
Hand Hygiene Promotion in a Health Care Setting


Added on  2023-01-05

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Topic - HAND hygiene promotion in a health care setting................................................1
Background of research.................................................................................................1
Background of an organisation......................................................................................1
Research aim.................................................................................................................1
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Rationale of research.....................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................4
Concept of hand hygiene promotion..............................................................................4
Various benefits of hand hygiene promotion with in health care setting.......................5
Different issues or problems that are associated with the promotion of hand hygiene
in health care setting......................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................9
CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS......................................................................................13
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations...............................................................29
Chapter 6: Reflection & Alternative research Methodology............................................31
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Topic - Hand hygiene promotion in a health care setting
Background of research
Hand hygiene is way to cleaning hand that minimized the potential pathogens on
hands. It is regarded as primary measure for minimizing transmitting risk infection
between the patients and the heath care personnel’s. It is very important for individual to
maintain proper hand hygiene in order to enhance health care. Promotion of health
hygiene is very important as it is significant for providing importance or significance of
health hygiene for individual. It is very important that individual is focusing on their
health hygiene as well as regularly washing hands. Hand hygiene is considering as one
of the effective way to prevent infection and it play crucial role in overall health of a
person (Alzyood and et. al., 2018.). This support person in not getting infected as well
as prevention of spreading infection for one person to others. This report includes
information regarding various aspects of hand hygiene promotion in a health care
setting. This report includes data collection form different methods and approaches in
order to gather accurate data. Hand hygiene is mainly consisting use of the alcohol
based hand rub is simple and efficient way to be prevent spread of the infections and
pathogens in the healthcare settings. Promoting the better hand hygiene is one of the
powerful tools that the people continue to be leverage to minimize spread of the COVID-
19. With the COVID-19, the transmission spreading among the people by indirect, direct
or the close contact with the infected people through nose secretions and mouth,
washing hands and the running water is necessary.
Background of an organisation
National Health Service (NHS) is publicly funded healthcare system in the England
and this is second largest single payer healthcare system in world after Sistema Único
de Saúde. NHS mainly provides the healthcare to all the legal English residents and
also from the other regions within UK with many of services are free at use point. It
provides majority of the healthcare in the England consisting the in- patient care,
primary care, dentistry and long term healthcare (Arntz and et. al., 2016).
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Research aim
The aim of research mainly expresses aspiration or intention regarding research
study. This mainly summarise in single sentence to attain end of research project. It is
necessary that research aim should be phrased and particular in such a manner that is
possible to be determined when this has to be attained. The aim of research is mainly
developed on the basis of specific research area. The focus of research aim is on long
term outcomes of projects effectively. This can be written in short paragraph or single
The aim of this research is “To determine the importance of hand hygiene
promotion in order to enhance health care setting practices.” Cast study of NHS.
It explains concisely what an investigation is trying to be attained. They mainly
summarise attaining an investigation to doing project and also give proper direction to
study. The research objectives are developed on the basis of research aim. It is
essential that the research objectives may linked with statement of the purpose in study
that does not have hypothesis. Developing the clear and relevant information helps in
providing the positive outcomes (Belela-Anacleto, Peterlini and Pedreira, 2017).
To understand the concept of hand hygiene promotion.
To analyse the various benefits of hand hygiene promotion with in health care
To evaluate different issues or problems that is associated with the promotion of
hand hygiene in health care setting.
The better research questions are necessary to guide research paper and project.
This generally pinpoints what need to attain and provide work clear focus. It is
necessary that all the research questions should be focused on specific issue or
problem. Other than this, research questions are mainly lie at core of the systematic
research and it is recording the relevant research outcomes to asking correct questions.
Asking correct questions when conducting an investigation can assist to gather
insightful and relevant information that influence work ultimately.
What is the concept of hand hygiene promotion?
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What are the various benefits of hand hygiene promotion with in health care
What are different issues or problems that are associated with the promotion of
hand hygiene in health care setting?
Rationale of research
This report will include different elements that are associated with hand hygiene
along with different aspects that are crucial for promotion of hand hygiene. This is very
important and essential for individual to consider hand hygiene as well as enhance
overall health of a person. Good hand hygiene is very important for a person and it will
lead to have direct impact on health or a person. Good hand hygiene is significant for
spreading infection, controlling risk of bacterial mutational and antimicrobial resistance.
This is very effective in order to make or conduct health care practices more
significantly. Promotion of hand hygiene is considering being significant for providing
information about the benefits of regular washing hands as well as its health care
advantages (Boyce, 2017). This is very effective in order to provide information to
individual regarding enhancing health care for individual. Through this researcher is
able to gain information about the advantages of hand hygiene promotion along with
different issues that are associated with this.
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Literature review refers to the survey regarding scholarly sources on particular
subject area. this mainly gives the overview regarding current knowledge that helps in
determining the relevant models and theories in existing investigation. The aim of
literature review is to attaining research objectives in a detailed manner by consisting
secondary sources. In an investigation, researcher use literature as foundation as well
as support for new insight which contribute. Its main focus is to synthesize as well as
summarise arguments along with the ideas without adding any contribution. In
conducting the literature review, there has been a secondary source used for an
instance articles, scholars, journals, internet sources and others. Narrow scope
literature may be considered as part of peer reviewed journal article that presenting the
new investigation, serving to present study (Boyce, 2019). Process of reviewing
literature needs various kinds of the activities as well as thinking ways. Procedure of
reviewing literature is ongoing and also informs several aspects of empirical
investigation project. The literature review is mainly conducted on HAND hygiene
promotion in a health care setting.
