
Human Resource Management Practices Analysis


Added on  2020-02-14

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Human Resource Management Practices Analysis_1

Table of ContentsTask 1...............................................................................................................................................31.1 Explanation on Guest’s model of HRM as applied to the organization....................................31.2 Comparison on the differences between Storey’s definitions of HRM, personnel and IRpractices...........................................................................................................................................41.3 Implications for line managers and employees of developing a strategic approach to HRM...6Task 2...............................................................................................................................................72.1 Explanation on how a model of flexibility might be applied in the organization.....................72.2 Discussion on the types of flexibility that may be developed within the organization.............82.3 Assessment on the use of flexible working practices from both the employee and theemployer perspectives...................................................................................................................102.4 Impact of the changes in the labor market that have had on flexible working practices of theorganization...................................................................................................................................10Task 3.............................................................................................................................................123.1 Evaluation of the different forms of discrimination taking place in the workplace................123.2 Discussion on the implications of equal opportunities legislation for an organization...........133.3 Comparing the approaches to managing equal opportunities and managing diversity in viewof Morrisons...................................................................................................................................14Task 4.............................................................................................................................................154.1 Identifying and comparing the performance management methods used in the organization154.2 Assessment of the approaches used in managing employee welfare in the organization........164.3 Discussion on the implications of health and safety legislation on human resources practices.......................................................................................................................................................174.4 Evaluation of the impact of another topical issue on human resources practices....................17Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................18Reference List................................................................................................................................192
Human Resource Management Practices Analysis_2

Task 1 1.1 Explanation on Guest’s model of HRM as applied to the organization David Guest’s model of HRM has six dimensions. All these dimensions are meant to improvethe HRM practices at an Organization. Applying all these practices to the business objectives andstrategic goals of Morrisons, we get a full view of the HRM practices at Morrisons via the Guestmodel. Morrisons is one of the biggest retail organizations in the UK.HRM strategy- Morrisons did not have a clear-cut HRM department before 2007 and theworkers were managed by a large group of people who acted as the managers. When NormanPickavance joined the company in 2007 he took the initiative to form a separate HRMdepartment (Jiang et al. 2012, p.1270). One of the main HRM problems that Morrisons is facingis regarding its ‘out-of-date’ internal systems. It has to replace those with the new ones.Morrisons made a contract with Oracle to supply Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Itincluded supply chain, finance, logistics, and distribution and so on, but it failed to deliver on itscommitments. It has also been facing a problem of providing systems to all the staff. Theyactually bought previous generation software for its service system and that eventually led to amonolithic condition.Figure 1: Guest Model(Source: Van De Voorde et al. 2012, p.399)3
Human Resource Management Practices Analysis_3

HRM practices- Morrisons has been facing a lot of management issues with its HRMs and theHRM department always get no answers to the queries of the employees. Delay in deliveryprocess and in the management of problems have also come up has a huge problem forMorrisons. However the store managers are efficient and well equipped with different modern ITfacilities. David Potts said: “There is a lot more we plan to do. We will keep investing inbecoming more competitive and improving the shopping trip.”HRM outcomes- The outcomes have not been very good for Morrisons so far but it has beenimproving gradually from 2007 onwards. The chief Executive of Morrisons says that TheBradford-based supermarket chain has reported a rise of 1.6% in like-for-like sales excludingfuel for the 13 weeks to 30 October (Latorre et al. 2016, p.123).Behavior Outcomes- Morrisons is lucky to have a strong net work of different store managerswhose behavior with the customers make a smooth way for different financial and goodstransactions.Performance outcomes- It has employed 5000 new employees to improve the customer servicesystem. During 2016, Morrisons invested over £370m into the customer offer. It cut prices ofkey commodities and everyday items. It is also focusing on ‘Made by Morrisons’ products, suchas fresh quiche and freshly baked Coburg Cob bread and so on.Financial outcomes- Morrisons has cut its prices by 1% during the last quarter in 2016. Totalsales excluding fuel fell 1.2% during the third quarter as a reflection of the impact ofsupermarket closures. It has also reached over 50% of British households. Morrisons has alsoreduced its online losses. 1.2 Comparison on the differences between Storey’s definitions of HRM, personnel and IR practicesHRM is a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitiveadvantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, usingan array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques (Storey, 1995).There are many differences between the definitionsof HRM, personnel and IR practices adoptedby Morrisons in developing itself and achieving competitive advantage.1.Personnel focus on careful decoration of written contracts. On the other hand, HRM triesto go beyond the contract. Morrisons cannot improve its competitive advantage by onlyemployment management itself.4
Human Resource Management Practices Analysis_4

2.HRM department tries to evaluate whether a project can be delivered or not on practicalgrounds. On the contrary personnel only devise clear cut rules. Morrisons has a verycapable workforce but its financial management system has been poor and it wasted a lotof time in buying traditional software systems and managing the organization in amonolithic way. Therefore the HRM department has to look into the deliverability of theprojects (Clinton, M. and Guest, 2013, p.540).3.The definition also highlights on “strategic deployment of a highly committed andcapable workforce” but remains silent on the different ways and steps that are a must inorder to achieve this distinction. Selection is a fully separate task for Personnel. On theother hand, this is an integrated process for HRM. Personnel led management action isbased on procedures. On the other hand, HRM focuses on business need (Barak, 2013,p.143).4.Corporate plan follows Personnel whereas HRM is integrated with strategy. “Using anarray of cultural, structural and personnel techniques” does not ensure competitiveadvantage as the decisions of ERs on CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is one of themajor things in IR relations. This point made by Storey would only be effective when thedecisions of ERs will be practical and there will be a link between the training anddevelopment methods and the requirements.5.Personnel works slower than HRM as far as decision making is concerned and inMorrisons this has been the scenario for a long time.6. Personnel focus on just labor management while HRM focuses on customer.7.Personnel management’s role is transactional; on the other hand HRM focuses ontransformational leadership (Vermeeren et al. 2014, p.180).8.Personnel maintain indirect communication with the leadership. On the other hand,HRM’ communication approach is direct. Personnel believe in fixed grade pay whileHRM believes in performance related pay. Job design is based on division of labor withPersonnel while HRM emphasizes on teamwork. 5
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1.3 Implications for line managers and employees of developing a strategic approach to HRM The implications for the line managers at Morrisons in the development of a strategic approachto HRM are many and those are linked to different development projects of the organization aswell.1.The line managers are actually involved in day-to-day people management. At Morrisonsthe Line managers actually carry forward the designs and plans proposed by theleadership through the ground workers.2.At Morrisons the cost of delivery and transport is huge and the line managers play acrucial role in managing these costs very effectively.3.If the line managers are assisted with the required technologies they can manage differentsituations technically (Cascio, 2015, p.425).4.In the management of different types of work on the ground level, the line managers playa crucial role. They divide and allocate the job properly and also monitor and examine thework process.5.In a retail organization like Morrison, the line managers are often the store managers whodeal with the customers directly and get the feedback of the customers.The implications for the employees at Morrisons in the development of a strategic approach toHRM are the following:1.Effective leaders are always capable of forming and implementing the policies withcommitment.2.Employees at Morrisons are also helpful in developing performance merits (Kramar,2014, p.1080).3.If the HRM department can support the employees at Morrison both technically andfinancially, the productivity and management can be run more smoothly.4.The HRM department and the leadership on top need to take certain welfare schemes andgive certain rewards to the employees at Morrison so that they get encouragement.6
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