactive as well as a qualified professional. It has
been found that reflection mainly allows the nursing professionals to look at an objective at their
practices so that they can improve the quality of the performance at their work. Effective
reflection can act as a tool for developing an understanding about the strengths and weakness
about the skills and knowledge that a healthcare professional possess enabling an enhancement
in the development areas that are needed to be improved. Chao et al. (2016) had described this
reflective practice as the “Reflective practice is the ability to examine ones actions and
experiences with the outcome of developing their practice and enhancing clinical knowledge”.
Group Clinical Situation_2

Reflective practice has huge number of benefits and one of the most important of them is
the increasing of self awareness. This is indeed one of the key components of emotional
intelligence and help in developing between understandings of the others (Sprangers et al., et al.
2015). Reflective practice helps in developing creative thinking skills and also contributes in
active engagement in the work procedures. Self-awareness is found to be important as a part of
their personal growth of the healthcare professionals helping them to manage self and for
improving their own performances (Soderlund et al. 2016). It helps in setting appropriate and
realistic goals and manages career and personal life stressors successfully. Effective reflection
helps in developing such self-awareness kills which have positive health outcomes on the quality
of the care provided to the patients. This assignment would be using the Kolbe’s model by which
the practical experience that I went through and discussed among the clinical group discussion
would be discussed and reflected.
During my placement, I got an opportunity to care for a dementia patient who was in the
initial stages of dementia. His family was not able to care for him and hence they relied on the
healthcare professionals so as to provide the best care to their family member. I jointed the care
team appointed for Mr. Brown on the fifth day. The nurse who provided me the handover opined
that the patient is very “nagging” and always want a nurse beside him as he feels alone. She also
remarked that it is not always possible to sit by him as it is indeed busy ward and all nurses have
to attend other patients as well.
I asked the patient how he was feeling that day to which he seemed awe-struck which
seemed to me that he was not expecting such good behaviors from the nurses. he asked me “Do
Group Clinical Situation_3

you really care, I am and old man and people even do not care I live or die?. To this, I replied
“dear sir, you are indeed important to us and we would try our best to make you comfortable”.
Another attending nurse told me in my ears that this patient has issues with memory loss and
there is no need to communicate such promises as he would ultimately forget. I did not like such
thinking of the nurse but I did not say anything at that time as I felt that this might create
conflicts in the workplace.
While caring for the patient through the next number of days, I noticed that the patient
used to feel alone in the new environment of the hospital which used to make him feel anxious
and stressed. I also noticed that most of the nursing professionals rarely allocated sufficient
amount of time to care and communicate with him. The main rationale that they provided to me
was that the patient is suffering from dementia and that he would ultimately forget whatever said
or done to him in course of time. Such behaviors are also seen to be affecting the patient and his
health conditions were found to be deteriorating.
One of the nurse in the staff room stated that “Mr. Brown is having language and
communication issues and I believe that it would become worse day by day. Hence, I avoid
communicating much with him and only provide the interventions in short. I was very
disappointed at this approach as I believed that every patient irrespective of their disorders
should never be judged and equal care should be given to all irrespective of their disabilities.
One day, Mr. Brown had become aggressive and shouted on one of the nurse saying,
“You fool! Don’t you have any idea that I don’t like eggs?” To these, he was tagged as rude by
many of the nurses and most of the nurses started avoiding him with the fear that he would
become violent and aggressive to them. I realized that there might be something which was
Group Clinical Situation_4

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