Concept of hand hygiene promotion
According to opinion of Patrick Boshell (2020) Hand hygiene is way to cleaning the
one hand that generally reduced the pathogens on hands. Hand hygiene process
consists use of the alcohol based rubs and the hands wash with water and soap.
Alcohol containing preparation that designed to hands to be inactive microorganism and
suppress growth. It is general term that mainly applied to handwashing, surgical hand
antisepsis and the antiseptic hand rub. The better hand hygiene is necessary aspect to
protect an individual from the transmission of infections. This is most effective and
better way to prevent the hospital care related infection rates. In regards to this, failure
to perform better hand hygiene is regarded as leading cause of the healthcare related to
the information s and also spread of the multi resistant organisms. Washing hands with
the water and soap is recommended for the siled hand and it is better way to overcome
of germs in many situations (Pires and et. al., 2017). If water and soap are not available,
then they can use alcohol based hand sanitiser that mainly contains the 60% alcohol.
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Theses sanitizers are better approach to minimize infections spread from one individual
to the other. The infectious disease is mainly continuing to health challenge along with
the economic burden with communities. The hand hygiene education is necessary as
there has been the steady reduction in the hygiene promotion mainly in home. Impact of
the poor hand hygiene habits are related to enhance occurrence of the absences and
the illness related to the costs. Continuous handwashing is better way to remove the
germs, avoid to getting sick and also prevent spread of the germs to other people.
Washing hand in proper manner is better thing to control as well as prevent of several
illnesses. Better hand hygiene will minimize risk about food poisoning, flu and some of
the healthcare related infections which being passed from individual to individual. In the
COVID-19 situation, people are advised to observe the physical distancing and also
better hygiene habits that amidst pandemic. Simple practice regarding handwashing
with water and soap is better way to prevent from the virus and germs (Carter and et.
al., 2016). COVID-19 has emphasised significance of the handwashing with soap to
minimize virus spread. This pandemic situation mainly reinforces significance regarding
handwashing with soap to assure way of preventing the infection from the infectious
disease for an instance common cold, Lassa fever, foodborne disease and some of the
other gastrointestinal disorders. To promote the awareness regarding hand hygiene, it is
necessary to conduct the campaigns to yield the positive outcomes from response of
government to humanitarian space and from the professionals whose duties are to be
overlap in health sector.
Various benefits of hand hygiene promotion with in health care setting
On the basis of Corey Whelan (2020) hygiene promotion may be used to assists
affected people to neglect and also limit extraordinary hygiene risk that developed
through emergency situation as poor sanitation. The main objective of the hygiene
promotion is to assist people to understand as well as develop better hygiene practices
to prevent disease and also promote the positive attitude towards cleanliness. This is
dialogued with the communities regarding hygiene and some other health related issues
to encourage the improve hygiene practices. In regards to this, hygiene promotion
messaged along with the activities mainly addresses the misconceptions and
behaviours that target the all group people. Hand washing before the administering
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medicine can be prevent or reduce disease spread. Main purpose of washing hands is
to be cleansing pathogens hand as well as chemicals which can cause the harm. It is
necessary to rinse hands under the running water at comfortable temperature. The
warm water is not more effective than the cold water at killing germs (Ophardt OP-
Hygiene IP GmbH, 2018). Germs from the unwashed hands can transferred to some
other objects transferred to the hand of other individual. Removing the germs by
handwashing aids in prevent from the respiratory infections and diarrhoea and this
many prevent the eye and skin infections. Campaigning can be helpful in develop
collective and energy and this is helpful in creation of movement of people and the
groups in common cause. Clean hands are helpful in preventing spread of the germs
directly or indirectly by hand to the surface contact. Numbers in the healthcare
environments are more troubling with similar percentage of the employees self-reporting
regarding the hand washing related practices. It is necessary to was the hands after or
before interact with the patients (Conway, 2016). Washing hands is beneficial for person
to stop germs from entering bodies by mouth, eyes and nose. It prevents from the
disease for an instance influenza and diarrhoea. Prevent any disease considerably
communicable disease as well as bacterial infections.
As contrary to this Deborah Weatherspoon (2021) this is easy for the people who
are monitored closely to keep hands clean with the constant reminders. Adults who
mainly caught up with daily basis activities have high tendency to be overlooked hand
washing. Knowing positive impact of the handwashing on life of an individual is better
motivating factor in order to maintain the better hygienic habits. In this, nature of the
several types of the medical process is delicate. This mainly deals with the exposed
passing drugs or internal organs into body. In specific cases, hand washing needs to be
taken on serious basis because harmful bacteria can get into the bodies to cause the
more harm. Better medical facilities have basic facilities for the hand washing
accessible. These are the facilities should mainly use on regular basis through patients,
visitors and doctors. Those facilities are requiring being sanitary and soap dispensers
and some of the other items which require replenishing on regular basis. Efforts
regarding safe working environment consists more thorough and hand rubbing than this
this is expected from some of the staff members.
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