
Harvard Human Resource Management


Added on  2020-10-22

16 Pages5030 Words98 Views
Harvard Human Resource Management_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
Harvard Human Resource Management......................................................................................1
Guest Model.................................................................................................................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4
HR Functions in context t strategic HR initiatives......................................................................4
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
Number of Human Resource Management software programs ..................................................9
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10
Effective leaders characteristics and its effectiveness into considering issues..........................10
Harvard Human Resource Management_2

Human resource management is an effective strategy of organization to manage the
people in the organization. The purpose of Human resource department is to gain advantage in
competitive by focusing on the management of employee with in the company (Hu and Jiang,
2018). The target of HRM is to improve the productivity of firm by improving performance of
individual employee. Toyota motor corporation is a Japanese multinational automobile company
and its headquarter is in Aichi, Japan this report is analysing the approach Human resource
approach to manage the employees in Toyota. The main human resource functions are explained
in study. Different software used by Human Resource department are covered in study and the
benefits from this software are also considered. The recommendations are provided for the
effective leadership in Toyota.
Harvard Human Resource Management
Illustration 1: Harvard human Resources Model
(Source: Human Resource Management Models, 2019)
Harvard Human Resource Management_3

The Harvard frame work for Human resource management to manage the working and
behaviour of employees in organization. Focus of the Harvard frame work is on six components
which are Stake holder interest, Human Resources Management policies, Human Resource
Management out comes, Long term Consequences and situational factors. This frame work is a
cycle that have a unidirectional circular flow. The human resource management in the Toyota is
based on the interest of stake holders.
Stakeholders Interest
The interest of stakeholders is related to the work and profit of company. These
stakeholders are considered as the internal factor that have impact and influence on the policies
of the organization. Stakeholders of the organization are employees, management, company
owner, consumers, government and suppliers. The operations and policies of Human Resource
department are based on the stakeholders. The policies designed are influenced by stakeholders.
Employees with in the organization are the most important for operations of Toyota. Main
function of HRM is to keep employees motivated to get maximum output from them. The main
intension of management and company owner is to get maximum profit from the operation of
company. Customer and suppliers of company are also important for the company. Customers
are the source of profit for company and suppliers provide raw material to keep production
running. These all stake holders are attached from the organization from mutual interest.
Human Resource Management Policies
The department of Human resource make different policies to run the organization. These
policies are important to keep the company functioning. These policies are designed to full fill
the expectation of stakeholders. It is really complex for the Human resource department to meet
the needs of stakeholders. These policies can be individual or correlated to each other. These
policies of HRM are related to different department of organization (Zhang and et. al., 2015).
The purpose of HR policies are to develop better company culture, reflect the company
standards, manage and meet the legal obligation regards to employees and integrate the new staff
members and improve their performance in the lowest cost and shortest time.
Policy Outcomes
The policies have impact on the working and operation of organization. The out comes of
this policy after implementation can be good or bad for stakeholder or company. If the outcomes
of company are positive then they will improve the performance and profit of company. The
Harvard Human Resource Management_4

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